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Will Silver

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Everything posted by Will Silver

  1. Nothing to do with, oh I haven't used the policies so I will try to claim the money back I actually quite resent your implication in that is what I am trying to do, keeping ones thoughts to yourself is probably a good idea. As far as I am aware this is a PPI forum and was looking for advice, not here is another chancer, never have been, never will. I am from an age group that what banks said was treated with respect and what they advised was for your benefit. when I went to the bank and they told me I need this, I need that, I believed they were acting in my best interest. Time has proven this not to be the case. The problem I have is when they told me I needed something then I took that on-board, I personally didn't go to them and say can you sort this out for me as this is what I want. Now, if you think it is ok to sell me Mortgage Protection so my mortgage is paid if I am ill or out of work then sell me Income protection (Norwich Union paying commission to HSBC) if I am ill or out of work is fine then that's your opinion. If you think selling me policies which I didn't need as I already had sufficient cover in place anyway is fine, that again is your opinion. I would like to think I have presented my question in such a way that would have avoided your interpretation of the question I was asking. The point I will make is that I did not ask for any of the above this was advice that the bank gave to me and yes if there had been a need to use the policies in any way that would have been a wonderful safety net. I think somewhere along the way the banks forgot they were supposed to be acting in the best interest of the customer and not driven by greed. If what I have listed above is not mis-selling then I will stop any further action.
  2. I wanted to complain about these policies, I just wanted to know if there was justification in doing so with regard mis-selling. None of the policies paid out all the premiums were paid apart from the 18 year one dated 03.10.95 which I stopped paying in 2009. I would just like to know what I can do next if anything, it just looks like that every time I went to the bank they would sell me something whether I needed it or not. Thanks for taking the time to look through the thread.
  3. Apologies if this is in the wrong forum, I have spent many hours going back through statements and other related paperwork. I have kept every scrap of paperwork so have proof of everything I refer to below. I would appreciate your help in what to do next. I have tried to summarise events as best I can. The things that stand out to me are the Mortgage Protection & Income Protection did I really need both and that Norwich Union would pay the bank commission for arranging the policy. There just seems too many Critical Illness/Life policies at this time the total we owed around this period was about £45,000. Looking at it now it just seems over the top. I am no expert and will stand corrected obviously. I would really appreciate it if someone would take the time to have a look through and advise what I should do next if anything. If there are any questions then I will do my best to answer them as soon as I can.Thanks in advance. Regards Will INCOME PROTECTION, ENDOWMENT POLICIES, CRITICAL ILLNESS, LIFE POLICIES 1984- 07.10.08 CIS Cooperative Insurance Policy Number xxx6695 This was the Insurance policy against Endowment Mortgage account Number 40-xx-xx xxxx2998 (xxxx8196) Interest Only Mortgage Guaranteed Death Benefit/Target Amount on maturity £19,000 CIS Premium: £39.06 15.08.94 Midland Repayment Protector IPT will increase your MRP premium from 1.10.94. your monthly premium £10.47. 20.09.95 Midland Life Mortgage Endowment with Critical Illness Benefit Plan xx4339R To be issued by Midland Life Limited on the lives of Myself and Wife. 1995 - 2006 Cover £10,000 Term 11 years Monthly Premium £60.30 03.10.95 Midland Level Term assurance policy with Critical Illness for Me sum assured of £52,054. On a Single Life basis for a term of 18 years. Policy xx9914L-01 1995 - 2013 £34.06 per month. 03.10.95 Midland Income Protection for Me after 26 weeks Premium £11.52 per month. 03.10.95 Norwich Union Healthcare will pay Midland Bank commission for arranging policy. 01.12.95 Norwich Union Healthcare Safeguard Income Protection Policy Number Insured me xx8593Scheme 26 wk DP/IND Link Monthly Benefit £518 Premium £11.52 10.04.96 Midland Mortgage Repayment Protector (MMRP) Insured Person Me Policy Number. MBRP xx9966 Monthly premiums £8.70. 04.09.1997 Midland Life Policy (Joint Policy)Mortgage Protection Plan with Critical Illness and Permanent and Total Disability Benefit Policy Number xx9542B Insured Persons Myself and wife Amount of Life Cover £10,500 decreasing over the term of the policy. Commencement Date 02.09.1997 Expiry Date 02.09.2007 Premium £13.68 20.10.2000 Norwich Union Healthcare Safeguard Income Protection Ref xx8593 (HSBC-was Midland 31.10.95) Commencement Date 01.12.95 Monthly Benefit £575 Premium £ 21.53 April 2005 HSBC Letter Mortgage Repayment Protector Policy MBRPxxx849 To say that the policy is administered on behalf of the Insurers by FirstAssist Insurance Services Limited, future DD will be collected by FAIS Limited instead of Royal & SunAlliance, w/c 22.05.05 12.04.06 HSBC Mortgage Payment Repayment Protector Policy Number MBRPxxx849 Monthly Benefit Increased from £550 to £1,300 Monthly Premium £77.22 (27.04.06) 20.10.09 Aviva Income Protection(see 03.10.95) Midland Bank/Norwich Union Agent Name HSBC Bank Plc Policy Number xx8593 Premium Monthly £32.67 Payment Due Date 01.12.09 Monthly Benefit £733
  4. Will have a look and try and break everything down, its when I look at everything together it doesnt look great. thanks for advice.
