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Everything posted by frank_begbie

  1. Totally agree. Unfortunately the majority of people only get upset when things start to affect them personally.
  2. Don't remember seeing this in the Manifesto? The credit crunch, downturn in the economy, call it what you will, is one hell of an excuse for all we are seeing at the moment with the promise of more to come. Makes you wonder.
  3. The government and the media have arranged for a scapegoat to be blamed for the countrys troubles, (the unemployed ans the disabled). If only the tax avoiding rich got the same attention. While the rest of the country blame this group of unfortunates, the government get away with getting the blame they deserve.
  4. A race to the bottom in all but name. Anyone heard anything about MPs pensions being cut?
  5. Seems to be a few things going missing lately:roll: Another way of cutting the waiting lists?
  6. Got my Duplicate sick note today:-) I'll be sending it in by recorded delivery first thing in the morning. Surely they can't "lose" this one.
  7. It seems a bit strange but there's method in the madness. They're just getting ready for all the civil unrest thats coming.
  8. Hello cool. I think we should be ok as far as getting the notes we need to get the benefit owed to us. If its a Duplicate, its already been issued, so its really just a matter of just printing it out again. Then sending it in to the DWP. Recorded delivery of course. Meanwhile I can live on fresh air.
  9. Its a sneaky shambolic way to do things, but ultimately the government are getting what they want, one way or the other. Cut public spending at all costs. "When Conservative backbench MP Philip Davies suggested [last year that] disabled people should work for less than the national minimum wage, he was castigated, but it now appears to be government policy."
  10. All protesters are terrorists against the government. We cannot allow people to demonstrate...who knows where it could lead? These people must be stopped before they can corrupt the rest of the population.
  11. Much easier to read when you leave spaces. I'm going through a similar situation at present. Not been paid since 17th April. Phoned up when my benefit was not paid into my account. They told me I wasn't covered as my sick note had run out and would need another one. Was using my Brothers phone so could not check up on this. Checked the date of my last sick note (it also included my appeal) , it was for 23 Dec to July 23rd, so obviously I'm covered. Phoned again, (they did not get the note) I have my suspicions that appeals are going missing to try and cut waiting list back logs. I've since sent in a new sick note along with photo copies of the previous note, but its no good, they need another note to cover the period 17th April to July. Last call I made the person said if you see your Doctor just ask her for a (Duplicate) of the note she gave me in January...it was for Dec to July. So now I have to make appointment to see my Doctor next week, and ask for the duplicate and hope she gives me one. I'll be going onto Pension Credit on July 6th. If I'd have known all the trouble and stress was going to happen I would have gone on the JSA for a few weeks to avoid it.
  12. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/9286323/Welfare-to-work-fraud-scandal.html
  13. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/9286323/Welfare-to-work-fraud-scandal.html
  14. How low can they go. Its just another way to trap you, so they can stop your benefit and save a bit of money.
  15. Sometimes its worth claiming even if you only end up with a few pence, as it entitles you to other things. If in doubt claim it.
  16. Its just like all those payment protection insurance claims I keep hearing adverts for on the radio. Abloluteley no need to employ a firm when, you can do it yourself for free. Plenty of people fall for it though.
  17. I've finally figured what must have happened. I sent in a sick note covering the period 10-1-2012 to 10- 4- 2012, (3 months). I was appealing at the same time, so had to send in another note, and that covered the period 23-1-12 to 23-7-12. So they are just going off the first note and not the second. To my mind I'm covered until July. In theory I should be able to clear this up. Not holding my breath though.
  18. I did take responsibility by making a copy of the note, which as I said, doesn't run out till July. I will be sending a copy of the photograph of said note along with my appeal.
  19. Briefly as possible. My ESA didn't go into my account on the 18th of last month. Gave them a ring and was told my note had run out. Because I was using my Brothers phone I didn't have the facts before me to tell him he was wrong, so had to accept what he was telling me was true. Checked when I got home that the note I sent into them was for 6 months and didn't run out until the 26th of July. I will be sending a new sick note in tomorrow for 3 months, also I plan to appeal. With having to make an appointment to get the note it wasn't till the 3rd of may that I got the note, dated 3rd of May, so will have a space in my claim. My argument will be that if the note ran out before the 6 months were up, they should have informed me.
  20. The more you read, the more sinister and frightening it all seems to me. Too many people are fooled by the rhetoric.
  21. “Is it a kindness to stick people in some factory where they are not doing any work at all? Just making cups of coffee?” I presume IDS is talking about The House of Commons?
  22. Its yet another example of government providing the private sector with a gravy train while destroying the public sector. All payed for by us the taxpayer. So the providers are at best doing the same job, but its costing more money. Exactly the opposite of what we were promised.
  23. Here's an idea, if you feel a bit guilty about reporting her, why not send her a letter saying you know all about the fiddling she is doing and if she doesn't stop you will report her. That gives her the chance to stop of her own free will, and she will have to take the consequenses if she takes no notice of your warning. Obviously you type the letter so she doesn't know who sent it by the hand writing.
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