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welcome finance warrior

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Everything posted by welcome finance warrior

  1. I have however access request the full motley crew (WF, NU, DG, ) including the car finance garage...even called down to try and prise the information out of him about commissions but he shat himself and started panicking... the rest you know re Sally Head of Customer Squirmishes at DG... ...I TO HAVE RECENTLY RECEIVED THE 8 YEAR OLDS ANSWER TO AN INSURANCE POLICY BOOKLET) FROM DG...PATHETIC ...I BET THOSE IMAGES ON THE INSURANCES DOCUMENTS ARE COPYRIGHT VIOLATIONS AS WELL...
  2. i discovered that i had "those" insurances 11 days ago when i went to V.T the agreement. It was then that WF informed me that i stillm owed £1700 for insurances that we valed at £1000 2 years ago, despite the fact that part of the monthly repayments included the insurance. So know i dont have anything like that...the agreement at face value is full of holes though. For example 48 x the total adds upto £200 less than Welcome have on the agreement plus observe the ticked boxed on the insurance. It was not my hand that ticked those boxes... ...cheers
  3. Hi Post I sent you my agreements can you confirm if commission payments were declared on my agreement... cheers... PM me if you need a copy of them again, i've had to remove them from the public thread due to nosey parkers and so and so's
  4. Post GGI will be able to comment on this better than i, as can alot of others, but i believe that under the CCA, the minute an account is brought into dispute by the consumer then it literally freezes until the "default can be remedied" if indeed it ever can be... ...That means any defaults appearing on your credit file by asaid company would be unlawful and would therefore be actionable by you. You could also apply for the defaults to be removed... like I said i think this is the current position, but hey were dealing with WF and i believe they will just knock the hell of your file, evidenced by the fact that even though they wont reply to your default notice they will still send default letters (at a cost of £25) demanding payment every month. It seems reasonable from this that they would also be contacting the credit reference agencies 28 days after you receive your WF default letter, if you haven't paid... ...YES its wrong and illegal but do they give a fcuk... ...i wouldn't worry too much from what i can gather from other posts they don't have the staff or resources they use to...meaning less trigger happy jobworths pressing the destruct button on their (unhappy) customers credit files.
  5. ...obviously Welcome will do there best to screw my credit rating, so in anticipation of this and in expectation of the demise of my credit rating i applied for one of those Capital One Credit Cards and guess what i got accepted... ...at 34% apr of course... Yippie... ...oh how the young never learn, but hey ive justified it... ...consider this... ...i expect my credit rating will be hammered when I default the agreement upon (not) receiving my SAR, so thought I'd try my look now rather than later... Seems sadly ironic that the only agreement i havn't scammed in my entire life was [causing problems] me big time... ...aint Karma a bitch...
  6. hi Eeeezzzzy Yea me too. Can't believe i found this site it really helped me out. I've been quite fortunate really though, coming out of my agreement at the end of all the trouble. Thankfully Welcome is making everyone silly offers now, what with the impending doom of litigation looming over for misssold PPI, which means i can get out of the agreement and the relationship i have with welcome relatively unscathed... ...meaning i can tuck tale and run...BUT I'M NOT GOING TOO... I've read this thread almost twice takes a full day up. And every time i read it angers me to read about all the people over the years who have been ripped off and abused by Welcome, especially at the time when Welcome was flying high sith the shares etc... AS A RESULT I FEEL IT MY CIVIC DUTY TO GIVE WELCOME, DG AND NU AS MUCH AGRO AS IS POSSIBLE OVER MY FRAUDLENT AGREEMENT. ...i suggest everyone else on hear who as ever recieved help does the same...GOOD ON YOU EEEEZZZZZYYYYY and GOD BLESS POST GGI
  7. Na something is defo going on down at Welcome... It hasnt even been 12 days since I made a complaint and asked for my SAR. Since then I have had a man on the phone form WF saying he will be my "Complaints Co-ordinator", even rang the Contact Centre and low and behold the complaint has even been included on the file (entitled miss-sold PPI)... TO LITTLE TO LATE... Then just received a letter through this morning confirming the complaints procedure from WF even got a leaflet from them that contains information from the Financial Ombudsman.... ...Could this be the effects of the new management trickling through. I also phoned to cancell the V.T agreement becuase since my SAR they have been very keen to collect the vehicle (four phone calls and collection dates). According to WF they don't RAC inspect the vehicles anymore, they just get collected and go straight to auction... ...but this still begs the question...Why So Keen To Pick Up My Vehicle? I mean there is some poor sods on here who have had their vehicles sat on their drives ages, rotting whilst welcome won't respond to their V.T's... ...could it be that welcome realise that they haven't got a copy of the original agreement, realise this and want to take the car before i default the whole agreement=the car is mine for nowt No chance. No vehicle till I receive my SAR WELCOME.
