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Everything posted by razorc

  1. rwill I send it 1st class signed for ? Hi dx100uk , could you assist as in how to word the letter to them? or would it just be , worded in the lines of refund of commission ppi insurance
  2. Morning all, and thanks dx100uk would there be a template for the pelvin ppi claim, anyone know what address to use for Welcome cheers again
  3. could you explain that bit , lol, sorry for not understanding god it was 11years ago by the looks of it going by the posts that we stopped paying them 2 aggs.pdf
  4. 1st agreement number, on the new agreement theres no account number any steps I can take would be great
  5. think about 4 year ago i have the new 1 still they sent us to sign and return , can scan that also
  6. never refunded, took it off and recalulated loan, tried to get us to sign new agreement , but we never did, that was probs few year ago, stopped paying it , anything we can do, does the agreement look ok thanks dx100uk
  7. just had letter saying debt sold to coast finance solutions, stopped paying this years ago , could somebody look at our agreement again see if its ok or not cheers
  8. Did try , but they were fobbing me off all the time , last letter i think was they took ppi of loan and they recalculated it , sign this new loan agreement , but we never did
  9. Do you just need to fill out details on the return letter they give you , or do i need to write anything else on seperate letter
  10. Hello there also received same letter today, is it better doing a SAR first? cheers
  11. Hi thanks for reply, I moved house , dont have bank statements from that far back, haven.t contacted them yet, going to tomorrow, because i stopped paying it I was wondering what happens to the money I paid into it as not got any letters or policy now
  12. Hi all Had a standard life endowment back in 1989 , stopped paying it probs 10 year into it, not got any details of old policy , is there anyway I can get policy details from standard life cheers
  13. Having a AoE in place you would think by law they couldn't take her payback , she is struggling as it is trying to pay them the extra , will try local MP see if they can do anything as you say its worth a try.
  14. also just read on the single occupancy form this bit: If you wish to claim for a period prior to the 3 months period we need you to provide independent evidence that the facts are as you have stated. as was saying earlier they were charging her full council tax for 10 years because they were saying that my partner was staying with her , even thou my partner and me are living together for the past 12 years and us paying council tax , so we have proof that she was living her self. has anyone succeeded in trying to get it all back dated from them , also were in Scotland if that matters with england and scottish laws many thanks again for all helping
  15. thanks for all replying , will have all details from her today and post later. I can scan the letter that they have sent also if someone could have a look over it?
  16. Just trying to get hold off misses mum for the full story, but we know she has been paying full council tax for about 10 year when she should have been getting single occupancy as she lives on her own although she never applied for it
  17. PLease can anyone help with this, my partners mum works in a school and all staff was been awarded backpay that they were owed , which is £680 , but now she has received a letter from the council saying that sh will not be getting the backpay of £680 instead it is going to her arrears of council tax. can they do this ? even thou she has an agreement in place paying the debt off to them , she was really relying on this extra cash for christmas many thanks for your time
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