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  1. I'm still here, it just appears that I havent been getting eMail notifications of new replies
  2. I see what you are saying Glenn, and I do understand your point. The thing is, the Customer Relations team that deal with these claims are not in constant contact with the Local Business teams. Asking on the 0845 605 2345 number WILL get you the PNC reports, but not through the route one would normally follow. I'm not suggesting for a minute that this is the ideal solution, but it will get what Helen needs. I still of course advocate further action with regards to the DPA issue.
  3. Hang on a minute. There is no way of leaving markers on customer accounts that indicate that they are trying to claim back a charge/charges, and if that was the case, this would need to be disclosed to the customer should they ask. Having used Barclays software for years, and more importantly, within business banking, I can tell you 100% certain there is no such 'marker' So, just try what I said. It may not be the method that you should have to use, but it will get you all of the PNC sheets that you require, free of charge.
  4. Helen, Until very recently, I worked for Barclays Local Business, and I belive I can be of assistance. Every letter you are ever sent by the bank is stored electronically, if I was at work, I could read letters more than 6 years old. Now, I suggest you call through on the usual number (0845 605 2345) Pressing option 3. If you get through to a regular advisor rather than a local business manager, ask to be put through to Gadbrook Park. Gadbrook park can, do, and WILL send copys of as many PNC (Pre Notification Of Charges) reports as you need, free of charge. If you have any other questions, please dont hesitate to contact me
  5. I too can confirm this, should you have tried to claim on the policy, it would have been rejected as you did not meet the requirments for the premium. I would also contact Barclays Insurance Dublin (0500 500 700) and advise them of this breach. If you still have a copy of the agreement and T&C's, then I recommend sending a copy of these, along with your Prelim Request, stating that unless they refund the full amount, you will be reporting them to the FSA for selling a GI product to someone that did not meet the elgability requirements. Good luck
  6. Not at all. Re-send the SAR and advise them that if they fail to comply with your request, you will be filling a complaint with the information commisioner. Hope that helps
  7. Pezboy

    Pezboy vs HSBC

    Apologies for the lack of updates!, I've been busy in the PPI forum Prelim sent 04/11/06 Offer for full amount recieved 06/12/06 £405 claimed Small fish compared to some folks here, but it all counts! Many thanks to those that have helped
  8. You appear to be claiming for compensation over the time it took for the cheque to be credited to your account, rather than the usual charges. If Barclays have charged you for an UNP or PRF due to this, you of course can seek to have those waived. If you would like to claim for compensation, you are of course going to provide evidence of the expenses and costs that have occured due to this. This is normally requested as a letter from the company that you have missed the payment for, and bank statements to support that you would have been able to make payment should the cheque have been there, and of course to document any other costs incurred (Travel etc) Without this evidence, I'm almost certain that the complaint file will be closed. If you require any further help, do not hesitate to contact me. -J
  9. Hi Sue/Ian I've had a quick read of the thread, and being honest, it really doesnt look like Pinnacle themselves know why they have declined the claim! The fact the accounts are active and recieving credits have nothing to do with the claim itself, and should certainly not be affecting the claim outcome. To add a little info, my partner is currently of sick with depression. She has a docters note, signed dated and a medical report written. We sent this to our lender (HSBC) where within 3 days they had authorised the claim. Bear in mind the account is still very much active, and we are both being paid our normal salerys into it. What I suggest is that you get the whole decline put in writting, and then take that to the OFT, or, if pinnacle are simply the underwriters for your bank, speak to your bank directly. If you have any questions regarding the ins and outs of the policy, and you can show me a copy online (Or eMail it to me) I'll happily advise as much as I can. -J
  10. Yes, 100% without a shadow of a doubt. If you are led to belive that the santioning of lending is based on the customer also taking an insurance policy, you have been mis-sold.
  11. GI (Or, General Insurance) is the term used by the FSA for any insurance product that is not taylored, such as an endowment policy. I'm more than welcome to provide people with information regarding the selling on PPI, and of course, the DO's DONT's and DEFINATELY DONT's. These regulatory guides are, for obvious reasons, only supplied to people who have passed FSA regulated exams that demonstrate that they are compitant to sell GI products... or not, as some of these cases may be. I will scour around at work and collect as many documents manuals and forms with guidelines and FAQ's, and of course, publish them to the masses of the CAG
  12. Wow, I'm honored that someone remembers/recognises me And guess what, I bank with First Direct, make of that what you will I'm quite happy to help with anything at all that I can. My main speciality being Barclays of course, but more importantly internal processes and GI regulation, so I dare say I'll be hanging about in this here PPI forum for the future.
  13. Hi there, I think it's my duty as an FSA regulated GI salesperson, that at no stage of a lending application should the customer be led to belive that being accepted for the loan depends on wether they take PPI or not. If you had reason to belive that you would not be accepted for lending if you did not take the PPI, then not only have you been mis-sold, the seller has not been GI compliant, and is therefore in breach of contract. If you would like any more information, please ask, I work for one of the big 4, but I am here to help, and have already made myself known to the administrators. All the best, -Pez
  14. Banks are under no obligation to continue business with anyone. I understand in what your saying seems unfair, but look at it from the banks side? They know that you claim back all of your charges, and your account obviously recieves charges regularly. So do they a) leave your account open, and continue to let you have an account that they cant charge on, or causes them difficulty or; b) Settle the situation, give you all the charges back.. and then close the account and ask you to go elsewhere? If I entered into a deal with you, and then caused you grief... would it be fair for me to force you into continuing business with me?
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