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Everything posted by Durkin

  1. Hi Folks, What do y'all think about the fact that the Supreme Court bottled out from reporting and commenting on our submissions that the Edinburgh judges acted unlawfully when deleting and editing facts in favour of the perpetrator? Can you smell anything fishy? House prices are going up again. There are plenty of folk with wrongful defaults and I imagine the justices have friends in the banking industry.. For those of you new to the case, I DIDN'T even buy the laptop! It was a fraudulently processed account that has been allowed to persist even at the Supreme Court level. The Crown Office will soon be approached on that matter and that of extortion. (Possibly perverting the course of justice too) It's pretty frustrating to find that after all my efforts ( I've done nothing wrong seemingly). the main point has been completely missed and justice has failed. Thanks for the support. Cheers, Richard.
  2. Thanks Robert, I don't think that I won. Edinburgh judges seemed to ensure that I'd never win. The major point in my case; the whole reason for bringing it; has effectively fallen on deaf ears. A bank, preventing someone from setting up a family home in a rising market, should be made to pay the difference in cost. It is only fair. (The banker responsible should also be jailed) Rico
  3. Thanks for the support everyone. I'm trying to push for a defamation claim now but it seems that it would cost too much. British justice has failed, particularly in Scotland. Rico.
  4. The case itself was brought about ONLY because the default prevented me buying a family home. The case WAS the evidence supported by HFCs letter threatening that I wouldn't be able to get a mortgage and much more. Ignored by UKs top judges and justices. I'm gutted. The whole 0% thing is a joke. 0% means you don't pay interest. I tried and failed to explain this to the UKs greatest legal minds. The bank, of course, confused the issue. I'd been given the impression that the Supreme Court would find a way to deliver justice. A good result for the consumer but still a shocker for UK justice. Thanks for all your support. Rico.
  5. Thanks Paul, I'm only facing bankruptcy if I lose (You can't believe everything you read in the papers!). I've been very lucky to have charitable help without which, society would have left us all to rot. We're hopeful for a ruling that will put an end to wrongful defaults annihilating lifestyles. I'll have 5 other creditors to deal with if the ruling is favourable. They've the potential to prolong the misery for another 3 years. All because of the original wrongful default and associated crime. Cheers, Richard.
  6. Hi Folks, Government will doubtless be obliged to act once the Supreme Court has ruled but to help get the message home that banks should not be allowed to screw us at will, please consider signing this petition. http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/59291 Cheers, Rico.
  7. A bit of a coincidence. http://services.parliament.uk/bills/2013-14/consumerrights.html
  8. New government petition to tie in with Supreme Court showdown. Please show your support. http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/59291
  9. New government petition to tie in with Supreme Court showdown. Please show your support. http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/59291
  10. Thanks DB. Remember though I'm not the Defender. I'm bringing the bank to court in the pursuit of justice. Hasn't been easy and in my opinion, they're just perverting the course of justice. You're spot on about how I feel. I am a surveyor. I must rely on others to deliver justice. Cheers, Richard.
  11. WTF is probably the most widely used acronym for this whole case. However, the theory is that justice will be better served by straightening out Section 75 knowing that Section 56 would have done the job. We still expect justice will be done. Just a little more long winded. Richard
  12. Hi Folks, News just in last night that the Supreme Court have ruled by majority that they're not willing to consider the Section 56 argument. Although it fits perfectly with the condescendence, facts and evidence, previous counsel did not put enough emphasis on it. This clears the path for the court to sort out Section 75 for the benefit of all of us. The fact that 2 of the justices were willing to consider Section 56 bodes well as that would have blown HFC clean out of the water. Cheers, Richard
  13. That's beautiful Sam. Thanks very much. I just hope the Supreme Court does the right thing. Richard.
  14. Latest Guardian article. http://www.theguardian.com/law/2014/jan/09/legal-battle-laptop-uk-supreme-court
  15. Here's the latest drivel from the criminals. Crying because they'll be prejudiced and already trying to blame it all on an employee rather than take responsibility from the top.
  16. Thanks DB. Andrew simply read the facts and applied his knowledge. I have mentioned fraud from the outset and it has actually been mentioned in both lower courts as well as being written into the condescendence. (Just not written as an official legal argument, apparently). Well, this time, it's written. The Edinburgh judges could have found a way to rule in my favour, as the sheriff did. They chose not to. Outrageous. I wonder if they'll be investigated. Happy 2014. Richard
  17. Hi CB, Criminal proceedings will depend on the Procurator Fiscal, following the ruling. It needs to happen if the criminal bankers are ever to be stopped. Hopefully, we'll finally be awarded true reparation that will allow us to set up a family home and plan foir the future. Happy 2014. Richard.
  18. Happy New Year Folks, Written case attached for Jan 28th. HFC being earmarked as criminals to boot. Let's hope a few of them, including those that have tried to resign themselves out of trouble, will finally be jailed. Cheers, Richard. [ATTACH]48393[/ATTACH]
  19. Speak to someone at the bank, ideally in person, to sort this out for you, before it's too late. Good luck. Richard.
  20. Yes Flex, In response to your PM, I'm taking HFC to the Supreme Court next year. I'm surprised I'm still alive with the amount of stress I've had to deal with. I think it's a good sign that they've asked for a breakdown. Just write what you feel even if it's 1 hour per e-mail. Be sure to add hours for compiling the breakdown! Remember that there are still plenty of lawyers that don't bother with breakdowns yet charge a fortune. A 5 minute call for example can be put in as hour possibly as you've had to prepare for what you're going to say? Others on here, for sure, are experienced at this and can advise. It seems though that Experian just need something for their records and they'll not have too much problem compensating you. Don't spend too long worrying about this. Stress is bad. It seems like things are going your way though. Well done. Cheers, Richard.
  21. Hi Flex, It seems SP aren't willing to remove the default. If that's so, it's a disgrace. A lot's changed since I got shafted by HFC back in the 90s. Particularly since the coalition arrived. I'd go and see your MP and get an update on the latest political thinking behind companies like SP maliciously annihilating folks lifestyles. FOS and ICO are a complete waste of space and I doubt that they'd be able to improve on anything that Experian can offer. I reckon you should stipulate a figure for the "time and effort" part. Perhaps think of a number that you're comfortable with then double it. They'd possibly come back with a lower number but as long as it's half or more, you'll both be happy. Good luck with all this. I'd be interested to hear what your MP says. Companies like SP shouldn't be allowed to operate if they're unwilling to cooperate. Cheers, Richard.
  22. Hi Flex, Perhaps avoid the court and ask Experian for a cash sum that you're comfortable with. Ask SP to remove the default too. They should have given you a chance to avoid it. Cheers, Richard.
  23. I'm just trying to set up a family home. The bank have maliciously prevented me from doing so for the past 10 years now. I've never been crying about lost profit or envisaged a family home as an investment. Meanwhile, as the bank continues to refuse reparation, I'm unable to make proper investments for my family's future. Sickening. Richard.
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