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Everything posted by Zubair2.2

  1. Try out avast free antivirus. Fast, effecive and does not slow down your comptuer
  2. I'm not a huge fan of Virgin, they never seem to give a reliable connection in my area. + They are very harsh on limits.
  3. T'is a shame that BT aren't goign Fibre optic in the London area, those 'wise' people over there think its the best to start doing it in Cornwall.
  4. I would try out Google Chrome if I were you, it's fast and simple to use. And it could also be that you're trying to use the internet at peak times .
  5. Either format your hard drive or download and install the best free antivirus : AVAST.
  6. You need to enable hidden admin account on windows. Google: enable hidden admin accoutn windows
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