  8. hi postggi ...any news yet pal...is it looking good or bad on face value ...me thinks Wilson v Hungster if the documents watertight cheers
  9. well they wouldn't would they, the banks via some sort of subsidary company would enforce the agreements as would the note holders, as well as being liable for any missold insurances and secret commissions etc...i think
  10. hi all just had a company called XX recovery on the line they said that they will collect the vehicle tomoz and said that Welcome no longer RAC inspect the cars because they can't afford to. (that was quick response wow seven days from my V.T letter)(no wriiten response of course) (lets see if i get the SAR info just as quick) I said fine so your agency will have no problem signing a bit of paper to say that the vehicle is damage free. She said "I'll get back to you" She then phoned again to say that welcome had told them not to sign the paper and that the vehicle would be RAC inspected at the auction... I said yea right...no RAC inspection at my address no car... Welcome still trying to fight dirty right to the bitter end... Message to the (redundent) welcome finance muppets: Do you think that I would be that stupid to hand my car over so some local lackey down at the car auctions (who isn't RAC) just so you can take me for a few more £1000's. Just a question if you can't afford the RAC then why are you paying them to inspect at auction...Oh please, please try harder YOU ARE WITOUT DOUBT THE BIGGEST FINANCIAL MONG IN HISTORY GET A GRIP YOU SEEDY LITTLE BACK STREET OUTFIT...YOU TRIED TO RISE ABOVE YOUR STATION AND PLAY WITH THE BIG BOYS BUT WERE FOUND WANTING. IN THE WORDS OF THE BEATLES "GET BACK JOJO...GET BACK TO WHERE YOU ONCED BELONGED"...IN YOUR CASE THE GUTTER
  11. yes i agree... i do hope the staff can secure some employment else where, god knows they've all been so helpful:lol: i reckon they should have given postggi a job how long do you think he would have lasted Hee hee
  12. blimey that was quick: Dept 33 although not listed on the letter i received from aviva has come back i they allowed to say they can't provide me with a final decision: "We will contact you again within the next 10 working days. At that time we would hope to be able to (cook the books) provide you with a final decision on behalf of the disorganisation, but should that not prove possible, we will (stall you) and advise you as to the current position" (finger nail biting time) Please find enclosed a copy of our complaint enquiry...blah blah blah... Phone: Technical Team The Warren, Warren Road, Worthing, West Sussex, BN14 9QD Tel: 01903 273632 Fax: 01903 273303 this may help some of you guys out...but i doubt it...
  13. sorry to keep spamming up the forum but... Just rand DG again, the general customer service staff don't even deal with "this policy" anymore... thats funny... I only sent in my V.T on monday surely WF haven't contacted them this quickly... ...and besides according to welcome i am still bound for four years...very strange...I can't understand why "this policy" is any different to any other policy...can it be because i have SAR them...why would this make a difference...any reputable company would simply send out the information and deal with me in the normal manner confident that my agreement is water tight...surely...common sense prevailing... Or could it be... Message to WF/DG: The bears claw has been caught in the cooky jar. Your a very clever little bear arn't you, maybe too clever...for your own good... Just got to the bottom of how DG and WF could have signed me upto the agreement easrlier than the date that is signed... The dealership that i went to for the vehicle already had my details because i had gone there to months earlier and signed up but right at the last minute had a bad feeling and cancelled the agreement. Upon checking with asaid companies i found that DG did have a record of the past agremement dated in may. So i am now in a position where i have an insurance policy with DG/WF/NU or one of them or maybe none of them that started on the 28th but the agreemetn wasnt enetered into and signed until the 29th.... What a farce... should have listenend to my instincts, shouldn't have gone back 2 months later...And i remember having detailed conversations with the car garage even popping in to make sure the car i wanted was still there... reckon one of them has though "he's a definite" lets bang the insurance forms in now...( a day early) hence the fact that there were pre- ticked boxes... I think I'm getting a little bit closer to the truth...what do you reckon welcome...
