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Everything posted by sgriffin

  1. Can anyone help- I have claimed against ltsb successfully recently. I am now beginning a claim over 5k with nationwide? what other procedutre should i follow- is it wise to spilit the claim in 2 and claim half now and half later??
  2. thanks barty, foned courts this morning, apparently the judge recived my file on the 11th so they are waiting for it to come back. Do i need to submitt anthing further re: added interest? Im just getting itchy with all this waiting?? Going to have a panic attack when have to get court bundle ready- have limited correspondance as moved during process and half of my 'shove off' letters from LTSB went awol!
  3. hello everyone. i lodged my allocation questionnaire exactly one month ago at bham smalls claims court but havent heard a peep. I sent [problem] a copies of everything- then they wrote and asked for it again- i havent received a copy of any of their documents. I know that xmas slowed everytghing up a bit but crikey I would have thought I'd have heard something- am going to phone courts tomorrow to see what going ion, but is anyone out there on a similar time thread to me??
  4. hello all yes- also here( again!) due to eshot. i submitted my AQ earlier this week, should i wait until next step and can someone with a higher IQ than me please explain EXACTLY what c and d are. tvm
  5. Im soo nervous about putting this in- going to drop into court in person 2moz. this is what i am putting for my "Other information" section PLEASE HELP and tell me what needs changing etc Can i knock the bit out about the small claims allocation as is already on a n149 form? The defendant in its defence contends that this claim is not suitably particularised and the statement of claim is “too vague” and shows no reasonable grounds for the claim to be brought. The Claimant disagrees with this contention entirely. The amount stated by the defendant for £4436.11 is not the amount in question. The sum that the claimant is claiming for is in fact £1040.31 inc costs and has been detailed on the original claim form submitted to Northampton County court.. The claims particulars clearly state the statutory and common law provisions on which this claim relies, and the claimant will of course elaborate upon the claim particulars at such time as is required upon the direction of the court. Further, contrary to the contention of the defendant, the relevant numbers of the account in question were clearly identified in the claimant’s particulars of claim, and a full schedule of the charges which form the sum claimed from the defendant was sent to Northampton bulk court on the day of issue for inclusion alongside the claims particulars. Additionally, the defendant was served with this information on two occasions previously within a 28 day period allowed by the claimant to attempt to resolve the issue prior to the commencement of this litigation. In the interest of expediency, I have attached another copy of the schedule to this allocation questionnaire. I am respectfully requesting that my claim be allocated to the small claims track. This issue is not a complicated one; it is an issue of fact and not of law. The issue is only whether the money levied by the Defendant in respect of its customer’s contractual breaches exceeds their actual costs incurred. I am happy to pay their actual costs should the bank wish to reveal the exact sum for thr charges levied. However, the continuing problem is (in common with the 100s of other cases currently being brought by other bank customers) that the banks refuse to reveal the details of their penalty-charging regime. As the banks have a fiduciary duty towards their customers, they have a duty to deal straightforwardly and in utmost good faith. Accordingly, I would respectfully ask that the court in this case, not withstanding allocation to the small claims track, order standard disclosure. I understand that it is in the courts discretion to do so. I believe this would bring a rapid end to this litigation.
  6. hello mick and jo i think you get a N149 if it is less than 1500 quid, and a N150 if more?? could be wrong- havent got my stuff to hand buty if you look on the back page of the AQ there should be some notes g
  7. hello mick and jo we are at exactly the same stage, i have had my AQ through today with a notice that they intend to defend. have had a good mooch round site and you only need to pay 100quid if the claim is more than 1500quid. i have got until the 19th to file my AQ. have posted detail on my thread ( should i give up or start again). so gonna fill in and send reg post to court and sols in next couple of days- have heard lots of letters have been 'lost' in the post according to sols so am sending reg post especially with the christmas post etc. lets keep at it!
  8. im back online! here wheres i am now ( still petrified!!!) after filing online 09.11.06, had acknowledgement of claim on 23.11.06. I have received a defence through post this morn dated 30.11.06 and i now have until the 19.12.06 to send this back. The funny thing is, the amount is completely wrong in the articulars of claim in their defense!! to the tune of about £3200!!! this is making me wonder if they are either just rubbish and some numpty has cut and pasted someone elses defence form OR are they attempting to confuse me? my own claim is for less than 1500 quid- therefore small claims court. what are they up to??? also, should i copy and send to SCM and include another spreadsheet breakdown aswell as official bank breakdown when i send back AQ??
  9. thanu for your replies both. In reposnse to your query number6, I did have a list of charges on a summary sheet that the bank sent me when I requested my statements., it gives date, detail and amount of charge and sheet number. for all i know i could have had the same charge on the same date and sheet number?? hence my own confusion. flippin lloyds!! Im sorry for being a dumbo about this, just filling in the moneyclaim stuff and this whole process is giving me the heeby-jeebies! maybe halloween wasn't the best day to do it on!
  10. ps: am also thinking?????? why didnt they send me my full staements in the first place? I sent the request for information and thats what they sent back!!
