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Dodgy Geezer

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Everything posted by Dodgy Geezer

  1. What is the effect of the discharge? Your debts - it is on discharge that you will be released (freed) from most debts that you incurred before the bankruptcy order. The debts you are not freed from include: any money owed under family court proceedings for example, for maintenance or CSA payments or arising from any personal injury claims against you, unless the court directs otherwise; any court fines or debts arising from fraud or certain other crimes; debts you incur after the bankruptcy order; all outstanding student loans. You should find most things you need >>>>> HERE Good Luck
  2. If you never dissolved the company, then technically it is still trading, and subject to normal charges per se. Start with companys house. I assume you were listed as a director of the company, and therefore liable for its actions. Although i nearly always advise people to tell them to go away, as you put it. This in the eyes of the law is not so simple. Doing so might not actually work in this case. You need proper legal advice. Good luck.
  3. I have been expecting civil unrest for quite some time now. I predicted rioting over two years ago. Although i dont condone any sort of violence, im afraid that violence is part of the problem itself. There is so much underlying unhappiness in our society, that something, somewhere has to give. We all know the problems, Unemployment, forever rising cost of living, no social housing, massive unsustainable immigration, the E.U. our eternal interference in other countries conflicts, and the massive bill that goes with it. The list is endless and please add to it. And then of course there are, and always has been, politicians who dont have a clue about the " real world ". Now all we hear is, we understand its hurting, but we have to do it. Bull**** IMHO opinion, the severity of such savage cuts will just lead to more civil unrest, and the bill that goes with policing it. Im afraid this might be, just the beginning.
  4. Not at all. It was that time of the year again anyway. I would appreciate all and everyone sending their best wishes to Kierans family. May they find comfort in this saddest of times.
  5. Thank you. She would have been eighteen next week. We have been blessed with two other beautiful daughters, but the pain is still immense. My heart goes out to everybody who has lost someone.
  6. Hes gone to ride tandem with my then 9 year old. She will look after him. My deepest sympathy to the family. RIP young man.
  7. The difficulty in rounding up fuel pumps to the next pound. I wanted to put in £15 to get me home where its cheaper. After £15.01 £16.01 £17.01 and £20.01 I just gave up. Boy i must be getting old.
  8. That's very funny but so reminiscent of Thailand. What you see is not always what you get. ของที่สนุกมากแต่จนชวนให้นึกถึงของประเทศไทย สิ่งที่คุณเห็นก็คือไม่เสมอว่าคุณได้.
  9. Profiteering airlines. A 3 day, 2 hour, £61 return flight to Madrid, is now £450+ because of todays champions league draw.
  10. I give every penny i earn to several charities. Inland Revenue. Sainsburys. Shell. Charitable to themselves that is.
  11. Why do you have a Goal Keeper? Arse n al getting whooped again. Out of 3 throphies in 13 days. Hilarious. Just one more year Wenger, just one more year.
  12. Thank you for that bake. Yes it can be done if you are determined enough. I stayed in my house for 23 months after my BR. I was offered to buy out my interest for £1 but chose to walk away. I have no regrets yet, but would encourage anybody who wants to keep their house to at least try.
  13. I have just been reliably informed that they can now take 100% of you disposable income. Do play with those figures.
  14. Thank You. Thats daunting. I suppose as they are a government agency, they want to extract every penny.
  15. Hi. Bankruptcy is not an easy decision to make, but reading your post, im not surprised you want to go down that route. In answer to your questions, 1. The official receiver is unlikely to force the sale of anything that wont raise a reasonable contribution towards your debts, They will however take your £400, and i suggest you give this to your father towards the loan. You need to understand that your father will become a creditor with all the others, and will not get any preferential repayments. 2. If you dont use your Co-op account before bankruptcy, then you should be able to use it immediately afterwards. Barclays offer an account to bankrupts that you can open and use within hours, That's the least of your worries. What i suggest you do, is take your time and dont rush into things. If BR is right for you, then yes, but you have time. I say this because 70% of a disposable income of £500, is a lot to be paying for up to 3 years. Would you actually be any better of than you are now. The insolvency service are surprisingly very generous towards your living expenses. They do provide for things such as holidays, and vehicles, but not luxurious things such as Sky TV and gym membership. However, if you already have them contracted, then i know people who have been allowed to keep them for the length of the contract. Re do your income and expenditure. Lose as much of the £500 PCM as you can towards your living expenses. You know you desperately need that car now you have moved, Thats gonna cost you isnt it ? ( Nudge nudge ) >>>>>HERE Best Wishes.
  16. I wonder how many people are sat there going, What ?????
  17. You have to speak to them. Make them understand that you are at your wits end, and one very, very, small step away from bankruptcy. They have a wealth of experience. Some will help unquestionably, some will rip the carpet from under your feet. My friend went from capital repayment to interest only for an ongoing period. He keeps in constant contact, and is trying, but things just aren't getting any better. On a personal level. I negotiated a 12 month repayment break with my mortgage co, and the money is put on to the end of the contract. You still have to pay it, and interest, but it gives you a bit of breathing space. I also re negotiated a reduced £350 PCM to £150 PCM with welcome finance, on my secured loan. As things happened, it wasn't enough, and i was made bankrupt anyway, but that's because the Inland Revenue got to the end of their push button procedure, and wouldn't listen on a human level. Serves them right, they ended up with nothing. So did i. I dont want you to make the decision without knowing the consequences.
  18. Sorry if i misled you. Of course your secured debts are included in your bankruptcy. What i meant was, just because you have gone bankrupt, that doesn't immediately release you from the debt. Your debts will be administered by the insolvency service until such a time as they see fit. This could be up to 3 years. Have you tried re negotiating repayments with your creditors? They wont want you to go bankrupt. I have a friend whos mortgage went from £800 ish PCM to £350 ish PCM because his work had taken a nosedive.
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