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welcome finance warrior

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Everything posted by welcome finance warrior

  1. Oh O.K that clarifies things alittle now we have some context... This is probably the begining of the law or legal principle established in some case presented at a later stage than this. For example i would wager (before reading the case) that this was an argument based on buyer arguning that they didnt want to pay becasue the new owner of the contract was not an original party to the contract...clearly everyone could see that this would be a false dictum since there may be many reasonable circumstances when an ENFORCEABLE agreement can bre passed over and is therefore law... I think you will find that all sorts of complcated mechanism kick in upon allegations of uneforceability... But it still leaves us with the original question... Like POST SAID in an issue seperate to this...i think we would persue the people who had equity in the sale of the agreement e.g RBS
  2. This seems logical and i would wager under case law would be the accpeted position but this only places the buyer of the agreement (WELCUMS EVIL PALS) with a defence to an equitable right, or remedy from a policy holder if bought in good faith. Would this equitable right be to the detriment of the policy holer (me and you) i do not think so. Why should one equitable right destroy another especially when there is a clear and just argument that the policy holder should also have a right to action... But then who would the policy holder bring an action against...
  3. Are you sure, that doesn't sound very legal to me, for a start is morally repugnant and the courts would surly realise this... How can you sell a debt that has an existing liability without honoring the liability...The consequencies in financial terms would be massive because every FRAUDLENT (innovative, creative) company would know that they could act recklessly and escape culpability If what you say is fact LMH then the law is surly distorted:confused: and tilted in favour of the rich man... Oh of course how silly of me...
  4. Yeah and lets not forget Andie 303... Aint heard from him for over a week?
  5. Ta... I'm just wondering if the eight Welcome Finance/Cattles Muppets would like one... Well do you!!!
  6. Champagne wots that... ...you joking arnt you mate some of us are still tied to welcome finance agreements at £280 per month with APR at 34%... Councils pops mine just bang it in the fridge for half hour..."on ice"
  7. I know i'm going off point so i'll just say this then am off to deliver some leaflets... Its not just welcome its everyone. Remember the Gas and electricity hikes last winter that were justified because they were indexed link to oil and therefore when oil prices rise so did the gas and electricity...even though oils got nothing to do with gas and electricty... Have the gas and electricity companies brought the prices down. Did they ever...no they did not... We are all just a number, a crop to be harvested by big corporartions and the government. AND NO AM NOT BEEN DRAMATIC. i might just start referring to my self as JT 75 87 which is part of my NI, I suggest you all do the same just so we can streamline everything and make ourselves a more productive crop to be harvested... Kind regards all Me:mad:
  8. good effort on your part Post GGJ, but i'm willing to bet my WF agreement on the fact that all these slimey toads will slip through the net... Now-a-days words like innovation, creativity and diversification replace words like FRAUD and thats how its justified unless your a blue collar or an unimportant white collar worker... Then the full force of the law is upon you and fraud and accusations of fraud and enforcement of alleged fraud are banded about as often as a please and thank you... Jesus christ i wish i was god talk about fire and brim stone...
  9. "It has sacked six directors and parted company with chief executive David Postings after an independent investigation found serious flaws in the way it accounted for bad debts, blowing a potential £850m hole in its accounts." Taken from the Yorkshire Post... Its the same old cock and bull the country over "serious flaws in the way it accounted for bad debts" Why can't they just say, the whole rotten bunch...the "sly six" have been guilty of fraud. There locking people up left right and centre who live together but claim seperatly for claiming about £90 extra per week on JSA yet when there's £850 million involved it called a flaw... Doesn't this country make you sick.... The best part is all these corrupt sons of bitches live in massive houses and drive big cars, looking down there nose at us when they pass...There the biggest scurge of the earth if ever i seen... And were not talking a minority group here, the majority have there snouts in the trouth and why not u know, never mind about an £800 million fraud, its just a flaw, poor souls...
  10. Oh bless... You wont be alone... As they say in Canada Would you like fries with that mate:mad:
  11. At a guess i'd say that it is gonna be a statement from some sort of financial authority (at best) at worst it will be a statement from the actual authories including fraud... but hey the statements only going to confirm what we all know...that WFS has being run by black beard and co for some forseeable time... WFS=Pirate bay
  12. na your just their bitch:D sorry peeps couldn't resist, dont kick me...i'll be good from now on!
  13. hi post ggi dont suppose you've had a chance to gander at my agreement have you pal?
  14. Not really mate no... I went to V.T my agreement (never missed a payment) and welcome tell me i owe £1700 for insurances i never knew i had. Here's the best part... The insurances were valued at £1000 apparantly yet after 2 years of paying them off along with my agreement i owe £1700, how can that be fair dummy... I talk to Welcome they dont want to know... So frustrated i come on here, and everyone helps each other out... If Welcome and there little cronies (car dealerships) had thrown straight dice and i could have v.t my agreement which is my legal right then there would be no trouble would they...dummy... Now i'm that angry i will be looking to rescind the contract by virtue of secret commission (illegal) and get all my money back as a result of there under dealings...(legal) Quite a fair proposition wouldn't you say jamie the mac aka THE DUMMY
  15. Jamiethemac OMG what a plonker, you are obviously some kind of proper berk arn't you mate... The reason everyone on here is debating whether to pay what they agreed or not is because 80-90% of them are in the process of court action or very close largely because welcome finance has ignored every persons attempt to deal with this amicably outside court. And it seems likely that 80-90% of people who are in the process of court action are going to get shafted on winding up... ...every one will stand in line upon winding up and guess who ranks last in pecking order us the consumer... So why would every one keep to their agreements when it is widely acknowledged on the Cattles discussion board that they are stalling every one... So, if welcome want paying then i suggest that they stick to their agreement as in accordance with the consumer credit act... Jamie the mac...you've got a great future ahead of you...i predict great things...tee heee
  16. Well it depends on alot of things really...will agreeing a settlement and washing your hands of them get rid of all those defaults on your credit file... If you have a valid claim and you know you have why settle for second best. Have they ever given you an easy route out (until now) What does that tell you about them... Same with me, Why so keen to pick up my car on V.T, and why all of a sudden all this fuss contacting me and allocating me a "complaints co-ordinator" and following up with a "complaints letter" that included a little brochure from the financial ombudsman. There on the ropes Post ggi and andie 303 seeing to that... I personally am prepared to let them default my credit file while i fight this and thats sickening considering its the first time in 6 years i've been able to get a credit card... I could also get the vehicle i currently owe 6K on for 2K on a settlement and walk away with the car which i could part ex and get £4500 towards cost of a new one so i am in excellent position to just dissapear... But like those t-shirts used to say.... FCUK them... Am Not Going Anywhere Till The Fat Lady Starts Wailing GIVE THEM HELL, DONT GIVE IN, EXCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE
  17. Hi post lol, i sent you my agreement over last night. That the one where £200 has been added to the total and doesnt add up at 48 months x £XXX... read the other post interesting stuff...surly its not enough for WELCOME to insist "oh we don't pay commission" in court and that will be the end of it. They clearly do, surly records will be kept and evidence of it somewhere...
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