  5. No, exactly that, especially if it is found that during the course of the meeting there has been mis-selling, hardly likely to act in my best interests. Well that is my take on it. It was something the FOS advised me to do with the amount of issues I had. If there is another way of doing it I would appreciate any advice.
  6. PPI is part of it, if it was just that I would be ok with dealing with that, I have with the assistance of this site made successful claims. It is when I look at everything together I just feel that I was taken advantage of in a number of things I was sold. For a good number of years I was paying more out on Income protection, Mortgage protection, Life insurance, Critical illness, Endowment Policy than the actual cost of my mortgage. I just feel that if I could present it as a package with everything included it would be more effective in making a claim for mis-selling. It is either the bank initially or a solicitor. I spoke to the FOS today and explained the issues I had, who suggested I made an appointment with the bank, I was just wondering if anybody had been down this route before.
  7. Hi Has anybody had face to face meetings with the bank/financial institution they have a mis-selling issue with. I have a number of issues with HSBC but would like to speak to someone in the first place. To be honest I dont really know if it is a good idea or not, I just feel I need to get the ball rolling and this seems a sensible way of doing it, I would appreciate your thoughts on the matter. regards Will
  8. Yes I see what you mean, I have a number of issues with HSBC which I would like to resolve. I believe the best way of doing it (unless advised differently) is to put the whole package in front of a solicitor, or one of this forums individuals and seek their opinion. I am based in Coventry and would welcome any views you may have.
  9. Sorry for the vague title, I have been fairly successful in resolving issues with PPI claims as I have been able to seek advice on the various forums, some have taken longer than others but have stuck it out. The main problem I have, is dealing with, the various products I ended up paying for with what was the Midland Bank in 1993 through to HSBC in the present day. I have had various endowment policies, critical illness, life cover and even ended up with two mortgage/income protection policies which proved useless as when I needed to claim because the company went into administration in 2009. To find out that as a director I wasnt entitled to anything. That is in the past and would like the opportunity of showing a solicitor the extent of what went on between 1993 & 2009 because I still have not got a clue, I just feel that at no point did they act in my best interest. As I have said if it was straightforward I would just get on with it, I have written up 16 pages of summary with regards the various transactions and what has happened but just feel I need an expert eye cast over it. I would really appreciate your opinion and to point me in the right direction. Regards Will
  10. It was called a Variable Rate Variable Term Loan, thanks both for replying. I will resend the PPI questionnaire and copy of to their letter which refers to it as a credit card, I will also include copies of the statements showing the protection plan deductions, does that sound right?. Is there anything else I should mention, is this something that the co-op intentionally does. Thanks Will
  11. I was going back through some old PPI claims I had made, some successful, some not, with the intention of filing things away. When I came across one I had sent to the Co-op back on 15.02.13 now this was for a variable loan from April 1996 and quite clearly shows a protection plan deduction on copies of the statements I have. The final letter I got back was for them to say that they were unable to trace any statements for the above credit card account which indicates the account was never used since October 2000 when their records began. With this in mind we must reject claim but if you can provide documentary evidence they would be happy to investigate further. I must admit this was one of the early claims I submitted and just accepted the rejection. Do you think I should try again based on having documentary evidence or have I left it too late. Thanks in advance, Will.
