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Everything posted by frank_begbie

  1. Is this any better? http://www.disney.go.com/mickey//news/latest-news/1530-no-esa-for-claimants-who-want-to-appeal Seemingly not!
  2. "Welcome to the Gravy Train, all aboard!"
  3. That's what I thought. Its over 3 weeks since I sent my appeal in. I'll give them a ring next week if I don't hear anything.
  4. Not had an ESA payment since the 24th of Jan. I know it will be back dated, but you still have to live in the meanwhile.
  5. Its an absolute minefield today when you sign on. I learned through being honest it just doesn't pay you. Just do as they ask as far as applying for jobs are concerned, even though it may seem pointless. (jobs not suitable or whatever) They are not interested if you are applying for 100 jobs per week, if you don't apply for the jobs they give to you, they will stop your benefit. Best of luck with the appeal.
  6. Had my medical and surprise I got no points so appealed and am now waiting for the Decision Maker. Since sending in appeal and sick note, I got a letter on the 7th Feb, telling me they had received my appeal and it was now being sent to the Decision Maker. I've decided to give it until after this weekend to see if my ESA starts up again. Can't remember how long it took the last time I appealed. They must think you can live on fresh air.
  7. "It is an advert for work experience with a guaranteed job interview at the end of it as part of a Government-led work experience scheme.
  8. "When Conservative backbench MP Philip Davies suggested [last year that] disabled people should work for less than the national minimum wage, he was castigated, but it now appears to be government policy." I know, lets get all the people on benefit working for nothing...that'll get the country back on its feet again.
  9. Just noticed its for nights! This is where you need strong unions.
  10. Well, if things turn out as bad as we think, what alternative do we have? Send in your appeal and claim JSA while you wait for the decision. You can't survive for long otherwise. As if people aren't worried enough:x
  11. Well, they HAVE to have some kind of time limit on the Decision Maker, otherwise as I say, you could be waiting for months before you know if you have to go on to appeal or not. Only had a quick look through, but that's the obvious one for me.
  12. Exactly. If they can make it look hopeless for you to appeal, the new legislation will have done its job.
  13. There is currently no time limit for the Department to complete the reconsideration of a decision. Decisions made and reconsidered by Decision Makers can vary considerably in complexity so this activity is not considered suitable for a generic time limit. There you are then. You can just live on fresh air while you wait. WTF?
  14. So am I right in thinking if this gets through the Commons...thousands of people in the process of appealing, could be left in a kind of limbo with no money, while waiting for the decision on whether to change the review? So the decision maker gets your appeal form on his desk and says...."Mmmm, let me take a long look at this before I come to any rash conclusions....just file this under pending!"....Next!
  15. No mention made of the thousands of appeals being made on a continuous merry go round. How much time and money, does that take up? You have your "medical" then you appeal, then you fail your appeal, so claim ESA again, and on and on it goes. What was that film? Ground Hog Day:roll: I'm on my second one now. This will be my last thank God, as I can soon move onto Pension Credit
  16. Take no chances, follow this advice and you won't go far wrong. Even if they don't admit it, they have quotas to fill and I'm afraid its either your benefit or their job that's on the line now.
  17. So the Benefit Advisors I describe don't exist? Tell that to the countless thousands of claimants that have had their benefit suspended.
  18. Exactly what I told him. Take no chances with them. I had my benefit suspended for almost 6 months for not applying for a job that was out of town, working for less money and would have meant me actually losing money when I had the chance of another job on my doorstep, and for more money. Instead of the Advisor being reasonable and seeing my point of view about the money, he reported it to the Decision Maker. He later told me he was just a monkey following orders. I learned my lesson after that. Tell them nothing if you can avoid it, you could be making a big mistake.
  19. The people at the Jobcentre are like a pack of Hyenas just waiting for the weakest of the claimants to stumble, and they'll be on you in a flash. Do as they ask and give them no excuse for suspending your benefit. What makes perfect sense to you and I, makes none to them.
  20. Yes, the firms will save money on wages, but how will the government save money if they're still paying benefit?
  21. I don't get it. How is it going to save money if your working for your benefit?
  22. Its always worth claiming, even if its only 10p a week, as receiving benefit also entitles you to other things like free dental treatment, eye care, free dinners for your kids, amongst other things. So when you look at it that way, you could be missing out on a lot of money in real terms.
  23. Yes, they're quick to send out the form, but it looks like the waiting time for the actual medical is going longer and longer. I'm wondering if things are that clogged up, that they're thinking, why have the medical at all, when they know what will happen, (just another appeal), taking up even more time and money.
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