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Everything posted by lababy

  1. I have drafted a letter to them and was wondering if someone would be able to give me some advice on it. I need to respond by the 2nd Nov.
  2. Is there anyone who would be willing to help me with the letter? I really have no idea what to put in it. As for the garments, they are not exact but do look the same as they are a standard design and are after having a look around today, I have found 3 other websites selling the exact same ones and they have been trading longer than the company that is threatening me. As I said before mine have never been sold and I am no longer continuing with the style. The factory that I used told me they were not copyrighted designs and when I spoke to the IP they told me the garments had to look the exact same to breach infringment. I cannot afford to pay for a solicitor and was trying to get a business started to try and get off benefits. I was not intentionally trying to rip anyone off or copy their designs
  3. Thank you for your advice. So I should just let this lie and not respond? Dont want to make matters worse by ignoring it. My business name and website have changed and the old site is no longer active. Will I still be ok to carry on doing what I am doing? The new syles are totally different anyway.
  4. Thank you for your help. I have no idea what to write in a letter though! Are there any templates for this kind of thing? Also what about the charges that they are wanting me to pay?
  5. The clothes are babygrows and vests that they claim are their designs. The designs that they have registered with the IP are different to mine. I was emailed pictures from the factory in china of clothes that were produced in larger sizes and I asked them if they could scale them down to fit smaller babies, which they did. The company who are challenging me have theirs produced in the UK!. The website was taken down over a week ago and the company name has also been changed to reflect the fact that I am doing organic clothes. The text on my website was explaining about premature babies and their needs and also what the clothing offered. It is going to contain some of the same words as the products are relating to the same things. Me and my hubby came up with the wording on the front page. There is also a logo on the front of theirs with their brand name. On the front of mine there is an embroidered bee.
  6. Hi. I really hope that someone can help me with this. In the beginning of this year I came up with the idea of starting my own business and having my own line of baby clothes for premature babies. I spoke to a factory in China and told them what I wanted. They produced me some samples. I sent a few of these samples to some distrubutors to see if they would be interested in stocking them and that is as far as it has gone. I had a website to display the goods and that had descriptions of the goods on it. I was aware of 2 other companies who also made clothes for premature babies and but my items were different to theirs apart from them having flat seams and nickel free poppers. After having issues with my factory I decided to not go ahead with these and instead to look for another factory and produce an organic collection. Again this is still at sample stage. Today I recieve a special delivery letter from Wright Hassall solicitios saying that I have infringed on IP and copyright on their client Unregistered community design right and have also used the same describing text on my home page. They have given me 7 days to sign the letter they have written out for me, which says that I agree to stop selling/advertising the goods and that I will hand over any samples that I have as well as agreeing to pay their clients costs of £1850!!!! I am really at a loss of what to do. My website is no longer up and I have never recieved any payment for any items I have sent as samples. I do not intend to produce these clothes anymore anyway. My business is not even properly set up yet, I was just testing the water (obviously a big mistake ) I would be very grateful if someone could please help me with this and advise me on what to do next. Regards Vee.
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