  12. Thanks for your comments, I was made redundant 2009 so 2010 was when the money ran out and they closed the account was not anything on my part. Will prepare the paperwork for FOS and make sure I keep it within the timescales. I will take out the line about the FOS stating that packaged bank account fees being reclaimable if that is not correct. When roughly was this recognised as another potential case of mis-selling?
  13. I wrote to HSBC on 22nd July 2015 saying that I had a packaged bank account and highlighted the areas that I believed it to be mis-sold. I received a letter back 1st August 2015 which confirmed the following. It started as a HSBC Plus Account October 2007 in February 2010 this was rebranded as HSBC Advance, in September 2010 I downgraded the account so no further fees were charged after this time. It also added that the bank has rejected my complaint on the basis that more than six years have elapsed from the date I converted to an HSBC Plus account which is the event you are complaining about and more than three years have elapsed since you knew or could reasonably have known that you had potential cause for complaint. I must admit that I just accepted that was the outcome and put it to one side. I came back on here to see how things had progressed with packaged bank accounts to find that HSBC had been economical with the truth, what a surprise. I have drafted the following reply to the letter and would appreciate someone having a look at it and advise. "I refer to your letter dated 1st August 2015, it has actually took this long to reply as I believed and trusted what was actually said in the letter, in that you say there are time limits for a customer to complain. But, along with many millions of other people we have learned that this trust is not always the case, on this basis I have taken to use the information available on the internet and other media sources. As you are fully aware the FOS did not even publish they were reclaimable until January 2014, what was I supposed to do, look into the future from 2010. The time starts from when I became aware that I had grounds for a mis-sell which started from my letter dated 22nd July 2015, I did not 'become aware' of the reclaiming of these fees until then. It was only at this time, due to media coverage and research of the issue around these accounts that I realised that this had been a clear case of mis-selling that was when I raised the complaint at the time that I did. Your active encouragement not to go to the Ombudsmen " The Ombudsman might not be able to consider you complaint if what you're complaining about happened more than six years ago, and you're complaining more than three years after you realised ( or should have realised) that there was a problem." I find this quite disconcerting that a bank like HSBC has taken a policy to deliberately mislead customers and further dismiss the complaint out of hand. I certainly do not recognise that your letter is the Final Response on the matter. I am sure we can come to a mutual resolution and closure of this issue." Apologies for borrowing a couple of lines from individuals on this forum but I am not the best of letter writers. Thanks in advance.
  14. I have had a degree of success with claims against Barclays Masterloan PPI. One of the accounts I submitted is still ongoing from April 2013, the first letter I received back said that they had been unable to find a PPI policy in my name so the complaint has not been upheld. However, if i can provide further information relating to this policy eg Policy number, document, your complaint will be re-opened. This letter is our final response to your complaint and we hope that you are satisfied with the outcome. Re-sent all the paperwork copy of credit agreement with the breakdown of the Premium Loan (PPI) shown clearly on it again. Various letters and telephone calls transpired (account numbers and their references not matching) up until 16.04.14 when i wrote again asking for an update. Received a letter 1st May 2014, wanting to reassure me that they were dealing with the complaint as quickly as possible. Called them on the 16.06.14 to see what the hold up was. I was told that the paperwork was in place and that they were just waiting a case handler, because of the back log of claims could be mid-July before it was looked at. Received a letter 24.07.14 (14 weeks later) which said that the evidence I have provided shows that PPI was not present on this account. I really was not happy about this, if there was something else that was not right then I would have accepted it, as I have said I have had claims upheld either side of this one. So I decided to call them and hopefully get a constructive reason why this had not been upheld. The arrogant individual on the telephone told me it was obviously something else I had took out and was not PPI (whatever else it was I have no idea), I explained about the other upheld claims, to which he said that I did not understand the banking industry, if I had a problem with that then I could contact the FOS. I have wrote a letter of complaint and asked them for more detailed explanation for the reason why an agreement with the PPI on it, somehow shows that PPI was not present on this account. If there is anything else I can do meantime then please let me know