  14. lets face it... department 33 is a little crummy room within a room within a department that will have been set up as a direct response to this very issue... the reason nobody within these disorganisations knows it exists is because they don't want anyone knowing about this dirty little affair... I do hope welcome send me a fake (cut and paste) of my original agreement upon SAR...lol lets see them fake a fake document.... Message to welcome: If (When) you decide to fake my agreement be sure to make sure that when you tick the boxes for mechanical breakdown insurance and shortfall that there exactly the same length as the ticked boxes some crony signed on my agreement... I have my tape measure ready:razz: i cant tell you his/her name because it just appears to be a few scribbles how convienent...
  15. i have read the threads in detail... took about 8 hrs...there's that much info by the time you see what stage every one is at you forgot the procedures... i may just go back through and cut and paste all ther most important advice and then post it as current... Why? In the hope that as many unlucky so and so's who have dealt with welcome read the posts, react with legal force thereby giving welcome a kick in the koooners on there way down...
  16. you can't even get through to a switch board in Worthing... when you dial the above number(i gave on the last thread) goes to another switch board in Norwich Union and they pass you over to their subsidary within that group which is welcome finance who pass you over to welcome car finance (liquidated) who pass you over to compliance who don't answer. great... on top of that i checked with crc today and welcome have defaulted me for saturdays payment that i have evidenced i paid. what had actually happened is that my bank manager had rang me on monday morning to tell me welcome had tried to take two payments one on the 28th (saturday) one on the 29th sunday. Obviously i was able to recover the l;ast payment on a recall. CRC reckon they never received a payment at all over the weekend and has defaulted my accounbt even though i have evidence the direct debit went out... hahahahhahahaha another document for my solicitor...Keep up the good work welcome... lol i feel like i'm playing one of those little hang men games at school... keep up the good work welcome finance... kind regards
  17. it looks like were having some luck this morning... switch board was empty when i rang and guess who answered...security... a gentleman called Mathwew Jennings who has worked there eight years as secuirity has never heard of a dept 33... hmmm he gave me another number: central switchboard (how many switch boards do you need) Number for "central switchboard" 01603 622200 will keep you updated
  18. according to Kim Bowling of aviva (switch board) in Norwich... there is no dept. 33 and never has been... He really seemed eager to pass me over to Deborah brown in aviva upon allegations of fraud and suprise suprise there was no one at the desk... here is the number of the worthing office: 01903 273211...he remarked that it was really strange that there was no-one person on the system who's name he could give... whats the chances no one picks up... off to ring them now... keep you all up dated...
  19. hi all just received this email back from N.U... Dear XXXX Thank you for your earlier e-mail regarding the policy as stated. Your e-mail has come through to Aviva United Kingdom Direct Insurance, who are part of the Aviva group dealing directly with the public via the telephone and internet. Aviva UKDI provide Motor, Home and Travel insurance policies direct to the consumer and do not use intermediaries or brokers. On checking the details that you have supplied I can confirm that we do not deal with short fall insurance through the Direct side of the business. As we operate independently from our parent company who use the broker system, I am afraid that we cannot access your policy or advise you on the terms and conditions therein. I would therefore ask that you direct your query to the intermediary who arranged your policy. If the above information does not help to resolve your query and you do not have the contact details for the company you require, you can either call the main Aviva switchboard on 01603 622200 within normal office hours or write to: Aviva, PO Box 4, Surrey Street, Norwich. NR1 3NG Alternatively you may choose to fax them on: +44 (0)1603 683659 so who is my intermediatry the cronies down in nottingham i wager...are they qualified or regulated to deal with insurances. Surely they must be getting paid for the insurances?????? yeah right otherwise why would it have their name on the polices... can anyone shed some light on this...anyway i off to use that number to get in touch with the mary celest aka dept 33... will keep you all up to date regards
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