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Everything posted by stuggling

  1. they have responded this morning saying that because they have paid the company already that they can not issue a refund and the company refuse to refund them so only went to the insurance last week! More then 2 months from the cancellation!! bank are still saying no to helping
  2. I shall send an email now thank you I’ve looked into the other benefits etc universal credit is paid in arrears as this month my partner earned £1600 on 9th but in June will only get £900 pcm till September we won’t see any help till July. thank you for your help
  3. That’s the thing when they sent the trip information to us we got no breakdown of what is what for the money we just assumed it all went to pgl
  4. Would I get all my money back as the school are saying it may only it partial repayment
  5. It was Definitely via my debit card, I’ve tried to get hold of parent pay in several occasions, can only email them and no response, the reviews are saying that they don’t respond and are not issuing refunds probably. i understand the pandemic is causing back log etc but I had an holiday in October and already that’s been sorted, the holiday in April was sorted, I know it’s a lot more for the school but we get no update other then it’s with the insurance
  6. I paid to parent pay by card I have tried going through my bank but They have said no due to parent pays terms and conditions, this is the banks response
  7. Thank you, it’s an Academy school would this make it any difference
  8. I understand with the current pandemic that it’s taking longer then normal. the trip cost £465 paid through parent pay, it was due to take place on 28th March 2020. we got the standard email saying the going for refund and also may not get the full amount returned. I have requested an update as the money is a lot to us at the moment (it’s a lot to most people), latest update is they waiting to hear from insurance. And again may not get the full amount. I have tried to go through the bank but they said they can not help as we paid through parent pay, who I believe most people are struggling with to get money from there accounts. any advice as to how I can get this money back ASAP as it’s really needed at the moment. Thank you
  9. I was signed off sick for 2 weeks, but then handed my notice in 3 days in to the sick note, I gave one weeks notice. Today I got my wage slip and just had sick pay of £32.42 i called to find out why they said as my contract is only 3 days a weeks thats all im entitled to, i then asked the last time i actually worked my contract (for about 8 months ive worked 5 days a week) they said it does not matter. I then questioned why my notice was not sorted and my P45 issued with the holiday pay that I'm owed, they said my note said that my notice said my one week will start after my sick notice ends, which it does not! i only put the basic in saying that i hearby give one weeks notice in (had to give a reason) and the date. I was signed off from 19/02/2020 till 2/3/20 i handed in my notice on the 21/2/20, when i gave in my notice it, i was made to sing a document stating the reason as to why i wanted to leave, this was due to family reasons, and i also said i was not returning to work and using my sick note as my one weeks notice. but they are still refusing to sort! any ideas please
  10. Ok I’ll get them on to it we know who the claimant was, in holding can be sorted ASAP
  11. I’m not 100% sure, sorry I should have said the house is in process of selling, i just got call to say they needed the reference to the ccj my parents paid it off but none of us can find the details as it was years ago, I’ll try land registers to get the details I got the reference number charge is still showing, but called the court and they can’t find it, (I presume, with being over 6 years it’s gone) but it is paid off, but yet the charge is still there?
