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Everything posted by wishboneash

  1. hi that's great i had a mortgage with them from 2001 to 2009 well stung by them
  2. hi that's great because still waiting for pay out from them on charges being loaded on debt has any on took them on in court ? ?
  3. Hi keep getting phone calls from work my supervisor are answering the calls when i am out the office can i get them to stop
  4. Scandal that could ruin banking giants: U.S. lawyers prepare to sue financial firms for hundreds of BILLIONS over global interest rate-fixing Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2168473/Libor-scandal-ruin-banking-giants-US-lawyers-prepare-sue-financial-firms-hundreds-BILLIONS.html#ixzz28ER1Oqpg Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
  5. it might be possible if admin hears anything about class action for the legal side of things
  6. keep getting calls from a debt purchased by Buchanan Clark and wells , nothing on credit file ge capital time retail finance
  7. hi i took mine out in 2001 and left in 2008 because of arrears and hight interest rate i think is was at 9.8 with fees and arrears added to the loan keep me posted
  8. going to apply for this because of gmac pnly offering min payout over charges that were up to £3500 and levied to the loan at 10% intrest rats before i switched to ge money
  9. thanks for that info will chase it up has any on had any luck
  10. in the same boat charges were applied from 202 t0 2008 about 5000 sent a clain was only offered 400 pounds was with a claims company but the were rubbish went to ombudsman not very good so appealing on their decision
  11. how do i complain about the decision given to me about a reasonable offer from g mac i wanted the whole amount £3500 in charges plus interest even in a paragraph he it was unfair to load arrears on mortgage plus high interest rate that forced me to go to ge money to re mortgage in 2008 as i was on a rate of 10,6 percent
  12. Hi looking through ld paper work i gor my old ref nu on a marks ans Spencer loan i fell behind on this was given a charging order on my property in 2002 the lan was paid off in 2008 in full when re mortgaged i have the loan ref number and payment paid can i still claim ppi thanks paul xx
  13. good luck my debts have cleared of my file now only one cj still letters from other debt companies
  14. thank you it was with Halifax fell into arrears with mortgage and loans went with gmac at the time i did not know i could go into a debt plan was never told this by broker just sweet talked into paying all debts back wih extra money gmac was a very high interest rate then i fell behind as was charged 15 pounds none dd then fifty pounds arrears added to loan i finally left gmac 2008 to go to ge as the rate of 10.5 % was crippling me Paul.
  15. thanks will do as i checked my credit all previous debts have now gone only a cj that i need to pay off from a claims firm for bank charges
  16. thanks just had another on for £3500 for Yorkshire bank they had charging order on house so was paid off with remortgage
  17. hi got all my paper work fees were from 2001 to 2008 10 pounds for no dd ( i never had a bank account was taken off me , so could only pay via a building society check ( pass book had send my wages to it and wait till funds were in then i had to send a cheques off £50 pounds arrears fees i totall about £3500 and was added to loan intrest rates were a punishing 10 percent in 2008 from then paul.xx
  18. yes mine was missold in 2001 i didn't really need to remortgage i could have gone in debt plan
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