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Everything posted by hungrybear

  1. If they send it all back again take the hint - they have no intention of enforcing beyond threat monkeying it. And what amazes me is that monkeying is a real word!
  2. being pick its disingenuous ('cos my spell checker said so:D) - but the point I want to make is that it the most legally applicable word I can think of to describe the whole hfo mess. I also wonder as an aside if HFO Capital Ltd used in the UK is 1) misleading as it implies a uk company and more importantly 2)ambiguous since there are two foreign companies to whom this could apply?
  3. when you say unsigned to you mean not signed by you? any DN? This last minute documents thing is typical cohen and quite frankly is just them playing games. I would play back - I think you will find that you didn't get their response until you got home from work tomorrow (emphasis on the last minute which they are well known for with the courts;)). And you have not had time to go through in detail (true), ask that they be viewed an inadmissible because they were not even close to the direction. just trying to help you close up the nutshell:D.
  4. I see nothing wrong with your thinking if thats what you want to do spark
  5. best bet is to contact the law society, they should be able to put you onto some specialists.
  6. Regardless of what anyone above has said, just exactly how would getting yourself into trouble with your boss help anyone? It is not your fault that she moved or that the company got a ccj against her. At the end of the day altruism is all well and good and laudable but you have to live in the real world as well.
  7. they are splitting hairs to try and confuse you. The debt legally exists BUT they cannot make you pay but they can ask you to pay. You can however pay voluntarily which is what they mean. Personally, I would write and tell them that you have no intention of paying them anything and that you do not recognize the debt or any liability to them. And that unless they have definitive legally enforceable proof of any debt they should not write or contact you again.
  8. send a cca request to whoever you are paying. The fact that it is egg and a multiple agreement my lead to an interesting response
  9. your defense at this stage is a holding defense based on the fact that they have not produced documents.... oh and the fact that it is statute barred.
  10. yep set aside continues as normal. They should have thought about the consequences of sending an unsubstantiated SD before firing it off
  11. Is it stuck in a PO Box? Does royal mail say 'in po box awaiting collection'? Is so then as far as I can see it is delivered to the address they gave you. If they dont pick it up from the address they gave you then that is not your concern.
  12. This is the agreement compliant with item 2 of the director of OFT's determination 1990. Did you get one at the time? Remind me, do they claim to have ever sent a default notice?
  13. Current account : banking code / fsa NO credit facilities Overdraft: section 10 CCA, exempt from part v but must have an agreement letter compliant with the director of the OFT's determination 1st Feb 1990. Also must be defaulted under section 87/88
  14. This is the question and the first one a solicitor would ask. There is little point litigating against someone if a) their address is transient b)they have no stable income. However right your claim is you need to asses the likelihood of coming out ahead in the end.
  15. If they have attachment orders then you can apply for a redetermination hearing to get a judge to reset the levels of payment. You will have to show why you cannot afford the payments
  16. 'Even if the person concerned could appeal most of these people don't either have the know how, money or contacts to initiate an appeal -- and that's what these rogue companies do -- play on people's ignorance.' This is the problem. For someone who is switched on these muppets can be taken on BUT they rely on ignorance and intimidation which unfortunately seems to work very well
  17. I would send the cca request and see what response you get from them. Have a look at the thread gaz suggested the I wont have to repeat myself here. Od's are quite complicated to deal with, mostly from their point of view
  18. I would totally ignore this letter and wait to see what they do next, no point raising your head above the parapit for the sake of it. If someone comes to the door simply say that you do not know what they are talking about and to kindly put evrything in writing.
  19. first thing to do is ring the court and check out the claim number and that there is a genuine claim with that number in your name. It is quite common for suppliers to get a small ltd business owner to indemnify the credit personally as a condition of credit. You need to get them to provide document that prove your personal liability
  20. OK this has nothing to do with the fine, this is swansea telling you that they have now updated their database, it has nothing to do with sorting out philips and the fine. You will/should get a reply from (preston?) regarding your letter. I think you just need to keep telling all of them to either take you to court or sod off. They no they have at best a slim chance in court so I asume that they think sending lots of threats will work better. Perhaps a letter to the enfrorcement department -presumably preston - threatening legal action for harassment by a third party in a disputed matter.
  21. as 42man said, put the defense in based on what they have supplied you to date. It is not your fault if they have litigated without having all appropriate documents to hand. With regards to post #21, you sent the cpr to the litigating solicitor, which is correct
  22. the laws were written by cricket playing ex public school boys - old chap! what does need to change asap is that the cras stop putting profit before the truth - the ONLY non government bodies that can really stuff your life up
  23. I will get family and friends (non caggers) on this on Monday - Suggest we all do the same
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