  15. Not done any calculations, probably only have about 6-7 statements from that period. I will try to add offer document, to show there workings. As I said no large amounts on the credit cards concerned with claim. Thanks for prompt reply
  16. I have recieved a reply back from HSBC with reference to a claim I submitted 23.10.13 for mis-selling on 3 credit cards I had with what was Midland Bank, from 1993 to 1997. I received a reply back 28.10.13 to say they will be investigating the issue raised. Further letter to say they would come back to me by 24.12.13. Received letter dated 17.01.14 quoting 1 of the credit cards offering £2,029.61 redress for full and final settlement and would be using it to reduce the outstanding debt with Metropolitan Collection Services, the account they refer to was for a personal loan I had taken out with HSBC before I lost my job, which has an ongoing CCJ against it, it is not a problem doing that, it just feels they are taking my money and giving it to themselves. They say that as a result of their investigations they are prepared to uphold my complaint, as your complaint has been upheld I have not addressed the individual issues raised (not sure what that means) then proceed to give me an explanation of calculation. (dont know how to insert document into thread) but does say that this covers all credit cards, some cards may not be listed as they are no longer held on our records. I am really pleased with the offer as the sums concerned on the credit cards were relatively small and happy to sign the acceptance I just wanted to run it past you more knowledgable people first.
  17. To be honest I think that will be the answer I will get, for them to have proof of what they claim is unlikely. I have sent them a letter asking for the evidence I will wait and see. I suppose the next step would be the FOS, if the answer is as expected.
  18. With the help of this forum I was able to put together a letter and FOS questionnaire to submit a claim for mis-selling of PPI. I managed to find statements going back to December 1994 which I thought would help my case. I must admit I could not remember how I applied for the card so went with telephone. I received a reply back which said that they were unable to find any evidence that they had mis-sold me PPi and are unable to give me a refund. They say that my application for PPi was submitted by post (it may well have been I just cant remember) this means that at the point of applying for PPI we did not give you any advice and the process required you to select the specific type of cover you required. Our investigation also shows that when you made your application you were provided with information to help you decide if PPi was suitable for you. We therefore cannot agree that you were not given enough information when you took the policy out. Back in September 2011 I submitted a SAR for all the various credit cards I had with Barclays, the only one that they returned information on ie copies of agreements etc was from a credit card I took out in 2004. The cards I have submitted a claim for were from 1994-2001, the only paperwork evidence I have is statements I am not quite sure how they have paperwork evidence for something that they could not provide me with back in 2011. Your advice would be greatly appreciated,Thank-you for looking.
  19. Thanks for that, i was thinking along those lines, as you say, banking them would be seen as an acceptance of offer. I have written the letter, will get that off as soon as, will let you know how I get on.
  20. Thank-you for such a prompt and detailed response, i think i will have one last go down the letter route. The thing is they have actually sent the cheques with the letters and it is really difficult not to pay them in, what do i do send the cheques back with the letter. I really do not know what to do for the best, I have the cheques here in my hand and is money I can really do with. Apologies for saying one thing and then another.
  21. All they sent me as part of the SAR was copies of the signed copies of the accounts which contained the information regarding the premiums as detailed above. They did not send me any statements or transaction history as part of the SAR, just the copies.
