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Everything posted by LilMissM

  1. Yeah I'm hoping I get that back this month. I just don't see a way out of this situation though
  2. Also, the reason my new budget planner is different from the one I did with Step Change is because I didn't put in for things like vet bills, clothing, haircut etc. I just put the actual bills. When I spoke to the chap at Santander yesterday he said to definitely include these sort of things because I don't want to be in such a dire situation that I can't even afford to buy myself a new pair of shoes. I also have seven cats and for the most part they don't cost me a lot at the vets, but every now and then I do need money for vet bills and I should've included things like monthly flea treatment etc. Looking back on it now it just wasn't a very accurate budget planner. Santander sent me after I had spoken to him yesterday and I took his advice and filled it in more accurately and cried. I have had a terrible start to the year financially already. I started a new job in December, was ill with flu two weeks in so didn't get a full wage then. January the washing machine broke so I had to buy a new one. I also had a horrendous migraine (I am diagnosed with chronic migraine and have three monthly treatment at the Walton Centre) so was off work with that and again, didn't get a full wage I discovered last month that the tax office had changed my tax code in January to the emergency tax code for some reason, even though it was correct in December, I was over £400 short in my wages for February. Hence me using my overdraft and finding myself in this now seemingly unfixable situation. This whole situation is making me feel very depressed and helpless.
  3. Statement of Affairs and Personal Balance Sheet Household Information Number of adults in household........... 2 Number of children in household......... 0 Number of cars owned.................... 0[b] Monthly Income Details Monthly income after tax................ 1658 Partners monthly income after tax....... 0 Benefits................................ 0 Other income............................ 350[b] Total monthly income.................... 2008 Monthly Expense Details[/b] Mortgage................................ 0 Secured/HP loan repayments.............. 0 Rent.................................... 577 Management charge (leasehold property).. 0 Council tax............................. 154 Electricity............................. 75 Gas..................................... 75 Oil..................................... 0 Water rates............................. 39 Telephone (land line)................... 0 Mobile phone............................ 23 TV Licence.............................. 13 Satellite/Cable TV...................... 66 Internet Services....................... 0 Groceries etc. ......................... 225 Clothing................................ 50 Petrol/diesel........................... 0 Road tax................................ 0 Car Insurance........................... 0 Car maintenance (including MOT)......... 0 Car parking............................. 0 Other travel............................ 40 Childcare/nursery....................... 0 Other child related expenses............ 0 Medical (prescriptions, dentist etc).... 15 Pet insurance/vet bills................. 50 Buildings insurance..................... 0 Contents insurance...................... 0 Life assurance ......................... 0 Other insurance......................... 0 Presents (birthday, christmas etc)...... 50 Haircuts................................ 20 Entertainment........................... 40 Holiday................................. 0 Emergency fund.......................... 0 Total monthly expenses.................. 1512 Assets Cash.................................... 0 House value (Gross)..................... 0 Shares and bonds........................ 0 Car(s).................................. 0 Other assets............................ 0 Total Assets............................ 0 No Secured nor Hire Purchase Debts Unsecured Debts Description....................Debt......Monthly...APR Credit card....................1042......261.......0 Loan...........................6149......274.......0 Loan...........................6319......0.........0 Family member..................4500......125.......0 Overdraft......................621.......0.........0 Total unsecured debts..........18631.....660.......- Monthly Budget Summary Total monthly income.................... 2,008 Expenses (including HP & secured debts). 1,512 Available for debt repayments........... 496 Monthly UNsecured debt repayments....... 660 Amount short for making debt repayments. -164 Personal Balance Sheet Summary[ Total assets (things you own)........... 0 Total HP & Secured debt................. -0 Total Unsecured debt.................... -18,631 Net Assets.............................. -18,631
  4. I contacted Santander today and explained my situation. The very nice lady said that they can release the money that has been paid in by my mum but that her bank (RBS) have to recall it. Mum phoned her bank and they said it is highly unlikely that the money will be returned (even though they said the complete opposite the day before) and that even if they do a successful recall it can take up to 24 days! Is this right? I feel like Santander have been sound about it all but my Mums bank are being weird. We both told our respective banks the situation and that I need that money urgently. I obviously can't wait 24 working days to get the money back, am going to phone Santander again tomorrow and see what they say. Mum has to phone her bank at lunchtime if the money is not back in her account by then. Any advice please lovely people?
  5. Have I made it all worse? I have cancelled the switch option and my mum has phoned her bank and they said it has been cancelled and will be recalled on Monday. I'm going to manually set up all my direct debits and standing orders in my new bank today and cancel them from Santander. The switch option from Starling sounded good, they get it all transferred over and close your old account for you I thought that was the best option. Feel like a dumb ass
  6. dx100uk - that "PS" just make me tear up a little bit. I feel even more stupid now because now I am here (again) I know this is where I should've come in the first place. This is my safe place! I just forget I have it until I'm in full blown panic mode. Thank you for remembering me, you probably know more about me than I do LOL I will take the advice given by your good self (as always!) and @lolerz (thank you so much) and will undoubtedly have forgotten this whole conversation when the default letters start coming, so expect a panicky new thread when they do. Sorry, my brain doesn't work properly anymore You are all wonderful people on here, I just wish I had the memory to remember that instead of waiting until my brain is rattling in my head x
  7. Sorry for this thick response, but what does that mean? Unsecured? Not tied to any assets. Common secured loans would be car finance or a mortgage.
