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Everything posted by accesspwd

  1. I didnt think they were allowed to do it - Some of these companies have a complete cheekThanks for this guys - Hope fully it will work or the FOS here I comeIt was all done in writing to them originally and I still got the emails from them refusing to lower the limit
  2. I have a catalogue with 24ace.co.uk Now I have a credit limit which has not been reached and I am paying off my installments every month to eventually be clean and close my account. However, I pay my monthly limit and they will automatically increase my limit by £50 everymonth without fail I have emailed them asking to lower my credit limit but they refuse to lower it. The reason I want it lowered it to stop the temptation of ordering and running up a debt Can they refuse to lower my credit limit? Thanks in advance?
  3. This may be them Crystal Collections - Secured Asset Repossessions
  4. Or maybe the DCA's have become part of the illuminati?
  5. subbing Im interesting in this - hmmm
  6. Thankts for the reply I already have an account with creditexpert.co.uk and nothing from them put on there. I may check the other ones too though.
  7. I do have it in writing. Im in the office at the moment so cant put a photo of the letter up. I will do it tonight. They even referred me to one of the guide lines from the FSA to prove their point Aw i wish i had the letter with me now so you could see
  8. I have received a letter from these. After getting the letter i CCA'd then, and to be fair they did send me a CCA - however, i believe it will be statute barred in august (6 years since account taken out in 2004, and never a payment made on the account) I sent the statute barred letter to BCW and they replied saying statute barred does not apply from the last contact or payment date and that it actually goes from the date they started pursuing me - they said they started chasing me in 2007 - so the 6 years would satart from then Is this correct? Any help would be great thanks
  9. guys you are great - there is plenty of texts stating she will pay the £1000 from what my mother-in-law is saying. I feel so bad for her, its her own sister who is doing this to her. Some people are so bad Ive looked online and the costs to start the case is £60 - my concern is, will there be further costs, and if so how are these costs calculated? Thanks again all
  10. I have this letter to send to the sister to start. Can i have your opinions please? ################################################################### Dear XXXXX RE: Contract between XXXXX and XXXXX You are hereby notified that you are in breach of our mutual agreement following a cash loan in the sum of £1000. More specifically, you have breached the following obligations within our agreement 1. Repayment of loan 2. Non payment of loan You are hereby notified that unless this breach is remedied with 28 days of this letters date, we will then look to take measures to protect our client under the contract and under applicable law. Kind Regards, ###################################################################
  11. OMG, I just asked her how the money was handed over bank transfer or cash - the answer it was done in cash. Does text messages count saying things along the lines 'you will have your money' etc... That £1000 was their savings, i want to do everything to try and help then Thanks for the replies so far
  12. Long story short.. My mother-in-law lent her sister £1000. When the sister was due to pay it back her house very conveniently got broken into with all the cash in the house - the money was 'stolen' In the robbery they took the car and burnt that out too. The sister has since refused to pay the money back, all though she has been paid out on the car stolen and had the items in the house replaced. I want to help her claim the £1000 in court. My problem.... What do i put in the claim? as in the explanation? Please help
  13. Ok, this is what i done. I managed to find email addresses for two people who work for Capital One I emailed them directly, And included notifications, so i knew when they were deliverred, and when the email was opened. I got the notification to say the emails were received and read, Have not received anything back. but i have gone back into my account today and noticed they have refunded the charges thank god. I didnt expect them to be so nice, i have to admit im impressed for a change
  14. I didnt know this. £1000 for each wrong entry, I take it this is minimum? Reason i ask (and please dont think im stealing the thread) is i had a wrong default put on mine afew years ago. I questions the DCA who said its correct, when i then questioned the CRA they brushed me off and said if i got a problem then to go and speak to the information commision, I never did speak to them though This was Experian also
  15. Thanks for your reply. CapOne are so ridiculous - because i have got an upaid charge on my account have restricted my account and wont let me send them a secure message as i normally would - so now i have no means to send them the message. Silly sods
  16. Thanks for your reply Does anyone know of the email address to make a complaint too rather than letter?
  17. Help needed please, I have been with capital one, for over 2 years now and have never missed a payment (NOT ONCE) I went to pay my card the other day and noticed i was one day late paying, the have charged me £12 late fee, that £12 has then put me over my limit, so they have then charged me another £12 So in one day they have charged me £24, they have then added interest too. I have emailed two people who work there (i used software to tell me the emails had successfully delivered, and also when they were read, I have recevieved both notifications back) These charges are ludicris, Any advise on what i can do. And phoning them costs a fortune, hence why i emailed them Thanks in advance
  18. But still, surely you still have a right to the last page?
  19. now that would be interesting, imagine how people lives would suddenly change
  20. Thing is its all in your property, not to sure how it would work But i think if its all in your property, they would still take it and worry about the BOS after
  21. Sorry draggon fire, i said 'subbing' because im subscribing to this thread, it puts it back to the top of the forum, so more people can see if and hopefully get you an answer. im looking into this now, to see if i can help in anyway.
  22. They should get comedian 'owen money' haha, oo i got myself laughing for real then
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