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Dodgy Geezer

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Everything posted by Dodgy Geezer

  1. YEAH. We won the toss Decided to bat first. Good luck lads. Im not staying up all night for nothing.
  2. Have they changed the lay out again. All my thread titles are down the middle of the column. Dont like it.
  3. Hi. Speak to your mortgage co and explain there was a mistake made by the bank. Im sure they will see reason. In the meantime gather as much information as you can in writing. If the worst comes to the worst, when you receive your eviction date, you can re apply to the courts to further suspend the eviction using form N244 HERE We can help you with this. Maintain all payments in the meantime. I would be very suprised and dissapointed in the system if you cant obtain a further suspension order.
  4. Take your time. Evaluate the situation. Gather as much information as possible. Then decide whats in your best interest. If you do receive anything, do not sign it unless you want to be liable for the shortfall. Bankruptcy is an option later, but you are in no rush. Tell Welcome to make you Bankrupt if they get on your nerves.
  5. Dont just walk away. Stop paying everybody by all means, and wait for the mortgage co to repossess, but if you walk away, you are deemed as making yourself voluntarily homeless, and the council will not help you. You MIGHT just need them. Bankruptcy would seem a solution in your case, but do it in the most beneficial way you can to yourself. The money you can put aside by not paying people, may just feed you in your hour of need. You can still go BR at any stage, today, tomorrow, next year. Your debts will be wiped out regardless of timing, but the money you can put aside in the meantime might be very hard to generate later. Its not an easy ride, but worth it if its making you ill. Best wishes.
  6. No. Trust me. You really,really should avoid bankruptcy if at all possible. Hence care to elaborate. Nobody should consider bankruptcy over a utility bill. Go back to court.
  7. Dodgy Geezer


    Woody, that is such a sad reflection of Britain in 2010. Babbybear39, If god REALLY existed, hes doing a p*ss poor job.
  8. We are Tottenham We are Tottenham Super Tottenham From the lane.
  9. You know the daftest thing about this thread is that somebody is going to count the words in all the posts to make sure theres twenty nine. Arent you.
  10. I wont be able to contribute to this thread im afraid. Its because when i have counted up to ten, i have to take my shoes and socks off.
  11. Dodgy Laws that have never been changed. I am a law unto myself. And that will NEVER change.:lol:
  12. Thank you so much. I have printed two copies and saved your info. Beers on DX everyone.
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