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Everything posted by lababy

  1. Its £207 could pay it in istallments but do i go through these or wait for a dca to contact me? Ive rang o2 but they wont deal with me.
  2. Hiya i recieved a letter from these saying they are coming round to collect a debt from o2. I had a mobile sim only contract with o2 which i tried to cancel due to the constant lack of service. O2 refused and billed me for the outstanding months. I havnt had anyother contact from o2 or anyone else until today. Im just looking for abit of advice on how i should handle this. Many thanks Vikki.
  3. I will scan a copy of the letter through in the morning
  4. Yes they were, her husband left her and she has 2 children at home and one living away who is going through a relationship breakdown
  5. Hiya, I am helping a friend of mine with a debt that she is unable to afford the repayments on due to a change in her circumstances. We wrote to Barclays asking if they would accept a token payment of £5 a month and enclosed a financial statment. No word back. She went into her bank to cancel they direct debit that is due to go out on the 27th Aug. She recieved a default notice the other day demanding repayment of the arrears of £0.00?? I have done another letter to send to the collections dept where this letter has come from and was going to suggest that she encloses the £5 token payment in the form of a postal order. The loan amount is for £3,476.78 and they are demaning immediate repayment or they will charge interest at the rate of £1.67 per day :/. Im trying to not let her panic as I have been here with my debts but this letter is scary lol
  6. Hiya, my hubby recieved the letter from capquest today and this debit id for an old joint account we had back in 2000, I have sent them the letter so fingers crossed.
  7. thanks guys, will send them the letter asap. Fingers crossed
  8. Hi, no there is nothing against my husband, just me!. It would have prob been about 2003/2004 it is removed off my file now and i have not paid anything on it. This letter yesterday is the first one that my husband has recieved from natwest regarding this debt. Im worried about opening a can of worms by questioning the ccj, the fear of the unkown i think. I just have visions of the bailiffs kicking the door through
  9. Hiya, Back in 2000 me and my hubby had a joint account with natwest and also a loan with them too. We fell behind with the payments on the loan and defaulted, I went to CAB and was advised to offer a token payment, which I did. Due to the DCA changing bank details and not telling me I fell behind and they went to CCJ which was awarded after we moved house so I never recieved the papers. The first I knew about it was when I saw it on my credit file earlier this year. I contacted the courts who told me capquest held the ccj and it had been awarded for £1 pm. I wrote to capquest but never heard back. I also contacted the FOS as my hubby has never been chased for this debt and the CCJ is only in my name. The looked into it but natwest/capquest never responded and couldnt even find accounts for me!. Yesterday hubby recieved a letter from natwest advising him that capquest were in charge of a debt that he has with them and will write to him in due time. I have just checked my credit file and the CCJ is no longer there . Im really confused with this and not sure what to do. Im worried incase the bailiffs will get involved because the CCJ is unpaid a nd no payments have been made on it. Please can someone advise me on what to do? Many thanks Vikki.
  10. Thank you, do you think its worth doing? Just dont want to get myself in too deep and not know what to look for
  11. there is no default and nothing on the credit file from either of them, I will send them a letter on monday thank you
  12. I was thinking about a SAR as this has been in the name of my step dad so my Mum didn't really have to deal with it till now. I know that they were paying for their gas and elec on direct debit and then SP threatened to cut them off due to debt arrears and put them on a meter for the Elec, yet the gas is in credit.
  13. I havent found anything about PPI and have written to the creditors so its just a waiting game now. My Mum is worried sick everytime she gets the post or someone calls round
  14. Thank you, I will put a letter together. I know the key meters are so expensive, she is putting on £30 a week at the moment and is living of state pension
  15. No, I missed 2 payments and they sent it to BC
  16. It was an online account that I had last year and due to my husband being made redundant I had problems paying, hence why carter has got hold of it, It is only for £199 but obvously I cannot afford to pay that in one go.
  17. Thanks, I dont know what to look for on the CCA's,
  18. Hiya, I have been going through my Mum and my late step dad's things and found out that they have an Electricity bill from Scottish Power for just over 2K, they have been on a key meter with them for over 18 months as Scottish power threatened to cut them off. I was just wondering how I go about finding out more about this bill, is there a template letter or aything as surley for a small 2 bedroom house this is excessive.
  19. Thanks for your advice, the house was in joint names so that is all my mum has, he didnt have any other monies or valuables so hopefully that will make it easier. I'm not sure about the PPI, how would I go about checking that? I'm picking up all the paperwork today so will be able to know a bit more hopefully.
  20. thanks my mum is 71 and really hasnt got a clue what to expect bless her. She has sorted out all his paperwork so I'm going to get to work on the letters.
  21. The house is all my Mum has and she is living in that now, he didnt have enough insurance to pay the funeral so my mum is having to get a grant from the social. How do I go about getting these debts delt with?
  22. Hi, I'm hoping someone can help me here, my Step dad passed away last sunday and has left various un secured debts behind. All but 1 is in his name and are credits cards/catalogues. The other one is a TSB bank loan that although all the letters have only been addressed to him, they have told my Mum that she is eligable for it too. I'm not sure what to do about these debts, my Mum is worried sick about the bailiffs coming round despite me telling her that at this stage its not going to happen. Any help would be great and also if there is a template letter to send to the DCA to inform them of his death that would be great too. Many thanks.
  23. Hi, I received a letter from Bryan carter recently giving me 10 days to pay the £199 that is outstanding for a simply be debt from last year. I sent off my request for a CCA and today recieved it from Simply be in the form of an print out of the credit agreement with my 'electronic' signature on it, alos included were a copy of the account showing payments and also a copy of their terms and conditions. What should I do about this debt? Should I challange it any further? Many thanks Vix
  24. Aww so its nothing to worry about as such? I've just never had one of these before and wasnt sure what to do about it.
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