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Everything posted by welsh1

  1. My you are a fun soul, people are only trying to help you,why come on here and say what you are saying about standing up to them if you won't share how you did it,all a bit pointless really.
  2. To be fair you have come on the site making boasts and stating all sorts of things with no background or what has happened,the members on here are all willing to help but just to say you have caught someone red handed and are suing without giving the details is not constructive.If you share your full experience there may be things to help other members or even something you have overlooked and they can help you.
  3. Lol, has this not turned into one of those discussion threads that everyone is so keen to avoid. I have to agree that most threads on here are now just one or two posters going into fine detail about one subject or another often just a matter of semantics. If i were a first time visitor i would be a bit afraid to post because a lot of the discussions are way beyond what a person who does not understand the legislation can comprehend. Saying all the above though,when someone does ask for help the advice given is very good and helpful,but i have noticed that even after good advice is given it can drift again to the nit picking about relevant legislation or the interpretation of a sentence,this is no help to people looking for help later when they come to the site and is of no benefit to someone desperatly seeking a quick and helpful answer. Apart from all that this is a great site:-)
  4. [quote=mikeymack2002;4668358 Does anyone see a pattern here? Finally the Police 99.9% abide by the law Does anyone see a pattern here? Finally the EA 10% abide by the law Do you have proof to back up your statistics? I was lead to believe that if an EA was convicted of a crime they would lose their certificate and job,and you cannot become an EA with a criminal record. The police are a different matter More than 1,000 serving police have criminal convictions ranging from assault to burglary, according to figures obtained under the Freedom of Information Act. The data, obtained by the Liberal Democrats, showed 1,063 officers with criminal records, including 59 for assault, 36 for theft and 96 for dishonesty. Other offences include battery, fraud, perverting the course of justice and forgery. Chris Huhne, the Lib Dem home affairs spokesman, said the figures showed that some officers who committed violent offences while serving or were proved dishonest were being allowed to keep their jobs.
  5. Seriously? if that is the case then the police should also undergo the same stringent tests, and before you say they do i will stop you as the complaint i made against a SGT and a PC took 4 months 3 complaints upheld the 4th deemed not to be a "malicious communication" as it was sent by the "police secure net" a total cover up were in any other sector you would lose your job, in this instance it was a smack on the wrist,this from the same force who had a firearms officer reinstated after he was bonking a married woman while he was on duty as a responding firearms officer,apparently if you leave your side arm within reach while you are bonking a married woman you are deemed as available for duty. there are a lot of other officers on duty who have a dubious past.
  6. Does the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) ring any bells? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_Chief_Police_Officers
  7. I have not misinterpreted fact,the op stated he pushed the bailiff with his hand,this is common assault,my sons laugh was at everyone stating it was not common assault,he was not laughing at the expense of anyone . And please tell me why you think the bailiff was trespassing,it is not myself giving bad advice.
  8. Have you not realised that the police did you a favour, they could have arrested you but in their wisdom chose to de escalate a volatile situation where both parties (you and the bailiff) were hot headed and probably sniping at each other. My son who was visiting today laughed when i read your post out to him and said straight away common assault, but he also said that the officers would be very reluctant to arrest for what was handbags at dawn between you and the bailiff, but and this is the BIG but, you did commit an arrestable offence namely common assault, my son should know his Warrant card was in his pocket. As to the matter of you showing your paperwork, why should the bailiff believe it? you could have printed it yourself, if the bailiff had new instructions i am sure the council would inform his office ,who in turn would tell him, never forget IT WAS THE COUNCIL WHO INSTRUCTED THE BAILIFFS TO ACT . Now i don't want to have a protracted argument with anyone, and all i have done is state fact, it was you who stated on two occasions that you laid hands on the bailiff, and again i say that it is nothing personal just a statement of fact. Your argument is with your council, it is they who initiated the action against you and it is they who instructed the bailiffs to enforce.
  9. The bailiff had entered through a closed but not locked door,which he is quite entitled to do,he was not trespassing as he had a liability order to distrain on goods at the property,The op laid hands on him,therefore the op committed common assault. The occupiers liability act imposes on the occupier a duty of care on any person entering his property. Please tell me how committing common assault on a person is within the bounds of the act you quote?
