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Everything posted by ArtisanUK

  1. If they do, it will not be worth the paper on which it would be printed. Unless a court order or ASBO was involved, it is not a crime to enter a retail store during its hours of business.
  2. And she has a perfect right to tell them to get lost. Had they been interviewed under PACE - Police And Criminal Evidence Act 1984, as amended - they would have to have an appropriate adult present. Unless they had been the subjects of a citizen's arrest - where they would be detained until a constable could take them into police custody - any detention of them could be illegal.
  3. As the wallets were recovered, the store suffered little quantifiable loss, if indeed they suffered any loss at all. RLP like to add charges for the cost of employing the store security staff but, as those costs would have to be paid regardless of any thefts, no part of those costs could be fairly attributed to the alleged culprits.
  4. If it does, it should be reported to Trading Standards, the OFT and the Office of the Information Commissioner, as something of that sort displayed on the envelope would be a gross and egregious breach of privacy. Even if they had coerced you into signing or agreeing to their so-called "fine", I doubt it would stand up in court - contracts with minors rarely do!
  5. Would they? I'll volunteer to make the cross - you can sell the tickets. 8-)
  6. I know the plods will doubtless reply "It's a civil matter, there's nothing we can do", but don't some police farces have an financial crime division?
  7. That is why I suspect the alleged debt is already statute barred and why the Provident hag is so desperate for you to sign up for one of their overpriced loans.
  8. You must admit, though, that it's a clever trick - buy up some debts that are about to become (or already are) statute barred and, by not giving the alleged debtor all the facts, get them to sign up to a loan at nearly 300% APR.
  9. Just refer the old bag to the celebrated retort in the matter of [edit]
  10. How do you know that Oscar likes to foxtrot? Fifthly - does Staci live in England or Scotland? From her name alone, I would guess that she is English, but we need to be sure as the limitation period are different.
  11. I'd not have expected the expletive filter to respond to "kwik" - you must have written something more apposite.
  12. That does seem queer. If that was what happened, it would have been an offence contrary to section 51 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 and the OFT should have done something more about it than the traditional light chastisement with a feather.
  13. The name Midas reminds me of the fabled king of that name and, in particular, of his ears.
  14. Perhaps the mechanic's guide dog was unqualified?
  15. Rather than referring them to the celebrated retort in the matter (edited)
  16. Another idea would be to have the car checked by a VOSA inspector - if the testing centre could apparently miss a developing fault with the power-assisted steering, they may have missed other faults too. That's assuming it was tested.
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