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Everything posted by katedog

  1. Thanks for that basa builds a bit of confidence. how long has yours been going on? have you mot tried to get the DN removed if you already disputed the debt?
  2. hi basa have you been there and got the Tshirt. i really need someone to hold my hand. katedog
  3. bs you must remember that thee companies are in the business of trying to make money, like everyone else they will chance their arm to make a buck. i bet they havent contacted you since your generous offer!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Yo HnP Not been here that long myself but you know what i mean!
  5. Who is Why123 found them watching my thread member since april 2009 0 posts 0 threads? "just 'cause youre paranoid doesnt mean people aren't watching"
  6. one thing i noticed is, if this is front and back of one piece of paper why has one side got one fold line and the other got two????? katedog
  7. egg cca 1 picture by keepallyourpicsandvideosinoneplace - Photobucket egg cca picture by keepallyourpicsandvideosinoneplace - Photobucket i think thats done it
  8. DG tried to log on tophotobucket but it wont let me http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/attachment.php?attachmehttp://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=10813&stc=1&d=1247943450ntid=10812&stc=1&d=1247943450 but i think this might have done it.
  9. Hi DG I can post the cca but i dont want to use photobucket or anyhting else i have to give an email address to, any ideas???? Katedog
  10. The T&cs they sent refer to different rates of interest depending on when you applied for your card so this cant be what they're ment to send can it. Katedog
  11. Hello everybody. I have had an Egg card since january 2003. I CCA'd them and they sent a copy of their CCA with the usual approved/personal limit stuff and no interest rate for the cash adavnces. There is no cooling off line in the agreenment and no charges in the agreement. Mine is the same as many that are posted in Egg Credit Agreements-what do i think is wrong with them They sent a set of T&Cs but they are a straight print off from their PC showing defalt cahrges at £20. Should they not have sent me a statement of account. I've tried to get my head round this unenforceable/enforcable by court thing but I'm strugling. The minds on here have got a much better grasp of the CCA than I. THe account has been run pretty much upto date but with some charges. What I'm after is some one to point me in the right direction (but in simple english) and any template letters their may be so that I can challenge my CCA. I was thinking of going down the road of "even though your CCA is no good i will buy the debt off you before you flog it to a DCA" Any thoughts help or pointers to the right thread would be greatly appreciated. Katedog
  12. I know I said I wasnt going to post again but I feel I have to. Any trial at any court starts with the judge or his servant reading out a charge or deatils of offence. The defendant is then asked do you plead guilty or not guilty. The defendnat has by now had months to consider his guilt. HE (not the court) can then decide if they are guilty and enter a plea accordingly. So lama your arguement doesnt wash. The reason the fixed penalty scheme was introduced was to free up court time. Lesser offences, initialy traffic, but now some public order and lesser criminal offences can also be dealt with by fixed penalty. If the procedure is expalined properly by the nice/nasty police man you would know there and then that you do not have to accept the ticket there and then at the roadside. If you do not take the ticket you would be reported for summons for you motoring offence. You would then receive summonses through the post. Those summonses now give YOU (not the court) a chance to consider your guilt and plead guilty by post. So you arguement doesnt wash lama. Back at the ticket issuing stage you should also be told that you can take the ticket and think about paying it (so you have time to consider your guilt so your arguement doesnt wash lama) and can later elect trial at magistrates court, (see summonses above) or you can accept your guilt (your arguement doesnt wash lama) take what is a very soft option and pay the ticket. Guilt is initialy for the accused to decide. If he thinks he is not guilty then it for a mgaistrate or jury to decide. PS Ignorance of the law if no defence.
  13. Thanks diddy, just waiting 28 days after my second CPR request, I want to be seen to be as reasonable as I can before I go any further.
  14. i still cant get my head around this bit. the act says that on application they will supply me with a true copy of the executed agreement. an executed agreement is an agreement signed by us and them, vis a vi what we all wanted to see in the first place. it seems a lot of people have accepted this fob off that we get but has it ever been challenged??????????? i have gone down the cpr request route but i still think its sledge hammer cracking a wallnut!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Just to update if anyones looking. Its now two months CCA request. Still only had an application sent to me and I've now fired off my second cpr request, are TESCO that busy that they cant even send me a threatening letter??????????
  16. Hi all Any updates???????????????
  17. Hello everyone Any updates?
  18. Why do all the really good threads just die a death at the best bit. Are these spoofs put on by CRAs DCAs and CCCs and Banks just to build our hopes up then dash us on the shore???????
  19. Hi Stubie I'm doing something similar with Tesco PF and soon with egg. With Tesco I've sent 2 cca requests and two CPR requests all I've had back is an application form after second CCA request. other than that nothing. Its now two months since i piad them. I'd like to think their is an alan suggar somewhere saying to all the people who wrote these agreements up "your fired" Like you I'm wondering what is best next step take them to court and get a ruling or wait 6 year s til statute barred.
  20. Very entertaining, and I'll accept that its not a work of fiction for entertainmet, but we do not live in the USA we do not have a fifth amendment, our heresay rules are totaly different, and you do get a reduced puishment for an early addmision of guilt in this country. There are other things to say about it but that will do. Our criminal justice system is the envy of the world, yes mistakes do still get made but thank god they are few and far between. What sort of a country would it be if every body in it decided that they would never talk to the police. The number of convictions would plumit and criminals would rule the streets. We get the police force we deserve by the amount of tax we spend to fund them and the caliber of the officer we get due to wages and the social stature that post holds from year to year. Sadly the police are viewed now as second class citizens and their pay in real terms is the lowest it has been since the early 1980s. I will not be posting on this thread again.
  21. Original by katedog Second by crem Third by katedog Now criminal cases are another thing alltogether but still my advice there would be if you have done nothing wrong and can expliane that and evidence it then tell the nice policeman as soon as you can. Please can you explain how you identify the nice poiceman fromn the nasty policeman? I think you know as well as i that i meant the police in general I still believe that honesty is the best policy. I was brought up a by parents who gave me a good set of moral values by which i try to lead my lifee, if the rest of the country did the same we might not be in the mess we are. I too was well brought up with morals, however, I have also learnt over time that few people share these morals, including "the nice policeman". Im sorry but i have to disagree. I am not naive and have a vast amount of life skills/experience to call upon and i believe that the majority of people in the world are decent and honest and i feel sorry for anyone who leads their life thinking otherwise. But yes i do agree with you if you have broken the law and you want to try and wriggle out of it latter then say nothing til you've spoken to your brief. Who says anyone has broken the law at this stage and is trying to wriggle out of it? Would that be the nice policeman again?.. Please dont miss-quote me. I said if you have broken the law.
  22. There is an awful lot to read about Justice Robert Houghwout Jackson but the one thing that stands ou tis that he is an american judge who was also a prosecutor on the nurenberg trials. I dont really see what he has to do with the britsih legal system and PACE in particular. No one said there was such a thing as an off the record interview. what I was trying to express was my opinion, based on personal experience, of MINOR motoring offfences. Now criminal cases are another thing alltogether but still my advice there would be if you have done nothing wrong and can expliane that and evidence it then tell the nice policeman as soon as you can. I still believe that honesty is the best policy. I was brought up a by parents who gave me a good set of moral values by which i try to lead my lifee, if the rest of the country did the same we might not be in the mess we are. But yes i do agree with you if you have broken the law and you want to try and wriggle out of it latter then say nothing til you've spoken to your brief.
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