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Everything posted by sicktodeathofthem

  1. Part of the problem is that - since JBW stopped collecting the £60 a month, I don't know how to pay them. If I knew their bank details I would set up a standing order and re-activate the payment that way. I doubt if they would actually send it back once they got their hands onit.. I still haven't had a reply about my complaint. Does anyone know how long these things usually take? Whatever it is, going by experience, I have found JBW to be among the worst companies I have ever dealt with as far as replying to anything is concerned. I have sent several (about 6? 8?) letters and emails requesting info both to their Darlington office and their London (Head office?). Most of these remain unanswered. For example - what is the 2nd liability order for? Why was the summons sent to the wrong address - thus ensuring I would not be able to attend the court hearing - even though they had my current address. Why did they cancel the £60 a month payments I had been making to them? I'm not sure if this headache is the result of spite on their part - or sheer incompetence. What happens if JBWs complaints people don't reply? Is there an Ombudsman I can refer the case to? And thirdly..... I got a letter from JBW asking me for 3 months bank statements so they can check my finances,m see what I can pay etc. This what they asked for when they first contacted me in February this year - and I had supplied them with everything they asked for, and that's when we agreed the £60 a month,m starting March 2019. It seems as though they are starting from square one again. But why? And why are they doing this when they sent that other letter threatening imprisonment??? I k now the answer is probably - Why don't you ask them? But such is my experience that is a waste of time.
  2. An update: I sent all my details to their Complaints dept. One of the (number of) grievances I have with JBW is to do with the fact that - back in March we'd set up an agreement for me to pay £60 a month. the 21st June was the last payment they took. NB NB - I did NOT cancel it, nor did a payment bounce. I tried to find out why but nobody answered my emails & letters. I had already set up an S/O to pay Bromley council direct. By 19th July I had made total payments of nearly £760 - on a debt of £897. I was feeling pleased that this would all be over soon. On 7th August - I was stunned to find one of their bailiffs banging loudly on my door!!! When leaving he left a form which started "... due to your continual refusal to pay...." I was so angry I thought my head would burst. More happens but suffice to say due to this I made a comprehensive complaint. I had just returned from the post office and found I had a letter from JBW. They claim they are returning this case to (Bromley) with the recommendation that an application be made to the Magistrates Court for your committal to prison on the grounds of: "Wilful Refusal To Pay and/or Culpable Neglect" and "You have ignored numerous opportunities to clear your arrears by instalments .." On what planet does paying £760 towards a £897 debt constitute a "refusal to pay" ?? I'm just so LIVID about this. Does anyone know if this is a standard letter and, if so, how long does it take to wend it's way to court? How long have I got before I need to pack my bags for a prison stay??????????
  3. Thank you, Will. Good to know they can't make off with my car. It's only worth £300 +/- anyway but it's necessary for me and I couldn't afford another one. The council tax subject to JBW's keen scrutiny is the 2018/2019 one due - basically because the council & bailiffs sent everything to the wrong address. However I have an agreement in place for the current 2019/2020 council tax. This won't go to court as long as I keep to the agreement (which is what I normally do anyway)
  4. Thank you all for getting back. The bailiff still hasn't returned, but JBW have form for this. The matter has been rumbling on for months now and I've provided everything they've asked for eg proof of payments I have made to them (bank statements - no idea why they hadn't kept their own records of monies received....); proof of 'health matters' (I sent a letter from my GP 'to whom it may concern' plus a DWP letter confirming my DLA plus a copy of my Disabled Badge). Following these proofs what reply do you think I got from JBW? NOTHING... Until, a few days later I will get a terse text or letter from JBW, the gist of which is 'You owe us money, pay the full amount due or we will send a bailiff round' So, in absence of any other info from them, I would not be surprised to see this bailiff turn up on my doorstep any day soon. I'm really sick to death of it all (see my name). I've got their Customer Complaint Form in which I will be detailing the full story. I don't really hold up much hope, though, because they are not independent; it will probably be dealt with by the same employees who have been giving me such grief. I'd be interested in any other JBW experiences people have had.
  5. Thanks for getting in touch. He didn't get back today - not yet anyway, it's just after 9pm. I'd like to go into more detail but I'm just not up to it at the moment. Will do so tomorrow
  6. Urgent advice please I got phoned this morning from a JBW person saying he's been told to take my goods. There's a back story of course ; it's in connection with a council tax debt. Am I correct in thinking that I am not obliged to let him in? I had a visit on 7 Aug but kept my chain lock on and can do that again. I'm assuming they can't kick the door in - is that correct? But can they call the police out who, I assume, can gain entry? I'd appreciate it if someone could get back a.s.a.p because I think he may be round later
  7. Sorry for late reply. No they've sent pictures of my car set against some windows, railings, wall - which could have been taken anywhere All I can re-iterate is that they could not have taken pictures of my car at the place they claim I was - because I've never been there. It's frustrating - how can you prove you weren't somewhere? Unfortunately i don't h ave anything to confirm where I actually was at that time as I was alone at home!
