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Everything posted by totiesquoties

  1. hi night owl, glad you now clearer on my post, you make me laugh on some of your posts, good name you have too:lol:
  2. hi courageandstrength, so glad to read your new post, and you will find the strength to see you through all this, there are people out there that can help, as listed on all the posts here, and i personally will also say a prayer for you and your children, you are not on your own now, cag are here to help all we can, god bless you, luv totiesquoties.xxx
  3. glad the bono ono solicitor will go with you, litigant in person is all well and good, but you need a solicitor there with you, as these people can run rings round you, with their solicitors and barristers, even when you know you are right, also another important point, have you let the court know your income and expenditure, if not send this straight away to them, this will prove you are not a millionaire like the other defendants, and explain also even the cost to go has been hard for you to find the monies, if you do this, they will plainly see you could not afford to pay these libel costs, i have been a litigant in person for someone else, and when they have a barrister of the 7th bar, would never do it that way again. i do hope some of this helps. good luck totiesquoties.
  4. hi wino, hello to you for this morning or afternoon when you read this, you are so cute. luv totiesquoties.
  5. hi sjd208, you say you know the when and who but do not know the what from your daughter who was at the questioning, why did they not tell your daughter the "what"? if you are accused of anything, you have the fundamental right to know all the facts and what it is you are accused of, this may come under human resources, have a look on this cag website under that heading, or google human resources, i think anyone would want to know this, unfortunately whether it is your sister or not, if you are being accused you need to know, shingles can be caused through stress, and can be extremely painful, depending on the severity of it, as i nursed someone with this once, see also if all your friends and colleagues at this charity voluntary organisation will stand by you, as this could happen to anyone there, as they say there is power in numbers, ask each and every one of them, and all go in together if you can, to speak to someone about this, or speak to the top person in the charity, wherever they are based, hope this helps. totiesquoties.
  6. thanks for making clearer, does the claimant know you only work part time, and you are not a millionaire? also is the pro bono soliciitor able to go to court with you at all? at the end of it all you can only pay what you can afford, at the worst case senario, i feel for you, and understand you have done a lot of good work too on this forum, over the years, and you have got into this awful situation you find yourself in, try not to stress too much, things have a way of sorting themselves out, if i can think of anything to help i will post again, all the best totiesquoties.
  7. hi vjohn82, just read this thread, first can i say when you take someone to court for this kind of monies you need to know the defendant has some monies to pay it to you, or how on earth are you ever going to pay it the amount you are being sued for, are you a millionaire, or am i missing something, also are you being represented, do you have house insurance which covers legal cover, it would not cover for this amount, but if you do have, have you spoken to the insurance company, can you get no win no fee solicitor, or even a barrister, it just does not add up where you are going to get the monies they are sueing you for to pay them, if you could perhaps clarify some of the above, as it does not make any sense to me at the minute, and i am trying to help, best totiesquoties.
  8. Last Post scrambled=Salt Stop hope that is clearer to you night owl
  9. HI CURIOUSX, we had this with another company a few years ago, and it was for someone else not us, we rang our telephone provider, and explained to them, they then informed the company concerned and we did not have any further telephone calls from them, we rang the company first and they still kept ringing, but the telephone provider of ours sorted out for us. all the best , hope this helps, totiesquoties.
  10. File a police report if you are in any way threatened with violence, also do they have a licence to trade, report this also to the police if they do not, also see www.nationaldebtline.co.uk and their telephone number is free, and their opening hours are on there, they advise free on all debt matters, also you are not worthless, you are in fact a very important person, because you matter, and do not ever forget that, you have simply got into financial hardship, tell national debtline you also are running out of monies and can they advise what to do, there are also soup kitchens, i do hope this helps, and god bless you, totiesquoties.
  11. it is beautiful here too, raining all day and night, but then i luv the rain:|
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