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  1. thankyou all for your comments and again a big thakyou for wannabedebtfreesoon. This mostly falls on you and your advice. If I could send you champagne and flowers when we have the cheque then just pm me your details. And thankyou all once again. Could not have done this without this site.. Once I get it cashed I'll be helping this site stay online. Many thanks everyone Tedstyle and a very happy wife.
  2. here's the letter back from the FO. http://i784.photobucket.com/albums/yy127/tedstyle/scan0001.jpg http://i784.photobucket.com/albums/yy127/tedstyle/scan0002.jpg http://i784.photobucket.com/albums/yy127/tedstyle/scan0003.jpg http://i784.photobucket.com/albums/yy127/tedstyle/scan0004.jpg
  3. I cant thank you all enough. just have to wait for the cheque now.
  4. I will post a copy of the letter form the ombusman later. I might frame it?!
  5. Hey everyone. I know it been a while but here's an update Back in May I sent everything to the Financial Ombusman. Today I got a letter back, They have agreed with Welcome Finance that inlight of the fact that had no court order, they acted inlawfully and have agreed to pay back everything on both the first agreement the second agreement and all the interest @ 8%. No car though....... But its a win none the less!!! Thank you everyone for all your help. I couldnt have managed without you all I will be making a nice donation very shortly.
  6. OK people, here's one for you.... we also have a secured loan with welcome, which were not to bothered about as we can pay it and we only did it as we had bought a renovation project and needed the cash. With the SAR we also got details of the secured loan and in it we have found evidence of welcome tampering with one of the documents. Its the legal charge document!! As my wife is a legal conveyancer we have requested copies from the land registry and will have them tomorrow but what Welcome have sent us and what we've retained when the loan was taken out are different- the document supplied by Welcome has our signatures but not our names. Oddly, the document states the names of the people who bought my wifes parents house (an address where I was living prior to me purchasing the car)
  7. hey postggj, here's the copy of the statement of price for you to look at again as you said the figures were all out before. http://i784.photobucket.com/albums/yy127/tedstyle/scan0005.jpg
  8. right here' the original again http://i784.photobucket.com/albums/yy127/tedstyle/scan0016-1.jpg http://i784.photobucket.com/albums/yy127/tedstyle/scan0017-1.jpg
  9. I did when it went up but it hasnt updated yet. will keep refreshing, otherwise i'll remove it.
  10. well the fos didnt help much. I was told that welcome shouldnt have to let me know there itentions if i fail to keep up payments as it should all be made clear in the terms and conditions of the contract. Anyhow, he's filled in a few details and said he'd send out the forms, which i should return with copies of all the paperwork i have and it'll get passed over to someone to deal with the case.
  11. original agreement http://i784.photobucket.com/albums/yy127/tedstyle/scan0016.jpg http://i784.photobucket.com/albums/yy127/tedstyle/scan0017.jpg
  12. on the phone to the fos aswell.... who says men cant multi task
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