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Everything posted by katedog

  1. There is no need for the police to interview you for drink driving. In fact to interview you when you have been arrested for drink drive (that shoulld be arrested after providing a + roadside sample (sectn 5 rta) or you were so drunk you fell over and yuo were arrested unfit to drive drink/drugs (sectn 4rta) is a breach of PACE (police and criminal evidence act) if they have seen you drive. They can only detain you to obtain evidence from the intox procedure. There would have to have been some doubt that you were either the driver at the time the car was seen being driven on the road, or you have been arrested for the in charge offence not the driivng when you would need to prove that you hadnt driven and werent likely to drive whilst your levels were above limit. You need to ask for disclosure and see, what you were arrested for and the grounds for detention and post back.
  2. I agree. Just for info there are only certain arears that conduct speed awareness courses, the option is offered by the police or camera partnership for the area, not magistartes. If your area run the course you havent been offered it becasue you are over the threshold limit(set by your areas enfrocement team) ie they only offer it to people who are "just" speeding, not those who are proper speeding and should know it. As for being a good driver I would question your forward observations if you cant see the camera, the distance stripes on the road surface, the advance warning sign for the camera or the brake lights of everybody infront of you who will touch the brakes even if they are already bellow the speed limit. PS there is no way a magistrate would combine these into one offence.
  3. Hi Yes I have seen your thread. My application is just the same as yours and one or two others on the site Mine is dated february 2003. So far I sent the cca request twice and the cpr letter. I had one lteer from them which i think passed my second cca request in the post, to date no response to cpr request sent 23rd june I only gave them 14 days, but i think it should have been 28. Let me know what your doing next.
  4. Thanks Yes I have seen these threads but I must confess there is an awful lot to take in. Just thought someone who's been there could point me in the right direction. Sorry if I'm being lazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy.
  5. No i got no reply to my CPR 31.16 I just want to know is it worth the hassle of fighting for something I'm never going to get, when I can't get them to repair my credit file at the end of it. Or should I just sit tight and every now and again send bemused letters to DCAs
  6. Hi everbody. Can anyone advise me of my next best course of action? I cca'd Tesco pf and got back an applictaion form just like a lot of others on here. I then sent them the CPR31.16 request to whcih i have had no response. My credit file is pretty much knackered. Question is do i jsut sit and wait with the ball in their court or should i go on the offensive and if i do what's my next best step?
  7. Can you remember what make/model/color of car you were lent?
  8. hello Just a few questions/obsevations for breakanegg. When did you drop your car off at the garage, was it the same day as the offence and if so what time did you drop it off? The alleged offence occured at 08.52 hrs according to NIP, is that enough time for you to get from the garage to the offence location, and is the car heading towrad the garage or towatd where you would have been going ie home school work or what ever. Could this have been a member of the garage staff heading into work? The photographic evidence probably wont tell you very much and is likely to be a poor quality shot from the rear and not good enough to ID the driver. Is there any local authority CCTV near to the garage or the ATS which might ID the driver? And dont foreget that could work for or against you!
  9. Is that how you do it? Just come back and edited this post. I can see that I can add to your quote whcih could be open to abuse or lead to confusion! Any comments?
  10. Pat, Once this chap has a UK licence anything the court do to his UK licence stands in the UK. Your right to say he can drive on his German licence but only in Geramny. Once your banned in the UK your BANNED, doesnt matter how many licences you hold. If you then started to produce a German licence to the UK cops when asked knowing full well you have a UK licence you are then looking at criminal offeces of perverting the course of justice. PS How do you do that thing where you can type on my post????
  11. The holder of a full EU licence can drive anywhere in the EU for ever. That wouldnt stop our friend being baned and neither would it stop him getting points. The DVLA would simply create a driver record in the UK. Your best option is to employ a solicitor to speak on your behalf. (My client is more familiar with German motorways which have no maximum speed limits your Worship, and nowhere in the officers evidence does it say my client was driving without due care) You are likely to get a short ban 1 to 3 months and a substantial fine, this is your best option. The other option would be to give you six points then you would be under the newly qualified driver rules (cant get 6 points or mre in 2 years) and you would have to takke an extended test and still have 6 points (valid for three years) toward your maximum of 12 which would result in a compulsory 12 month ban. I'd take the short ban everyday of the week.
  12. subing.... i got the same application form from tesco. i wrote back telling them they'd not complied and made a secoond request for cca under the pre trial disclosure rules and added account in dispute not paying anymore. to date no reply but will keep you updated. any updates on your progress would be appreciated.
  13. Thanks. Have been looking at crap one forum. Am reasonabley confident that I konw what I'm doing for now just wanted that point clearing up.
  14. thanks i know common sense says they are in dipute but is there any part of the cca which i can quote them?
  15. Hello again. Can you tell me who decides if an account is in dispute. I,ve told Tesco that mine is due to no cca. But they just wrote back saying no it's not and we're going to come round and get you after school.
  16. Already done under "account in dispute ?"
  17. Just in case anyone reads this........... Its now two months since my CCA request. No letters. No phone calls. No CCA. Only five years and ten months to go. Fingers crossed.
  18. Can anyone tell me when an account is in dispute. I am having similar problems with Tesco and Crapital One. I tell them account/debt is disputed they tell me it's not. Is it enough for me to say it is? Is there an act and section I can quote them? If they say it's not can someone else confirm it is (OFT FOS etc)?
  19. Quick question. I am reclaiming unfair charges from capitol one. I have sent then an account in dispute letter but they have replied telling me it's not in dispute. They owe me twice as much as I owe them. FOS are invsetigating. Question is who decides if an account is in dispute? Is there an act and section I can quote to tell them it is disputed or is account in dispute leter enough? They are also refusing to stop processing data. What can I do about that? PS. I know it's already on here somewhere but theres so much stuff I find it difficult to find what I'm looking for.
  20. You should contact the seller to see if they will remedy the problem. I would consider getting a writtten report as to the condition of the car first but obviously that does involve expense. If you get no joy from the seller then get your written report and go back to the seller and tell them that they commit a crimianl offence of selling a motor vehicle in a dangerous condition, contact you local trading standards, or get a solicitor to fire a letter of for you. Your local trading standards may well pick up the batton and prosecute the seller. Your local traffic police may be interested as well.
  21. Hi everybody. Hope you dont mind me jumping onboard. I applied to Tesco for my CCA and got the same application form and copy of most recent T&Cs. This arrived after the 12 days time limit and I had already sent them an account in dispute letter. My question is do i just sit and wait for them to respond to my dispute letter or should I respond to their CCA (application form)
  22. Hi all Just to let you know i am putting this in the hands of fos will let you know haw i get on
  23. PS...... I've also started a cca with the dca and the account is now in dispute.
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