  8. No I haven't yet. I got a letter (post not email) from HMCTS dated 21/3/18 saying the claimant wants to proceed and they will contact the court who will then contact me. I get a feeling from this HMCTS letter they really, really, really want people to mediate. I can see why as it keeps cases like this away from the courts. PCM have refused this. So I guess I just wait for a letter from the court?
  9. I have now. Sorry I can't scan anything as scanner now packed up. But, the salient points from the solicitor's covering letter are: 1. Their clients are proceeding with the claim 2. The attached N180 is to be filed with the Court 3. ....."we intend to request a special direction that the case be dealt with on the papers and without the need for an oral hearing" 4. Apparently..."...this is because the matter (is) relatively straightforward ..(and) ...costs incurred in an oral hearing would be disproportionate" 5. ..."Our client has elected not to mediate (my emphasis) because this has rarely proved beneficial in these types of cases....Notwithstanding our client would be happy to listen to any genuine payment proposals" I would be glad of your comments on this. Firstly, does this mean a judge sitting alone would decide the case? ie neither party gets to represent their case in person? Secondly, I imagine I wouldn't gain or lose anything by not having mediation? My case rests solely on the one fact which is that I was not at a particular place they claim I was, so mediation wouldn't be relevant; am I right? Finally, their 'offer' to hear any genuine payment proposal (?). I don't have one because as far as I'm concerned no contravention occurred so I don't owe them anything. HOWEVER - if the worst comes to the worse and the judge believes them and not me, I couldn't possibly come up with the £420+ they're demanding.
  10. As I mentioned above, they sent 5 or 6 photos of my car (which takes up most of the space) and, in the background, some neutral wall, window, railings and so on which could be anywhere! They have sent these photos in connection with a PCN claiming I had parked at some flats which, I am insisting I have NEVER been to. I am not querying the time or whether it was my vehicle or anything like that. I have told them that I have NEVER been to that block of flats. The photos they provided don't indicate any signage or anything else that specifically I.Ds this block. Of course it's difficult for me to prove I WASN'T there Oh I see. So that's what you meant when you said I don't really want them to reply. I posted my Defence (basically 'I was never there') on the MCOL site. MCOL confirm receipt of this on 21/03/18. Presumably I just have to sit and wait until (roughly) 18th April? They have up until then to "Defend my Defence" (?) I now have a letter from HM Courts & Tribunals (the Northampton place) explaining what will happen which only confirms what some people on here of said (they've got 28 days, from 21st March). If they don't get back by then, the claim will be stayed. I trawled through my MCOL Defence but nowhere does it confirm that this case has been stayed. too soon, possibly?
  11. No. Since they confirmed receipt of my Defence on 21/3/18, I've heard nothing from the Court. Do you know what the next step is likely to be?
  12. sorry not been back for a while, I've been unwell and listless ; having to deal with the sort of crap these parking shysters come up with doesn't help those of us already prone to depression - but thanks for those who've taken an interest so far. what I've done so far: completed the MCOL online; I've not heard anything from the court or solicitors or the parking gang. someone suggested I complete a : 31:14 so I had a look at one but I can't think what information to ask for in this case. as I wrote before, the photos PCM provided "shed no light on the matter"; unfortunately I can't scan over because - after giving a patchy service for a while has now packed up altogether; not sure when Ill be able to get another one. they have supplied about 6 similar photos - in them the car dominates about 80% of the photo and in the background are what appears to be some window, some railing, some wall and so on - all bland and non-descript - could have been taken anywhere . is the burden of proof on them to prove I'm parked at the Battle and Shipwright Court, or is it me who has to prove otherwise? - and how do you prove a negative? would appreciate any suggestions
  13. I got the impression from what you said previously that I had no need to ask for extra time (???) Will try and upload here what I have sent to the Court Sandra
  14. I've just sent my Defence off to them online. Kept it short merely telling them I wasn't there etc. so now just waiting to see what comes back from them Sandra Sandra
  15. Just assumed I'd have to wait for the solicitor to get back; never done this before; not sure of correct procedure
  16. Hi thanks for your help. I've registered my case online to MCOL and asked for the extra time. I've written a letter to the solicitors requesting further info under CPR 31.14. If I get the time extension what is my cut-off date? The date on the Court Claim form is 12/03/2018. I could go back onto the MCOL and put my Defence - which isn't complicated, simply saying that I wasn't there. True, I can't prove I wasn't but how can they prove I was? PCMs photos aren't much use: just shows my car parked - alongside others - er.....somewhere Should I give the solicitors time to respond to the CPR 13.14 request before sending off my Defence/ If so how long should I give them? Would appreciate your comments Sandra
