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Everything posted by Durkin

  1. If I get help, I should be able to change my address. If I don't, I'll probably be forced to change address! Martin Lewis was unable to help. I'm appealing for everyone to ask their MP to look into this. Mine is less than reliable. Apparently, it could take up to 20 days for a reply from the justice ministry. A summary of the situation: The "law" (according to Scotland's "best"), says that a consumer, signing a credit contract purely on the basis that they are told it will be cancelled if the goods (for which the contract is designed to pay for) are not what they asked for, is still liable to pay for the goods, in any case! Now, I understand the government has a lot on it's plate just now but I've only 5 weeks left to lodge an appeal (I think that's what "the law" allows). I'll continue this fight as long as I'm able. Sometimes I wonder what the hell I am fighting. It seems like the devil! No pressure.
  2. Here's the last closed Record that the Edinburgh judges were presented with. The banks advocates were picking away at the legal wording, attempting to veer the judges away from fact, witness and evidence! THIRD AMENDED CLOSED RECORD.doc
  3. Check it out: Laptop buyer's £116k damages win thrown out by appeal judges - The Scotsman A fairly competent decision in law by the Aberdeen Sheriff overturned by an appeal court when I questioned the maths (not the law). Now I have to do both! Anyone fancy getting involved with this? I'm waiting for news from Ken Clarke, OFT and Martin Lewis. I'll need some heavy hitters to sort this out. I ran out of credit a few years ago. I'll need to find a way to import a document (The record) into here. Stand by...
  4. Of course. I was just wondering if anyone can help. I'll not be able to pay up front but perhaps someone, interested in justice, may like a shot at the big time with this case?
  5. Check this out: Laptop buyer's £116k damages win thrown out by appeal judges - The Scotsman A fairly competent decision in law by the Aberdeen Sheriff overturned by an appeal court when I questioned the maths (not the law). Now I have to do both! Anyone fancy getting involved with this?
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