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Everything posted by frank_begbie

  1. Well it suited the government of the time to get people off the unemployment figures as they were going through the roof. The big difference is we had the money from North Sea Oil to pay for it all. We still manage to find enough to pay for all the pensions for the MPs though.
  2. When all said and done, the government have just moved the goal posts so they can get more people off benefit.
  3. Take no notice of him...he's obviously a government mouthpiece, or at best a WUM (wind up merchant) Forums are full of these people unfortunately.
  4. It was just mentioned on Radio 4. According to ATOS, 90% of their customers are satisfied with the service. Surely they mean dissatisfied?
  5. It won't matter who is in power, the welfare state will be dismantled. If you look back in recent history all parties have made cuts to the welfare state. The big difference today is, they have a great excuse to make the cuts they really want to. "We have to make cuts to get the economy back on track" They're getting away with murder, and the majority of people are just accepting it. Once its gone it won't come back. People need to wake up and see the big picture, before its too late.
  6. Sounds far fetched, but just give it time. People are already accepting the cuts without batting an eye. When the time comes for the big one, it won't be that much of a shock. This is just a softening up process. A rehearsal if you like.
  7. Good news indeed. But this is yet another example of lying sneaky governments trying every trick in the book to get their doctrine through. Undoubtably there will be countless claimants having to go onto JSA because their doctor has done what he though was right. Never mind the consequenses, as long as they are saving money, everything is great.
  8. If people still believe there will be such a thing as the welfare state in a few years time must be living in a dream world. Governments around the world are taking full advantage of the 'credit crunch' and slashing the welfare bill into oblivion. I predict there will be no such thing as a disabled person in this country in ten years time, possibly less.
  9. After seeing the inter-departmental correspondence Timms told the Guardian that the emails appeared to show Grayling's answer was wrong, adding that the government was "ignoring the needs of disabled people". "Many people are finding they have to appeal against wrong decisions on their disability benefits. With cuts to legal aid, it will be harder in future for them to get help. Now DWP ministers are stopping people even from seeing a video that might help them, produced by the Ministry of Justice. They also appear to have given an incorrect answer to my parliamentary question. This looks like a department that is losing its grip and ignoring the needs of disabled people." http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2012/jul/31/minister-accused-video-disability-claimants
  10. Surely they would be able to apply for a grant for one of those grabbers the council litter pickers are so fond of using? Just think of the options that would open up for them then. The dole queue's would be slashed at a stroke.
  11. You have to think about the long term plan here. Keep moving the goalposts until EVERYONE is off benefits!
  12. Most people on the forum don't need to see programmes like this. A blind man can see what's going on here. The government give Atos a massive contract to lower the welfare bill and lo and behold they lower it. In order to keep said contract, they have to do the governments bidding. So that's what they will continue to do. There's no way anyone will stop it, there's too much money involved.
  13. http://lbc.audioagain.com/?action=howmuch The hell with that!
  14. But that money doesn't really exist, its just invented by The Bank of England. They don't even have to print it these days. Just type the figures into a computer. "How much do you want?" "Err, can you manage 500 billion?" "Certainly Sir...there you go" "Thanks" "Next!"
  15. Right, so that's how they get around it? Might have known. Responding to machines and listening to classical music is classed as getting through.
  16. I must have rang them about 20 times over the last 12 months and every single time it was engaged. I've mostly hung on, and every time it was for about 20 minutes. Also the 0845 number is there to discourage people from phoning. If it was a free service they would be swamped.
  17. Of course, it was started in the 80s. A very convenient place to hide the masses of unemployed people created by the government of the day. The difference between then and now is, we had North Sea oil to pay for it all, but now we're skint.
  18. The bottom line is all about saving money. All the bull sh!t about helping disabled people getting back into work. And how work is good for you and people shouldn't been thrown on the scrap heap just because they are disabled, is just a cover. They make it sound as if the government are doing us all a favour by putting us through all this mysery and stress. Not to mention the loss of benefit. "You'll be much better off in work!" I wonder if the Daily Mail will have headline about the programme on Tuesday morning?
  19. RealName. Unfortunately you seem to be falling into the same trap that countless other job seekers have, in that you have rights. You are just a number and "numbers" have no rights, only functions. Your function is to fill quotas, for the Advisors. Your function is to either get a job, or they stop your benefit for at least 2 weeks, in either case they get a nice + mark in their exercise books when they show it to Teacher, and a good report at the end of term. You can try, and I wish you the best of luck, (suppose youi have nothing to lose), but I would be amazed if they overturn the decision to sanction you. Its all about saving money and if it isn't you it will be someone else. Everyone has to take his or her turn in this cruel game.
  20. Just stumbled upon this in the Guardian. Proof, if any were needed, what we always suspected. Atos assessors told to keep disability benefit approvals low, film suggests http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2012/jul/27/disability-benefit-assessors-film
  21. You quickly have to realize that you are just another tick in their good deeds account, the more ticks they get the safer their job is. Just think of them as Gestapo interrogators. The less you tell them the better. On no account tell them the truth, unless its to your advantage.
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