  17. I can't seem to do anything with the link provided; likely my fault as I'm not used to this sort of thing. I'd like to scan a couple of documents over but can't. But I can relay the info that is required - as follows: Issue date: 12/03/2018 Claimant: Parking Control Management Ltd Claimant's solicitors: Gladstones, Warrington PARTICULARS OF CLAIM: exactly as written on the court form: 1.The driver of the vehicle registration XXXXXXX(the "Vehicle") incurred the parking charge(s) on 02/07/2017 & 23/06/2017 for breaching the terms of parking on the land at Battery & Shipwright Court - IG11 / Westside Apartments - IG1. 2. The defendant was driving the Vehicle and/or is the Keeper of the Vehicle. 3.AND THE CLAIMANT CLAIMS £320 for Parking Charges / Damages and indemnity costs if applicable, together with interest of £15.75 pursuant to s69 of the County Courts Act 1994 at 8% pa, continuing to judgement at £0.07 per day" Amount claimed: £335.76 Court fee: £35 Legal Reps costs: £50 TOTAL AMOUNT: £420.76 The rest of the Court papers, as you know, are the Response pack, Acknowledgement of service, Admission, Defence and Counterclaim. My observations on the POC (a) It appears to refer to 2 alleged contraventions: the one dated 02/07/2017 refers to Battery & Shipwright Court (a place I had never heard of nor been to) and the one dated 23/06/2017 is Westside Apartments which is the block I live in. (b) . From previous correspondence I know this reference number relates only to the Battery & Shipwright court alleged contravention - not the Westside apartments one. Should they be bringing 2 separate cases while only providing the reference for one? © I'd be interested in seeing a copy of the original PCN - ie what was stuck on the car for the Battery & Shipwright court one because, as I've said, I have never been to this place; nor, indeed, has my car!! (d) I looked up the date 02/07/2017 on my calendar. It was a Sunday and I don't normally go out on that day. Unfortunately, I live alone so there is no-one to corroborate this. I can't think how I can confirm that I was at home at 12:47! (e) No photos were sent with the letters but I did manage to see them online. I'd scan them over if I knew how to do it on this website, not that there's much to see. There are pictures of my car - but they could have been taken anywhere. In each picture the car takes up about 80% of the space with the background showing bits of wall, windows and railings but nothing to indicate the actual location. I would be grateful for any help you could give in this matter. Look forward to hearing from you,
  18. Thank you for your interest. I followed the link you provided but I'm not really up on this sort of thing. Can I provide the info required using this simple 'reply' function? Or, if I can scan all the relevant documents how do I get them to you? I can't see the usual paper clip icon? Sorry to be a pain but I don't actively engage with websites much so not up on the conventions. Sandra
  19. Hi everyone out there. I am seeking a quick bit of advice; and will try to make this as short as possible. On 2/7/2017 I got a Parking charge in the form of a letter (relevant),from Parking Control Management (PCM). The claim was that I had not paid a PCN they'd issued and they want £100. Two initial issues: (1) I did not receive any prior notice - eg stuck to the car. (2) This was likely due to the fact that I had never been anywhere near the place they claimed I was wrongly parked. I googled the place and discovered that it is a block of flats some 5 miles away managed by the same people who manage my block (L&Q). And both blocks have PCM in attendance - so tat might be a possible cause of the mix-up. Maybe I could have obtained clarification if I'd phoned PCM - but the advice I've gleaned over the years from consumer websites is NEVER engage with these people. So I didn't. Over the following months I got the usual piles of letters from debt collectots and then Gladstones solicitors - all totally ignored. HOWEVER a couple of days ago I got a claim form from the Northampton County Court. PCM are now claiming I owe them £335.76 (not inc court and legal costs) I'm hoping to get my defence back to Northampton by 22nd March - Please is there anyone out there who would know how best to handle this. Obviously my defence is that 'I didn't do it' - BUT do I just enter this on the form and hope for the best? Should I/could I get a Statutory Declaration? Because ultimately it's going to come down to who the Court believes - Am I being naïve to think a Stat Dec looks more believable? I would welcome any advice or comments a.s.a.p. Thank you Sandra
  20. I've recently fallen victim to this sharp practice myself. The car I had insured with LV had given up the ghost. Soon after I bought a replacement - exact same make and model, even the same year. I phoned the insurer to inform them of the new registration assuming I'd be charged the £15 admin fee as shown in their policy booklet. So I was shocked to be informed that I'd be charged £138 for this minor alteration. I followed this up with some email exchanges asking for a breakdown of what, precisely, the extra £123 was for but all I got in reply was vague waffle along the lines of "...as it's a different car you'll need time to get used to it...statistics prove...higher incident of accidents at this time...." blah blah. Even though I pointed out that my new car was exactly the same as the previous one which I'd driven for 6 years - so no major learning curve involved - I couldn't get a straight answer. Now I know why. There is no rational explanation - it's just a chance to sneak in baseless charges. Does anyone know where I can take this further? The insurance company don't intend to help. Is the next stop the FCA? I'd be grateful for any help.
