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Everything posted by accesspwd

  1. Did you get a reply from OFT following your email, I submitted one myself, so im looking to see the estimated response time. Or do they generally just deal with it for you and let you know im months to come once something is done?
  2. Yeah the company who put it on said only they can remove it. From the letter they sent me they sold my account on in 2005, so can they legally add a default in 2009 if they accidentally reinstate the sold account. The reinstated the account then closed is as it shouldnt have been reopened in the first place as they no longer owned the debt, but they still submitted the default on my credit file Im trying to find out if they can actually do this
  3. An acceptance is needed to make a contract binding? We dont accept for our debt to be sold on, nor to we accept any form of contract with the DCA, nor for them to add charges. I take it somewhere along the line they are clearly eligable as this is what they do? Sorry if im not getting this, i just want all the info i can get Thanks
  4. Nice post Azz Also to add... Just to go into a little details about DCA's, I dont know to much about laws and procedures to be totally honest. So im just wondering on what ground someone has the right to buy somones debt, then add subsequent charges to that account. Im assuming that the law would state you can buy a debt then add charges from there provided they are fair. From our prospective we are not buying a debt but we are creating a debt in the DCA's name. Would that be a fair ground to create a debt out of not offered, provided, or giving a service? Im assuming we would need to register as a professional in some what relevant field? Anything to add or answer would be great. Thanks for listening to the blabbering on
  5. Well when i spoke to VILCOL they said they legally own the debt. But they also said that they have requested the CCA from their client (GE Money) GE Money = who i owed the debt to originally So abit guess they have been part sold and assigned? or has it got to be one or the other?
  6. Sounds good to me Azzi seems like your pretty switched on up there if you get me. This thread got me held tight, i want more more more info ha Well in insurance when you take out a policy you get the policy term, a schedule and certificate. The schedule will have all the info of the company along with pinpointed accurate info, should any of it change or be wrong the policyholder would be charge of the policy become void if not notified upon receiving the document so maybe we follow suite in a way and send them the same exept the certificate, unless we do send them a certificate congratulating them on there new agreement with us Or maybe im taking this a step to far
  7. John888999 - Yeah they have never chased me but the company who issued the default against my name (hf legal) said that i need to get vilcol to tell them to get rid of my default from my credit file. you see my dilemma? Vilcol never respond to my damn letter - so annoying
  8. Thanks for the info above, cheers I done a search on vilcol but most of the 10 are in on thread with something like 2000 posts, thats alot to read thank anyway peps
  9. Fair play i like it. Think i might crack onto this and give it a blast. Got nothing to lose and all the charges to gain. well done Azz, Any info on our legal right to do this would be a great help if possible guys. so get replying
  10. Just thought, would we need some form of consumer licence to issue such charges? Oh yeah, if not, how about just copying one of the letter the DCA send us but just swap the details over from ours to theirs? Just a quick thought..
  11. Thanks for letting me know, im new to forums and think i will be staying with them to. EVERY interesting. Thanks
  12. Look forward to another post later Azz, See what we can draw together
  13. sorry to be a pain, in some posts people are saying 'subbing' and 'bump' now for the dull question, what are these?
  14. Right guys, lets get cracking - well get the DCA's to make themselves go bust by buying back their own debts mwahaha
  15. HF-Legal, also known as Hanley & Fleishman LLP Vilcol, or Vilcollections Anybody heard of these or know anything about them, I have had a debt flying between these, and when i request a CCA they passed the debt onto another firm (VILCOL). The story, HF-Legal applied a default to my credit file (added to the file in 2009), so i CCA'd them. I got a letter back saying that they sold my account on in 2005 and they reinstated my account in error - can they still add this default to my account even though they sold the account in 2005? They wont respond to my letters since they passed my account on, also wont deal with me on the phone as my account has been moved onto VILCOL. Has HF-Legal broken any laws or acts by doing this? The account is now with Vilcol, again i CCA'd them, no response, i then sent a threatening letter that there time has lapsed. Still no response, i have now reported them to OFT. Have i taken the neccesarry step, and have i done them correct. Thanks for reading
  16. Fair play, that gave me a giggle. Sell it back to their own company (doubtfull that will work mind, interesting though)
  17. Surely its worth a go, some DCA's charge for sending us letters dont they and even phone calls (Welcome Finance do this). So in a way if we represent ourself as our own solicitor then we can charge £35 to reply to them in writting, £10 for a phone call etc...(providing the account is in genuine dispute) would i be right in saying this?
  18. Can some one tell me what my best course of advice would be if DCA dont respond to anything i request, by that i mean they dont even send me a letter. or, what the OFT does after i make my complaint with them? I just what to know what to expect. Plus im new to this so still getting to grips with everything. Is there a section on this site for complete newbies? Like Jargon busters, and things explained in simpler terms just so newbies can get there head around things. Sorry for rambling on peps. Thanks all
  19. Yeah i have decided not to speak to them on the phone again, only reason i tried to call is because they were not sending me any written response. I can hear the OFT calling my name i think. Fingers crossed i will get somewhere this time and show them im serious Thanks both for the help
  20. Hi, Im looking for abit of advice, I have read alot of information from this site and afew others. From that i compiled everything and tried to use it against a debt collection agency (Vilcol) Let me begin, I noticed a default on my credit file from HF-Legal, i contacted them before reading up anything and asked for a copy of the agreement, afew afew months of phoning them, they then passed the debt onto 'Vilcol'. Who again i requested a copy of my agreementm, i requested it around two months ago. Then upon finding this site and doing research i found a letter template to send them. I sent them that letter on the 3rd June. This morning i phoned Vilcol and all they said was that they have requested the agreement from GE Money and they will be in touch once they get it, to this i said they have had their required 12 days plus many more. To this they just said thats nothing and they will be in touch once they get it. The guy on the phone got nasty and agressive. I hung up, phoned back and he answered so i spoke to his supervisor, I said to him 'you have had your 12 days to produce my agreement' to that the supervisor said 'dont try to get all legal on me' This company are just refusing to help me. I want to take it further, but dont know how or who to see. Any advice on how to put these helpless people to shame would be grateful. Thank in advance for any responses
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