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Everything posted by accesspwd

  1. will be interesting what bull *** (you fill in the blank) they come out with
  2. Ye i done mine online. It would try it, even if you get 1 or 2 off your back, all helps dont it
  3. try this: Fairfax Solicitors | Volume Debt Recovery, Collections Services, Litigation you can submit it online directly. and you should receive anemail direct to you confirming they got it
  4. I once had a littlewoods catalogue, didnt pay it and it got passed to BCA, i CCA'd them and they came back saying they couldnt find the agreement, now i have never heard from them again. I would still do it
  5. yeah my post used to arrive 7-8 in the morning, these days im getting it midday
  6. They have ignored your CCA request because they think they are better and think they have more rights. They dont have more rights, they know they should reply to the CCA request The agents turning up at the door most likely wont even happen, but you never know they might. I think you can just close the door in their face They cant just send in the bailiffs, it dont work like that.
  7. do you know how to scan it onto your computer? if so, do it them upload the image to photobucket.com, then post us all the link to look at
  8. Linus is right, because its known the postal strike is on it does help with the defence, the industry i work in is similar if our businesses dont pay up and it could be due to postal strikes we have to allow more time p.s no im not a DCA *shivver* lol
  9. Id like to see what everyone has to say about this... Regarding failure to respond to s78 request them you should report them anyway, they have a requirment to reply
  10. bump the default should be removed after 6 years
  11. Not to sure myself But if that was march 2003 and defulted, im sure it would now be statue barred, and would have also come off your credit file by now, someone may correct me on this though as im not 100% sure
  12. can you upload a copy of what they sent you but blank out your personal details?
  13. Yeah i would do what cerberusalert says, myself i would also CCA them, just for my own peice own my and to get more of an angle covered on the situation.
  14. Strange one.. You try by sending a CCA to EOS to see what they come back with, If they come back with an agreement with your signature on then make 100% sure thats yours. Have you spoken to your wife, would she has just gone and tried to sign on your behalf?
  15. yeah you got the 'NOT TO RING THEM' right. So your wife had dealing but you have never had any contact/dealings? Ever signed anything? What exactly are they chasing, Loan, Credit Card etc..
  16. Hey my fellow Caggers, shall we have a yearly Cagger Party, 19 November at the Chesford Grange Hotel in Warwickshire? lol
  17. You could try getting away with not paying anything again them I have got away with it myself in the past because they didnt have a signature/agreement. Sometimes they can try and say you have acknowledged the debt by making previous payments. I dont know anyone who has made further payments since the Creditor/DCA has not had the agreement
  18. More of less yeah to a degree Have you made payments on the account, when was the last payment, have you acknowledged the debt?
  19. Sorry this looks quite confusing. Did you get anything when you demanded a SAR? So i can get my head around this, judgement was made, you were told to pay £xx.xx amount to a certain account? you then paid money into this account, but the money actually went somewhere else but knowone know where that is?
  20. They may have an agreement, that could mean the agreement stands. If they have an agreement without the signature you can look to throw everything in their face Or, if they dont have the agreement anymore or never did they the agreement is basically didnt exist.
  21. They know they have 12+2 days to reply. Regardless of the long process. Look to report them to OFT/FSA They will then either come up with your agreement, or send you a letter stating that they cant find it
  22. I didnt s78 my DCA and this made them they were looking for a paper rather than online copy, by this i got away with what they were after
  23. OK i see what you mean, How did you find out it was credited to another account?
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