  11. Ok, have gone thorugh all forms to get everything on moneyclaim and it seems from the statement of charges that llloyds sent me that either they have charged me twice for stuff OR some muppett has just duplicated them on the super helpful summary sheets they have sent through to me. Either way, it means all along i have been asking for more than i should of. Am feeling VERY stupid, but also wondering if this was deliberate on their part? It could also mean that I have actually been charged twice? I never recieved actual stament froms lloyds, they just sent out summary sheets and action information on the account. Can anyone help? Can I just go ahead and lodge a money claim for the lesser sum? or will they have me on this one and should I start again?
  12. IGNORE ME!! im an idiot- i know now that im not going mad, I didnt claim the interest before obvioulsy because you cant until you take them to court!! Have been wondering why and doubting myself but thats the reason! am going to work it all out 2nite with my trusty excel spreadsheet and put it onmoneyclaim first thing! 14days and counting!
  13. thanks stevonoke what i am wondering is though, can i add the interest on if i go on moneyclaim? should i not have already asked for that total amount?
  14. hello everyone i started proceedings some time ago, however, following receiving my statements, sending the LBA and requesting payment of charges I have had the usual fob offs from llloyds. this was 3weeks ago. I have been out of the country and have decided upon my return to proceed and send the claim to court, however, after reading through what i needed to do etc and getting stuff sorted, I am wondering if I should start all over again. In my letters i have not claimed for any interest that would be owed to me on these charges. From other postees comments it would seem that the bank would not have been taking me seriously anyway, therefore I am thinking, should I recalculate and start proceedings all over again?? Please help.
  15. on the subject of brighton call centre and them calling in overdrafts, this is pretty much how i woke and smelled the coffee and why im taking action against lloyds. Back in April i decided i wanted to get my finances in order, was making to some changes to my pension and whilst chatting with helpful Financial advisor in Lloyds ( she really was!), she said I should have had an account relationship premier manager all these years and had ai never had a revirew with anyone? no says i. To cut a story short, I had a meeting with a guy who helped my 're-organise' m,y accounts. I wanted to reduce my overdraft so he said ai should make an agreed payment every month, and NOT TO WORRY cos if i could knock a bit off one month it would be fine, the facility was still there. Little did i know, he put some hex like computer stoppages on my account that meant the overdraft was automatically reducing every month, and on the 1 month when i wasnt going to have extra funds i was charged to the hilt ( 170quid!!). In i went to speak with him, thinking it was a mistake, nope! Even though i had been given a 1550 facility till 2007, it was reducing by 150 a month nonetheless! The charlottan had moved on and the poor cow who had took his place was powerless to do anything, as because of the charges it had put a black mark against my account. Thats why i started this and why i will finish it. Bloody lying frigger!! So if anyone deals with a 'Premier Manager' by the name of Rob Hislop, tell him to get his head out of the banks arse and kiss mine!
  16. on the subject of brighton call centre and them calling in overdrafts, this is pretty much how i woke and smelled the coffee and why im taking action against lloyds. Back in April i decided i wanted to get my finances in order, was making to some changes to my pension and whilst chatting with helpful Financial advisor in Lloyds ( she really was!), she said I should have had an account relationship premier manager all these years and had ai never had a revirew with anyone? no says i. To cut a story short, I had a meeting with a guy who helped my 're-organise' m,y accounts. I wanted to reduce my overdraft so he said ai should make an agreed payment every month, and NOT TO WORRY cos if i could knock a bit off one month it would be fine, the facility was still there. Little did i know, he put some hex like computer stoppages on my account that meant the overdraft was automatically reducing every month, and on the 1 month when i wasnt going to have extra funds i was charged to the hilt ( 170quid!!). In i went to speak with him, thinking it was a mistake, nope! Even though i had been given a 1550 facility till 2007, it was reducing by 150 a month nonetheless! The charlottan had moved on and the poor cow who had took his place was powerless to do anything, as because of the charges it had put a black mark against my account. Thats why i started this and why i will finish it. Bloody lying frigger!! So if anyone deals with a 'Premier Manager' by the name of Rob Hislop, tell him to get his head out of the banks arse and kiss mine!
  17. oh thank cripes i read through this post!! I have just posted on a nother thread . I have had exactly the same letter as Pam, and surprise surprise mine is for a current account too NOT a credit card. The thing is, I haven't even sent my LBA letter yet, am a week behind as have been on hols. they sent this letter exactly 14days after i sent my prelim. should i just go ahead and send the LBA letter? I know i should be scared but I am, and it is all very confusing. Thank heaven:-| s for this site! Im pledging when I get something back off these losers!!!
  18. hello derek can you help me, im confused and you responses from lloyds might be able to help. I sent my PRELIM letter on the 4th august. Had a response from Lloyds dated 18th August, however, this arrived whilst I ve been away, post marked the lot. Its the Final reply letter, the thing is, I havent sent the letter before action so someone at LLoyds is trying to be smart (Musarat Siddique-Customer Service Officer, Colemore Row), should I still send my LBA letter? They have jumped the gun and I'm panicing that I've spoffed! Please help?
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