  12. The ccj was defaulted on to the family home, but was paid off. all I know is that the solicitors are asking for information about the ccj as I presume the charge is not off the house, I’m just wondering if there is any way of getting any information in regards to the old ccj
  13. It was put in my mums name as she was a guarantor for the flat, and I’m told a charge was put on house, the solicitors are asking for the ccj reference but we have nothing
  14. I had a CCJ from over 10 years ago paid off, it was at my parents address, a charge was put on the house, but had been paid off, my parents have since sold the house, but now we need to find the information about the ccj as it still shows on the house , I can not find any information about the ccj as it was paid off years ago, any help please
  15. I work as mobile supervisor and been with the company for just over 3 months, it is a 0 hour contract, but we were assured 52 hours a week minimum, which on average is what I have been doing. I had a weeks holiday and noticed that I had no shifts upon return, so contacted the office to be told nothing available, so I asked why as they had taken on 3 other people since me and they all had shifts, but just told to attend a meeting. Attended meeting, and was told being took over mobile and placed a site due to 2 errors that they can not prove were mine and that I have made clear are not my errors! and that I've always asked if any issues on my shifts and always had no issues all was good, but with the other guards taken on, one is always calling in sick, one is always making mistakes with his duties. I explained that with the errors they claim I have done, would be impossible as the site needs to be done a certain way or you can't leave it, and the other one, I was not trained on myself and had to train one of the new staff on, and explained to them, that I was unsure of the site but would do my best, and they have thrown these both at me and will not leat me have a say. I do suffer from depression and aniexty and the job was my relief my therapy and helping me think clearly and more on track, and when I explained this to them, they then said I was a risk and thats it no more mobile work and being placed on a site, I know they do not have any site work available as I've seen guards begging for work after being taken on, my only issue is now I will have to claim unverisal credit as will have no wages for a week, Im now having to see a counsellor over my mental health. I have put in a grievance, and will await a response but I feel that they just forgot to put me on the rota and realised there mistake when I contacted them for duties and that they had too many staff, and are now pushing me out, knowing that I can not quite due to sanctions and my mental health. My partner works but only part-time so my wage is important to us.
  16. deffo taking advantage of me, but i'm looking for other work need something with set hours, was offered it at another side and said yes, but my manager at contract job said no as i need them here for cover, but i was eager for the other one, and i tried to make it clear would be better for me, my area manager then said that i had sent a message to my contracted manager to say i didn't want it but i proof of other stating i do. I'm upset as I feel as i was taken advantage of due to the situation at the time of taking employment. thanks for the advice guys, hopefully new job soon.
  17. i started over a year ago with the company and i was told not entitled to holiday pay as casual and 0 hours, so got not holiday pay at all, recently had someone i know who use to work at a union and they asked about my job and i told them everything and they said no you're entitled to holiday pay they showed me how to work it out and turns out I'm owed £300, told my manager who informed wages, had half my payment. rest next week. But I'm wondering if i can get last years holiday pay owed to me as it works out at £100 owed? also When I started a few days later i received a message of someone who I had not heard of in a long time, asking if I had started working for them, I asked how they know, and they said they had a call from someone at the company asking about me! but yet no one knew i was working for this company that knew this person, (this person use to work for the company many years ago) I've mentioned it to my manager who told me to ignore it, I kind of have but it really plays on my mind wondering what else is said to this person as we do not communicate, or to anyone else. Since I raised my holiday entitlement Ive since been told that my Sunday shifts are voluntary and that should not be taken into account, (I mainly work Sundays as no other shifts during week, so no wages if I don't), Ive been told my hair needs to be different in how I put it up (never had issues before) been made to feel guilty if don't take overtime, not had an expenses traveling to other shops like i was told at start i would but then they took it away as they found out I drive, I've had £271 in expenses for parking alone and bus tickets, this would never have occurred as my contracted place is just around the corner.
  18. I work casual hours, and my partner claims income support to top up the wages, some weeks I don't work. Over the last 12 weeks I've worked out that my average wage is £40.15, I did this by adding all my wages together and dividing by 12, hopefully this is right. I have sent my wage slips in. We are told that only entitled to £42.20 a week, we went on turntous and this told us we should get £53.45 per week, but have been told this is wrong as they only disregard the first £10 for couples, but we were told £20 last time as my partner is a carer, any ideas please i'm lost and looked it up and told loads of different things, and they just saying its £42.20, and to top it off they suspended it as they didn't request the wage slips an forgot to ask for them (even though we send them every 6 weeks)
  19. ok thank you, ive sent it all off to the council hopefully answers soon, ive never seen one on a house before! been looking at houses while out and about and nothing! just not looking forward to the landlords response now looking for a new home. Thanks guys
  20. They left the instructions in the box and has mass installation on them it’s wired to my electric! And it’s no good my partner on EE. And lost signal! Went from full bars to 1.
  21. Sorry my spelling not perfect! I’ve turned the electric off to the loft ! Landlord refuses to respond to any of my questions. Council have been involved before but we got told last time he would kick us out! I’m gonna contact council in Monday and hopefully sort it ASAP
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