  21. Hi there I couldn't help jumping onto this thread as I, too, am being hassled by Very/NDR; I'm in dispute with them over their £12 'late payment' fees. Re: comments above: I just looked at my NDR Money statement. It says that "Shop Direct Financial Services (SDFC) ...assigned & transferred...Additions Direct account including outstanding balance and its rights ....re...the account to Shop Direct Finance Company Ltd (SDFC), SDFC will now provide your Additions Direct ...account" I started by simply ordering an item online from 'Additions Direct' (who I thought were connected to Argos.). My statements came from some outfit called 'Very'. At the foot of these 'Very' statements they state they are "SDF Company Ltd....reg no. 4660974...reg office Aintree Innovation Centre...Bootle" - I then started getting statements and the usual threatening letters from an outfit called NDR Money (Basically, I've paid off what I borrowed plus interest within 6 months - but I did NOT include their £12 'late' payment charges) so as far as they're concerned I still owe them these charges and now all they do is send monthly statements adding another £12 'missed' payment fee plus interest on these £12s. NDR Money's registered office is also Aintree Innovation Centre. So they're connected in some way.... I wouldn't have thought it was legal to add interest to 'missed payment' fees - but can someone advise? I know it's a waste of time dealing with these people - but I'm getting so fed up with seeing an original £155 debt (for which I've paid £182 - NOT including anything for the £12 fees) - spiralling into the £100s (I think it's about £300 now!) - I did write to explain that I've paid the lawful part of this debt and, if they don't agree will they please take this matter to court. All I get in response is another computerised printout adding another £12 + interest! No - I did get one brief automated letter giving me a phone number to 'discuss my case' - but I refuse to talk to these money-lenders on the phone, not while they can record the conversation and I can't. Has anyone got any idea how I can get these leeches off my back?
  22. Hi there - I too recently came across an old loan I had with Endeavour PF (also 2001). I only have a copy of the Credit Agreement - but that has all the relevant details - including the box ticked for PPI and shows the loaned amount split into 'loan' and 'PPI' BUT - ref comments above. This is headed 'Unregulated Credit Agreement' (which I wouldn't have picked up on at the time). Does this blow any potential claim out of the water?
  23. Does anyone know whether 'late payment' charges are enforceable - or are they like the banks' unfair 'penalties'? I bought an item via Argos Additions (now some outfit called 'Very') last June. It was iffy from the start. I received my first statement in July which said my minimum repayment was £7.80 + they charged me £12 for a 'late payment' This was eventually sorted out and as they hadn't provided me with a DD form I set up a standing order to pay them £7.80 pcm on the 17th of the month. Following this I got a letter thanking me for my payment - and demanding £12 as it seems the payment should have been made by the 5th of the month:!:. I phoned the no. provided and spoke to the usual know-nothing dummy you get at call centres; I said I want to change my payment date to the 17th of the month. Dummy asked me 'Why?' so I explained that I get paid on the 15th and have arranged for all my monthly payments to go out on the 17th of the month. 'So?' - Well, I continued 'it would suit me better for the payment date to be the 17th'. I kid you not that the reply I got was 'I'm afraid your convenience is not an acceptable excuse for us to change the payment date from the 5th' For the next few months, my s/o payment went out; the £12 a month charges went up to £24 a month !!! After a few months I'd got fed up and sought to close the account. I calculated the original cost of the item + interest charged less what I had paid by S/O - oh, btw, I didn't pay one penny of these £12 penalties - and told them to close my account. I sent a schedule of payments and covering letter but all I got back was a standardised letter claiming at the last count that I still owed them £136 (for an item costing £155, for which I've already paid about £190-inc interest) I think the moneylenders involved are pulling a fast one with these £12 - £24 pcm penalty charges (on top of the 39% interest!) Does anyone out there know how I can get these people off my back - without, of course, paying their ransom money'
  24. Thanks again hallowitch, that's put my mind to rest a bit more. I do own a battered old car (for which I'd be lucky to get as much as £150!). I live on a main road so have to park it down my nearest side street. If the nosy *&^%$£ers had my reg. number and looked along that street I guess they'd be able to locate it quite easily. The problem is I haven't been able to drive it since I came out of hospital recently, otherwise I'd move it further away. I don't suppose the fact that I have a disabled badge clearly displayed on the dashboard would make any difference to them thieving it? (probably not - just thought I'd ask anyway...)
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