  22. I have had two separate letters back from Barclays with offers for 4 of the accounts I had with them. All 4 are the results of a SAR I sent to them, which they provided copies of the loans i had taken out with them. Three of them were answered in a letter all same Barclays reference, dated 19.06.13, which are all in the same format of saying " we are not satisfied that the PPI policy was suitable for your needs. As a result we are upholding your complaint". BUT Our standard process, which is based on the FSA guidance would be to offer a full refund of the insurance premium, together with interest paid on the premium to date, plus 8% per annum simple interest. However as the sale of this policy was so long ago we no longer have any records of the premium you paid. it is therefore impossible for us to calculate any redress that might be due to you. As a gesture of goodwill we are prepared to offer you a refund of £500. The breakdown of each loan is as follows 30.06.98 ****1861 Premium Loan £149.04 Total Charge For Credit £ 39.24 Total £188.28 23.10.98 ****9978 Premium Loan £589.09 Total charge for Credit £210.39 Total £799.68 11.08.99 ****2143 Premium Loan £458.67 Total Charge For Credit £163.89 Total £622.56 All this information is in the copies of the accounts they provided to me, which is confusing in that they say they have no records. The other account which was answered separately, different Barclays reference, letter dated 20.06.13 says " we are not satisfied that the PPI policy sold was suitable for your needs. As a result, we are upholding your complaint. BUT Our standard process, which is based on the FSA guidance would be to offer a full refund of the insurance premium, together with interest paid on the premium to date, plus 8% per annum simple interest. However as the sale of this policy was so long ago we no longer have any records of the premium you paid. it is therefore impossible for us to calculate any redress that might be due to you. As a gesture of goodwill we are prepared to offer you a refund of £500. The breakdown of account as follows 10.03.01 ****7503 Premium Loan £774.37 Total Charge For Credit £243.23 Total £1,017.60 The £2,000 total they have offered me is very welcome indeed, and will help us remove our mortgage arrears and hopefully our first holiday in 4 years. As I have said, all the information provided has come from them, i have sent copies back numerous times, but they seem to have been ignored. I just feel that I am not getting the full amount I am due, if it was just pounds it would not bother me, i am not ungrateful and so tempted to just cash the cheques and forget it. Could somebody please advise the next step, if there is one.
  23. Can I just get somebodies advice on what to do next, I have used the information on the forum to get this far. I have had a number of loans through Barclays Masterloan over the years starting from 1990. I requested a SAR on the 1.03.13 for 9 separate accounts, I received back on the 12.04.13 copies of 4 of the accounts, two I had not even asked for, as I had no record of them. With this information I put together a PPI letter 17.04.13, for a total of 11 separate accounts, mixture of SAR and copies of original accounts. I received letters all in separate envelopes and separate reference numbers on the 26.04.13 back from Barclays asking for the FOS questionnaire and any other relevant documentation to be returned. This I did by 3.05.13 and returned by signed for delivery. On 10.06.13 I received two letters, one for account number 7503 10.03.01, states that their records indicate i was part-time employed not full-time employed at the time the policy was sold. Possible documentary evidence from the DWP. If you were unable to supply this information, please can you confirm that you were full-time employed at the time the policy was sold to you. Documentary evidence of savings, could be bank statements. Employers sick pay scheme at time of sale, employers name level of cover and the length of cover provided. Documentary evidence to support the fact you have other means of making repayments if you were unable to work through sickness, accident or unemployment. The other letter refers to 3 separate accounts, 1861 30.06.98, 9978 23.10.98, 2143 11.08.99. This letter asks for Documentary evidence of employment status at the time of sale DWP If you were unable to supply this information, please can you confirm that you were full-time employed at the time the policy was sold to you. We would therfore be grateul if you could provide further detail regarding the number of hours that you worked within your part-time employment. Documentary evidence of savings, could be bank statements. Employers sick pay scheme at time of sale, employers name level of cover and the length of cover provided. Documentary evidence to support the fact you have other means of making repayments if you were unable to work through sickness, accident or unemployment. Please provide any additional details, how the policy was sold to you, who you may have spoken to any other information you can recall. Any additional information that you are able to provide will assist us in fully and fairly assessing your complaint as quickly as possible. Just to clarify a few points i was in full-time employment from 1993-2009, never had a part-time job. I have documentary evidence of insurances, which I included first time round, but that can be sent again. On the FOS questionnaire D6 where it asks for savings or insurance to support repayments, should I have crossed out savings, because I certainly didnt have savings at the time, but definitely insurance. The company has long since gone into administration, and do not have to hand copy of contract detailing sick pay scheme, so will have to exclude this if I send anothe FOS questionnaire, even though that was the agreement, but if I havent got the paperwork well thats that. The other information is contained within the FOS questionnaire I originally sent 03.05.13. They have sent another blank FOS questionnaire with the letters, I can print off the copies again for the FOS questionnaires with the original dates on, along with the insurance paperwork, as well as a statement of my employment status or do I need to get a letter from the DWP to support this part of it. In summary I was in full-time employment, the policies were all front loaded, and there was documented insurance cover in place. Thank you for taking the time to read this post, if there is anything I have missed or requires clarifying then please ask.
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