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Everything posted by smokejumper

  1. Well spotted Em , I assumed it was their fault, as the op mentioned payroll read the number wrong.
  2. Can you ask them for a loan. seriously. Which you can repay as soon as you receive your wages Might help to tactfully mention it was there fault.
  3. This does seem a strange situation. I would class this as a work matter if an employee threatens another, whether at work or not. Has he continued after the police warning, I would imagine he is on bail, doesn't this have any influence on the matter. Since he hasn't been found guilty yet, your employer may be waiting the outcome of the court case. regarding the extra hours and xmas bonus, I think I would want the reason.
  4. I understand you have seen your statement now and were imagining it all.
  5. I see from the other forum you posted on, that you now are saying you only thought you lied to your employer. So is everything good now? Very confusing, all these different threads, on different forums as well.
  6. I think I would need to ask him some more details, when will he be able to pay, is the business likely to shut down etc. You will have to make a decision, on how long you can subsidise the company before you need to find another job. Are you living hand to mouth, is it a good job, is he fair, might have to give him some leeway if he can return the favor by looking after you when things pick up. You need to know alot more, in case it is a sinking ship.
  7. You should tell her you lied. you are not judge and jury, what you think does not come into this, you should only give an account of what you saw. it is up to the people looking into the case to make a decision. you have added information that is untrue, if believed it will stop the person getting a fair hearing. I was in a similar situation, a work college was asked to attend a fact finding interview about an allegation against me and asked me what he should say. I told him to tell the truth and say what he saw, I asked him what he saw and he proceeded to tell me all about the alleged incident by way of gossip he had heard, I told him there was no way he had seen that happen and he agreed. I told him to tell what he saw. If he had not spoken to me the case would have probably been proven against me from a statement formed from gossip/hearsay which was totally untrue. For information the allegation against me was unfounded, witnesses should stop reading between the lines and thinking they are helping out. If you are a witness, say what you saw and don't add 2 and 2 together and come up with 5. You will(hopefully) come unstuck. I would not think a statement taken by your employer will have any place in a court, the defence would have it thrown out . However if your employer is aware by attending the court hearing that you gave her a different statement, then I would think she would want to speak to you.
  8. exactly...........perhaps the people that don't have trouble accessing CBT are in what is termed a "post code lottery"
  9. Emmzzii's suggestion of CBT is probably because she feels it would help you to think differently and help you cope with matters. A lot of us have negative thoughts or thinking errors , CBT helps? you to get over this, but I believe you have to have confidence in it to work. Also I think it's very hard to get on the NHS.
  10. Can't answer too much of the questions at the moment as in wrong frame of mind. regarding criminal case, I am still seething, luckily it's been adjourned. my barrister turned up and didn't have a clue what it was about, tried to explain as we went in to court. she blamed it on legal aid, near enough said they don't care and welcome to legal aid, this is what you get. So I now have a criminal case to prepare . it's getting too much.
  11. Thank you. things are not too good, respondent is trying hard at moment they are saying it is unfair trial on them as people have retired and some are scared of me and don't want to attend a tribunal unless their safety is assured. what a load of rubbish who do they think I am an underworld maffia boss ;-)
  12. I'm blowed if I can find it. How do I get the actual written tribunal findings for; EMPLOYMENT TRIBUNAL - W v COMMISSIONER OF POLICE OF THE METROPOLIS et case no. 2201961/2012 I need it to study and present in my case, spent hours searching, can't find it. ballii doesn't seem to be up to date either. Probably being thick , can someone please give me step by step instruction how to find it. desperately need it. thanks in advance.
  13. The events were one continuous one so the 3 months runs from the last one ( dismissal) You need to do some studying, there is a lot of work to do. And what are you expecting out of this!!!!!!!!!
  14. I would not worry about it, try to make an improvement and you will be ok. disciplinary action doesn't necessarily mean dismissal. Although in writing, I think this known as a stage 1 or informal warning, next one is formal, then next one dismissal. I think this is right up Emmzzii's street and she will probably look in.
  15. What was the grievance about and was being put on lates a "reasonable adjustment" to keep you out the heat? Do you have the emails. You might be able to claim all the events were one continuous one. It is very complex, like I said what are you looking for, you don't get your costs back, although being on esa you might not have to pay the starting fees. Another thing I don't believe ESA automatically deems you have a disability under the act.
  16. Well what are you claiming, unfair dismissal or disability discrimination or failure to make reasonable adjustments etc, etc. there are different ways to look at your situation. 3 months from the section you are claiming ie; 3 months from dismissal, or 3 months from the discrimination taking place. Did you state you believe you have a disability under the 2010 act in the grievance?
  17. I think you need to write to them and your intentions, see if they come back denying you have a disability. Keep in mind the time limitations, you have 3 months from the action you are claiming.
  18. I'm not being negative, they can very easily deny you have a disability, it will be the first defence. Disability discrimination cases are not at all easy. Very hard work. what would you want to get from an et, sometimes it is cheaper for them to settle, than to contest it.
  19. Has your Employer agree you have a disability under the act, if they have then you have got over the first hurdle.
  20. As bad as it is for you and not nice, I don't think that will be enough.
  21. Hardest part to start with, is proving you have a disability and easiest part for the employer to contest. Have you checked the wording of the ACT and do you fit the criteria, how does it effect your normal daily living.
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