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14 Good
  1. that's a very interesting point, Would you be able to give a source or link to that info please? I've not seen that anywhere before:|
  2. Well done Ted this is a fabulous victory & Wannabe's input was crucial to this success Congratulations to you both. Wannabe 1 --- Welcome 0
  3. Hi Missy81 Have a look at this! http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bear-garden/258093-lets-start-fighting-back.html I'm NOT condoning it, but food for thought
  4. If it were me I would apply for a set a side on the basis that she did not receive any notification about any action being taken and that she can display an ability to defend. There are clear pre action protocols that need to be followed before any court action is taken, from what you have described these have not been followed. Do some research on getting the judgement set aside, the fee for this is free if you are in receipt of certain benefits or on low income. I believe there could be a case to apply for a time order where the interest could possibly be frozen and the debt to be paid back at a rate that is actually affordable based on your current and future financial abilities, again you will need to put in some leg work in and research. Best of Luck CB
  5. Cost of the car £4k Cost for damages £4k Cost for costs £2k (Made up figures) The look on their solicitors face, when you said "I'm going to apply for summary judgement" Priceless:D:D:D Sorry I stop now (Don't want you litigating against me:eek:)
  6. OMFG if Wannabe is on this now, I almost feel sorry for Close:D They are about to get Owned.
  7. So sorry to hear about your situation but be assured you are among friends and will help. Will be back with help for you soon........ I know its hard and easy to say but please try not to worry there is always a way. I have been through similar but there is hope. CB
  8. Have you got the envelope the default notice came in, may help to confirm the time-line.
  9. Hi Could do with as much info as poss. Could you post up the agreement(minus personal info) if you don't have it you can send a CCA request to get a copy from them. Have you paid a third see under repossession your rights on your agreement, looking at the notice its appears you have but need to make sure, do you have a statement listing all your payments? if not it may well be worth sending them a SAR to get all your info from them. If you have paid a third or more and your agreement is regulated by the consumer credit act it will be known as protected goods they will not be able to touch it without a court order. (there are options) Need to see the agreement to know for sure CB
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