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Everything posted by LongHairedLily

  1. Hi gary I'm with Igeus too. What were the reasons for your referrel for CAP? I've never been told about this, so quite concerned! Which phase are you in first, second or third? Thanks Helly13
  2. Hi Guys, Just a quickie. The upshot is after my Ingeus advisor cancelled my appointment two weeks ago I received a rescheduled one in the post. However due putting the appointment in my phone diary for the wrong day and discarding the letter I put the wrong day(should have been the 5th and I put it in the 6th). I rang my advisor on Tuesday to inform her I couldn't attend due to feeling dreadful (battling two abscess in my jaw-awaiting an op to remove them) , I was informed by her I had missed it!! So I'm rescheduled for tomorrow. I went to sign on today and explained the above situation, the chap at the JC looked at the screen, the no show is on file without any date of notes for sanction. Would anyone know if I will be sanctioned , would there be a note on the screen to say they have advised sanction. My worry is the knock on effect fopr HB/CB!
  3. I looked into working less than the 16 hours and have applied for roles 13 hours plus. I was informed by the JCP due to the low wages I could claim Income Support and still be helped with the housing costs etc. Atleast I would be doing something and not feeling like I'm under the coshe! I thinkl how you spell ! I was headhunted yesterday so I'm hoping to go back to my chosen field.
  4. Congrats on finding a job! I don't think Ingeus will be paid on you finding a 12 hour role though. I think payment is based on find jobs 16+ hours. So I guess they won't be very happy about that!
  5. Hi John, I've never attended the Preston branch as there's one in Southport. To be fair the staff have been really nice and my Advisor is lovely (touch wood). I saw a chap last week who is based at the Preston Branch called Paul, he's a New Business Manager, he saw me along with a couple of others I believe who are more Middle Management- he's a link between companies and Ingeus. He acutally thought I should apply for an Advisor role with Ingeus!!!! The Bootle office is where they hold the courses, to me it's a ruddy mare to get there and time consuming. Much rather be at Preston takes me 30 mins as I'm in the Northern part of Southport.
  6. Hi Bakatcha, I think they must take into consideration everyones circumstances, I also home Educate my Son due to the School failure (the School in question has brought in a Super Head to sort it out!). I am going to consult the Social Services on the law regarding leaving monors and take it to the first day. Mind you I'm even applying for jobs at less than 16 hours, as I can top up with Income Support and get all the HB and Council Tax benefits just to get them off my back. Ingeus won't like that as they won't get their fee!! To think I was a Sales Trainer and Brand Ambassador flying all over Europe!! I want to start my own business so need a wage to keep the bills at bay and the Wolves from the door! Hells
  7. Hi John, Where is your office, mine is in Southport. They want to send me to Bootle (groan). I prefer Preston as its easier to travel too and speedier. Not sure of the set up, as Southport is classed as Sefton and Preston is Lancashire. I don't think Social Services would be too happy if I leave a minor at home... I may consult them over this. Thanks Hells
  8. Hi John, I'm being referred for this! I was told it would be 16 hours pers week and they would offer me courses. I'm confronting my advisor over this, as she is telling porkies. Also I'm a single mum too, I can't leave my son with anyone. Hells
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