  10. I understand and sympathise with your predicament and i would also feel frustrated, and hopefully when you contact the council and they realise their mistake then no doubt you will get your money back. I was simply responding to the question of assault, and gave the answer, there was no malice intended just an honest answer.
  11. I know you feel emotive about what happened,and there are many on here that will help you, but on the question of assault you did commit common assault, i know what the PC told you and he was trying to keep the peace and avoid having to arrest anyone. But in the law as it is written common assault took place, a nd you admit this by stating you pushed him down your hall to the door with your hand.
  12. You are wrong crustycob and if people follow your advice they may find themselves deeper in debt.
  13. I'm sorry, but you opened someone else's mail and read the contents, you then tried to discuss it with third parties, and you want to complain about a data breach. Yes the bailiffs were out of order, but as you say there was a recording stating they did not discuss with third parties, yet you ignored this and continued. Before complaining about others I am sorry to say you should take a look in the mirror and heed your own advice, no matter how well intentioned your actions you breached your friends confidence and potentially could have made things worse for them.
  14. I am fully aware of Welsh history,it still does not make it right to condone acts of violence.There is a peaceful route to all solutions,Gandhi showed this to great effect,the moment you resort to violence or advocate violence to achieve your aims then you are no better than the persons you are against. On this forum we are quick to jump all over bailiffs who step out of line and rightly so,but you cannot take the moral high ground when you encourage others to acts of violence,or agree that violent acts may be acceptable, think about it.
  15. I am shocked at your statement,and i always thought better of you. Why would you advocate the damage of property no matter whose it is.
  16. Kicking the side of a vehicle as it drives past, then instead of leaving it at that getting into another vehicle and chasing it through streets pulling parallel to the bailiff vehicle and shunting sideways into it,forcing a female in another vehicle to brake sharply to avoid collision. I think he was lucky with just 9 months,recklessly driving on a public highway and putting numerous lives at risk with his actions,and very lucky the vehicle he shunted stayed on the road and no pedestrians were hurt.
  17. The Magna Carta is more of a symbol of our democracy and freedom,there were originally 63 clauses but the majority of these have been amended removed or ignored there are only 3 left ,freedom of the church,the ancient liberties of the city of london,and the one we all refer to,a right to due process "No free man shall be arrested, or imprisoned, or deprived of his property, or outlawed, or exiled, or in any way destroyed, nor shall we go against him or send against him, unless by legal judgement of his peers, or by the law of the land." But if the other clauses could be removed, there is no reason for the last 3 to go,unfortunately the british never fought to keep their rights and have let them be eroded over time
  18. A lot of the nhs problems stem from a labour government implementing a target driven structure,this in turn led to a managerial glut to enforce and control these policies,unfortunately the people who implemented them are still in charge and will continue in the same vein,re hiring their cronies time and time again, the whole nhs system needs dramatic reform,but this will not happen because of a few things,the nhs is a behemoth that changes direction very slowly,the people in the system are happy with what they have(comfortable) and will resist change by all means including striking, which in turn will only damage the nhs further. As for the court process coming into force,sadly we let again the labour government of the past have their way,the day the lisbon treaty was signed was the beginning of the end of british innocent until proven guilty,and eventually we will have corpus juris the same as the rest of our continental cousins,it is unavoidable unless we leave the eu as we are part of the eu system and bit by bit we will be incorporated as one of it's states. If you think i am wrong,look at what is happening to the system now,coincidence or implementation of policy to eventually align our system with europe.
  19. What fundamental rights? Austerity cuts in the government sector are needed as under labour they grossly inflated the public sector by creating jobs within ,thus hiding the true extent of the unemployed figures,if labour had carried on we would be in even more trouble than we are now,a spend spend policy cannot be sustained if there is less coming in than going out, i would have thought that this was obvious to the public, especially those on here advising on debt.
  20. They are doing such a good job of "desperately trying to collapse the country as fast as they can"that the country has now passed it's pre-recession peak and is showing a slow but steady upward trend of further recovery.
  21. Aren't these the same courts that have "issued" warrants for the arrest of the Queen and the Vatican leaders. As they are simply a made up court with no legal jurisdiction in England and Wales i find it hard to comprehend how you can state they can seize goods by way of lien ,as they have no powers whatsoever. They cannot "appoint sheriffs to enforce law" as again they have no legal power or authority,no more than the man on the street has.
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