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Everything posted by danukindebt

  1. Been asking this on here for months and nobody knows. A similar outfit called london scottish went bust a while back so would be interesting to know what happened to their loans I here cattles have to pay 1 billion to their lenders in july or that could be it for them. Their lenders being banks now owned by gordon brown like RBS etc so it would be morally wrong for them to bail out cattles who rip off the poor with high Apr. while i am ranting the whole financial system is corrupt to keep the poor poor, the poor subsidise the rich end off. the key to wealth is to borrow nothing If they did collapse I will be dashing online to cancel my direct debit
  2. I am interested in what will happen to my loan when welcome/cattles are declared insolvent. I see cattles is following the same path as "London Scottish Bank" which went bust i.e selling the invoice buisness when the end is nigh. I dont see goverment owned RBS bailing them out, so whats the options. If you had a loan when London Scottish Bank went bust i would like to hear from you.
  3. The Roundabout Tax Payer-----> UK Goverment-----> RBS-----> Cattles-----> Welcome Finance---> Tax Payer + 60% Apr Full Circle
  4. wingala, I too have had run in's with these district judges and felt each time the judge is on the creditors side straight away to them we are **** whether are reasons are valid. My advice to you is kids will give you more chance or withdraw all the equity, stash it and go bankrupt.
  5. Okay I am thinking about applying for a CCJ to be set aside with valid reason The n244 cost 75 bucks and I dont want to waste my cash. So if you have had success in this area please post here to help me make my mind up. I feel this is a money making scheme for the courts and they never set owt aside as they need to keep up their outrageous wages for their boys club they seem to have. :!:I hate District Judges:!:
  6. Well i went to court and the original judge was not their mmmmmm? Judge I saw said I needed to do a N244 to get the ccj set aside (spot on postggj) He gave the charging order even though I threw every possible reason at him, so my only hope is to get the CCJ set aside which costs 75 quid to try. Thing is will I be wasting my money???????????????????????? The judge did say the "the point was valid" about not getting the 14 days+2 days service on the default notice. He also asked why I said nothing before and I replied not aware, is this okay? What do you guys think, 75 pounds is alot of cash to me. cheers dan
  7. hi No I did not get an answer to this, but after posting my docs online people spotted the default notice was invalid, going to give it a shot in court. I recommend you start a thread and post your docs online, if you re lucky the good guys on here normally have a look for you.
  8. Good Morning Not got time to apply for n244, court day is 22nd april so will ask on the day to set CCJ aside because it should never have been issued in first place. Also I was after 15K damages:eek: for equity loss this is easily proved in current climate, but will leave that bit out like you suggest. Will keep you posted on what happens on the day. thanks dan
  9. okay deep breath heres what I will say in court, feel free to shoot me down. Dear Sir I am requesting the CCJ be removed and outstanding claims written off because: The Default Notice is defective for failing to conform to the prescribed terms, of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 (88.2) and I have been consequently disadvantaged. The default Notice dated 1st March 2007 states a remedy date of 15th March 2007 and does not allow 14 days + 2 days service as per Civil Procedure rules Part 6. This fact cannot be ignored and I quote the case per Kennedy LJ in Woodchester v Swayne [1998] 'This statute was plainly enacted to protect consumers, most of whom are likely to be individuals. When contracting with a large financial organisation they are at a disadvantage. The contract is likely to be in standard form and relatively complex with a number of detailed provisions. If the hirer is said to have broken its terms, the hirer needs to know precisely what he or she is said to have done wrong and what he or she needs to do to put matters right. The lender has the ability and the resources to give that information with precision. If he does not do so accurately then he cannot take what Mr Gruffyd conveniently referred to as "the next step" Failure of a Default Notice to be accurate not only invalidates such Notice (Woodchester Lease Management Services Ltd v Swain & Co NLD 14 July 1998 ), but is an unlawful rescission of contract which would not only prevent the Court enforcing any alleged debt (Wilson v First County Trust Ltd [2003] UKHL 40, Wilson v Robertsons (London) Ltd [2006] EWCA Civ 1088, Wilson v Pawnbrokers [2005] EWCA Civ 147) but would also give the Claimant a claim for damages in the sum of £1,000 (Kpohraror v Woolwich Building Society [1996] 4 All ER 119) I am claiming damages to the sum of £15000 to cover damage to my credit file and loss of equity in my property as have been unable to sell due to the CCJ on my file.
  10. Thanks for advice will get my plough out first thing in morning. ...................O-o\............CPR................ good night and thankyou
  11. thanks underdog13 you re a star although I cant see the wood for the trees:cool: 6. ????? I see there is 50 points to 6 but on searching for 14 days +2 days service i find nothing, you still there please advise
  12. okay read it So I am going to court saying my default notice is invalid as it did not allow 16 days to rectify and so I did not know precisely what I had to do in order to comply with it and was consequently disadvantaged No second default notice can be issued without my permission and finally they owe me a grand compo Sound about right?? any advance on this with terminology wise I will be clutching a copy of surfaceagentx20 post no11 Still not sure where this 16days is stated and what is CPR 6 thanks guys
  13. Sounds good, I have to go to court, date is 22nd april 2009 so only have a few days to prepare and will post outcome here good or bad
  14. yes postggj I credit you for that info, so would you say my Default notice is invalid as they did not allow the prescribed 16 days, even though they allowed 21 days before sending a termination notice? Also postggj which section of the consumer credit act do I need to look at as I need something to quote in court
  15. hi underdog Would you say my default notice is INVALID ?? Are you saying they should have given me 16 days total to rectify?? Can you point me to where in the consumer credit act this is stated I am going to court this month and need some words to this affect if my DN is invalid. I was going to use this statement to the judge(faulty DN sounds better tho) "The figure stated by ***** finance for the balance outstanding exc interest as £1764.88 which is false, as this includes the interest for the full term of the agreement which was never reached. The remaining sum asked for by ****** finance is including the interest for the full term of the loan, which ****** terminated 16 months early and as such are not entitled to claim for."
  16. postggj they terminated on 21/3/2007 so thats 21 days they waited, I wont be getting anymore letters this was 2007 you know, or am I missing something
  17. thanks for looking postggj but,,,,, you lost me, the default notice is in good order so what do you mean its looking good??
  18. hi here is the default notice yes I got a CCJ and paid some installments, but could not afford to keep up, they have now started charging order proceedings, so when I go back to court I want to argue the outstanding arrears is just the interest for the remaining term of loan not reached, unless you have better suggestion, what were you thinking about with this default notice below
  19. ANYBODY??????? My question is "Can you claim interest for the full term of the loan if the full term was not reached?" My opinion is this cannot be true as they would be claiming interest for in my case 16 months into the future, surely not. Otherwise why would lenders not terminate all loans everyone has and claim the interest for years ahead,,,it does not add up, come on caggers dont let me down. cheers dan
  20. No it does not, try refreshing your browser, well not a legible signature(i scribbled through it)
  21. okay, I have read the hire purchase agreement I signed and it does not say anything about it. If they end the agreement early I just cant believe they can claim the interest for the full term of the loan, it just seems so unfair. anyone have a legal view on this?
  22. Hi A hire purchase company is taking me to court over a car. I returned the car and they are claiming interest in court for the full 48 month term of the loan although they terminted 16 months early. Can they do that. Please advise, much appreciated dan
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