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Dodgy Geezer

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Everything posted by Dodgy Geezer

  1. I can see 12. But the one of my ex always was two faced.
  2. Brill. Hope she does something with her hat.
  3. I believe i have everything i need to proceed with my claim. I believe that things could get dirty from here on in. I wanted the trusted opinions of people here. I dont know if i can fight this without help. I have been through to much of late. Thank You.
  4. This is no joke. HONEST. My job at Heathrow Airport, as you can imagine, brings me into contact with lots of peeps. I have been laid up, unwell for 36 hours. I went on to the NHS website today, answered a lot of questions, and the reply was, dial 999 immediately. Did I ? Did i heck. I came onto CAG instead. Hope i dont pass " IT " on.;)
  5. Update on circumstances. Sent SAR. Got loads of NOTHING. Sent request for repayment. Got 5 go away letters. Asked many times for proof of correct selling. Got no proof. Have asked many times for true copy of agreement. Received only copies of offer. Heres my ACE. On the 19th of September. I received a loan offer for £ 17,500 with no PPI on it. I duly signed and returned. 3 days later, i was told that the wrong paperwork had been sent, and i must sign the new offer with PPI. Never once, over 4 loans, was PPI discussed, or requested. Never will a clearer case of miss selling be more evident. I know i have a good case. I just want to nail them for what they have done to me, and my now EX family. Thanks again. .
  6. Hello. I have a dilemma that i would welcome your opinions on. The history is quite lengthy, and complex. I will for now, try to keep to the facts. I can reveal any details required except my identity. I had been self employed, and with Barclays Bank since May 1990. I had a relatively successful business that was doing well until my new business partner and his wife, ( My bookkeeper ) decide to spend £60k of my money. After that i decided to release my employees, and go back to being a "one man band". Not literally. In 2003 i purchased a franchise that turned out to be a waste of money. During this time i took out 4 loans with Bs, the last one being for £17,500. Each loan was consolidated into the next, and a partial refund of PPI was returned to the account. The franchise was a waste of money and after spending £30k i had had enough. A lack of income led to all sorts of problems and eventually i defaulted on the loan. Time progressed and Bs took a charge over my property, took me to court For £24k including interest and costs, and we agreed at court that i would pay the balance at £600 PCM. Stupid now i know. Needless to say, the letters of forced sale started to come through, and the worry eventually forced me into sub prime re mortgage, where i gave them a lump sum of £15k. I guess i must of paid £7k at £600 PCM because it left a balance of £2k which has since been written off. Time moves on and the economy downturns, and i end up Bankrupt, and as of today, maybe 4 weeks from repossession. Heres where i need your opinions. The 4 loans included over £5k worth of useless PPI. Over £7k in todays terms with interest. I was forced to remortgage at an extra £250PCM above what i was paying. The Bankruptcy was for £15k, i had £5k and offered the balance over time which was rejected. So what do you think ? Personally i think Barclays have majorly contributed to my current financial mess. .
  7. Stat demands are often served as a last resort attempt to frighten you into paying. Dont post any dtails you are not comfortable with. Who served the SD and for how much.?
  8. “Stephen Fry on being gay: "My first words, as I was being born... I looked up at my mother and said, 'that's the last time I'm going up one of those.'"”
  9. Hi PF. I said a prayer for you and your family while i attended my mothers grave yesterday. My thoughts are with you. Play up Pompey.
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