  8. I don't even care how long it takes me to pay these debts off, so long as I can pay them off and still have enough money to live on and feed and look after my seven cats
  9. The debts are as follows: ZOPA BANK LOANS - £6,319.54 MY COMMUNITY BANK - £6,149.12 CAPITAL ONE - £1,042.41 SANTANDER - £750.00 I shall cancel the DMP with StepChange now. I have applied to Starling bank and it says average review time is 4 hours so fingers crossed. I will take your advice because it sounds like very good advice. Either way my credit score is going to be affected I might as well do it my way like you say. What will happen when I start missing payments and for how long should I miss those payments? Will I get taken to court or bailiffs or debt collectors sent to my house? That is one of my biggest stresses, anyone like that coming to my home
  10. Thank you. None of the debts are at present overdue, no missed payments etc. I looked at a DMP because I am just struggling to manage my money and am finding myself with little to no money left each month to live on, hence how I ended up in my overdraft again. I owe in total around £14k, feel very stupid for getting myself into this mess How do I now go about getting the debts defaulted and do you think I should cancel the DMP? StepChange did not rush me into anything to be fair, but I did ask them NOT to include Santander in the DMP because I have been with them for years and they have let me reduce my overdraft in the past each month. They did not reply to my request, or to any other email I sent them actually. But a DMP felt like the right thing to do because I am clearly terrible with money and don't know how to get myself out of this mess and straight again. Honestly, I feel like I am suffocating at the moment I will have a look at opening an account with Starling now, thank you
  11. I have recently taken out a DMP which is due to start on 1st April. Included in the DMP is my £750 overdraft with Santander, of which I had used just over £700). The bank have now removed the overdraft option (which is fine) but is still showing as being overdrawn. I have applied for another basic bank account with Co-op but was wondering if Santander will automatically take any money coming into the Santander account (like my wages etc) and just use that to pay off the overdraft? Right at this moment I literally have no access to any money at all and I do not get paid until the 25th of this month. I am panicking and very upset. Upset that I have sadly found myself in a situation where I need a DMP (but trying to look on the bright side and see being debt free in a couple of years) and very worried and concerned that I have literally not a penny until I get paid and then worried if Santander will take it straight off me, even though they are included in my DMP. I am going to ring Step Change who have arranged the DMP for me and get advice from them, but until I know whether I can get a new bank account for direct debits, wages etc, I don't know what to do. Can anyone offer any advice because right now all I feel like doing it crying
  12. I have received a letter saying I owe £1,058.23 in working tax credits overpayment from April 2012 (£663.32), April 2013 (£293.88) and April 2014 (£101.03) I know it is not a massive amount but how can I query this from such a long time ago? There is no other info in the letter just a Statement of Liabilities detailing the dates and amount as shown here. I know I had working tax credits when I went back to work after an illness but not sure how I ended up owing them this money. Any help or advice would be much appreciated x
  13. Thank you both Thank you @dx100uk for remembering me from years ago and for always giving me advice. I know that is the point of this group but I just want you to know how much you have helped me, mentally more than anything
  14. Good evening all. So, I have had a letter back from capquest following my SB letter saying: "Upon further investigation we can see there has been a County Court Judgement (CCJ) applied to the account on 13/05/2016. Case No. C******W. Therefore, under the Limitations Act 1980 this account is not statute barred. We also wish to advise this account is no longer placed with us and all questions, queries and payments should now be directed towards Arrow Global." That doesn't sound good
  15. I shall do that. Thank you for the advice. Again If they persist, which I suspect they will, is there some way of making some sort of complaint? Harassment or something like that? This needs to be stopped. I can't believe they can get away with stuff like this.
  16. Evening good people. it looks like my SB letter has had no effect. I have just arrived home from work to an envelope marked Private & Confidential and inside it a card from resolvecall for my URGENT attention saying they have called today at 1pm and for me to contact their head office. What is the next stage here because the SB letter I have sent clearly hasn't had any effect
  17. It all looks exactly the same as the other letter yeah. I have no idea what this is so I'm gonna say yes for not used or pain in last 6 years. What the hell was I doing all these years ago?!! What shall I do? x
  18. Thank you @dx100uk What does that mean? Letters crossed? This second letter is for something else (that I have no idea about). How do I just make all this stop? Isn't this like some form of harassment? It feels like harassment.
  19. I received another letter from capquest today, the same wording as the first one telling me that resolvecall will now be managing my account etc but this is for £319 Shop Direct. I have no idea what is going on. My question @dx100uk should I just send another SB letter to them for this? x
  20. Thank you @dx100uk I will get that letter sent over the weekend. I have just read through all 10 pages of my original thread from 2012 - 2016 and my head has fallen off. Like, I am reading the things I have typed and responded to and queried and questions I have asked and comments I have made but it is like they are written by someone else. I do not remember writing all of that. This fiasco has been going on for YEARS! I joined this group in 2006! On the subject of my medical issues I have, to date, had 2 SAH's (2007 and 2015) and 5 brain surgeries (the last one being 2019) including a craniotomy I am diagnosed with chronic daily migraines which I have regular treatment and preventative medication for. I had 3 MRI's last year alone due to my brain issues. I have recently asked to be referred back to the neuropsychologist because I have issues with anger and and see people on fire when I am very stressed and the more stressed I get, the harder it is for me to concentrate and remember things. Let's just hope they are polite when they come knocking at my door. I can't do this, I need it done and sorted once and for all this time x
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