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  1. I am not sure that these insurances are PPI. I think they are more like insurance for the furniture purchased
  2. hi John can you give me any advice on this problem I have posted it in another section of the site but then I found this sticky Thanks pam If this is in the wrong place I apologise, (if it is can one of the mods move it for me please) Story in brief. My grandson and his partner have just moved in together. I have been helping them with their budgeting. I have explained the importance of paying bills by direct debit each month and I have helped them set all these up with the bank. In the process of this they told me that my grandsons partner had purchased a suite from Brighthouse 13 months ago on hire purchase. I perused the agreement and I was astounded at the charges. Breakdown HP over 36 months Cost of suite £1600.56 interest £703.56 Total £2304.12 Optional service cover £527.20 Damage liability cover ££432.12 Grand total for a very cheap and tatty suite £3313.14 I told them to contact Brighthouse for a settlement figure so that I could pay it for for them and arrange for them to pay me back weekly. I was shocked when they were told it would be £1250 to pay of the suite. They have already paid £1274 (this payment includes the ridiculous. "Optional Insurance" Total £2524!! (had the suite 13 months) Apparantly when she took out the agreement she was passed a form with various tick boxes and told to put her intitials at the side of each ticked box. She then put her signature at the space marked with a cross at the bottom of the agreement page. I know she shouldn't have done it but it is too late for all that now. I would like advice on what it is best to do now? Should they cut their losses and tell Brighthouse to take the suite back (if they are entitled to do that) Can they claim back this obviously missold insurance? This company play on the most vulnerable people in our society, surely there is something that can be done about them. Any constructive advice would be very much appreciated. Kind regards Pam
  3. If this is in the wrong place I apologise, (if it is can one of the mods move it for me please) Story in brief. My grandson and his partner have just moved in together. I have been helping them with their budgeting. I have explained the importance of paying bills by direct debit each month and I have helped them set all these up with the bank. In the process of this they told me that my grandsons partner had purchased a suite from Brighthouse 13 months ago on hire purchase. I perused the agreement and I was astounded at the charges. Breakdown HP over 36 months Cost of suite £1600.56 Interest £703.56 Total £2304.12 Optional service cover £527.20 Damage liability cover ££432.12 Grand total for a very cheap and tatty suite £3313.14 I told them to contact Brighthouse for a settlement figure so that I could pay it for for them and arrange for them to pay me back weekly. I was shocked when they were told it would be £1250 to pay of the suite. They have already paid £1274 (this payment includes the ridiculous. "Optional Insurance" Total £2524!! (had the suite 13 months) Apparantly when she took out the agreement she was passed a form with various tick boxes and told to put her intitials at the side of each ticked box. She then put her signature at the space marked with a cross at the bottom of the agreement page. I know she shouldn't have done it but it is too late for all that now. I would like advice on what it is best to do now? Should they cut their losses and tell Brighthouse to take the suite back (if they are entitled to do that) Can they claim back this obviously missold insurance? This company play on the most vulnerable people in our society, surely there is something that can be done about them. Any constructive advice would be very much appreciated. Kind regards Pam
  4. Thanks for that. I just thought I had better check before I completed the form. Kind regards Pam
  5. Hi I just need to check a couple of points before I complete a S21 notice form. My tenant moved in on 20th May 1995. The rent was supposed to be paid monthly in advance from that date. However due to rent arrears over the years she now pays the rent during the first week of the month in arrears. I am confused over what date I should put on the notice. Any help and advice really appreciated. Thanks pam
  6. Hi Does anyone know a way of getting Free Credits for 192? I used to get them by completing surveys but I cant find any links at the moment. Thanks Pam
  7. Thanks I will do that. Do you have any more info I can look at regarding the Freedom of Information Act? Thanks Pam
  8. Hi Has anyone recently tripped on the pavement outside Marks and Spencer Oxford Street London My friend, who is 60 years old, fell due to a loose paving stone in February this year. She was taken to St Mary's and was found to have a broken hip. She had an emergency operation and is still undergoing physiotherapy to help her to walk again. I have contacted a number of these claim companies but they all say they can't help because she didn't get a photograph of the pavement at the time. However, when she was in St Mary's the staff told her that there had been 3 people taken there on the same day and they had all fallen in the same spot as her. Does anyone have a photo that they took after an accident there? What happened in Joans case was the man in front of her stood on the edge of a loose paver that consequently rose up and Joan fell over it. We live 250 miles away from London so we don't know if the pavement has been repaired or not. Any help appreciated. Thanks Pam
  9. Thanks again Gyzmo. I am waiting until lunchtime, which is the deadline I gave yesterday. If I don't get any satisfaction I will try our local MP. I will keep you informed. Thanks Pam & Linda
  10. Thanks Gysmo Yes I have explained my sisters illness to all the people concerned it hasn't made much difference. Whilst she could stay temporerally with family she is loath to leave her house unoccupied with her belongings still in it. Also we all have young children and she can really do without all the noise at the moment. She really needs piece and quiet when she comes home from having her treatment. I have given the insurers until tomorrow lunchtime to get back to me with a satisfactory answer. I have told them if they don't sort it out we will go to the media. It won't look very good for them under the circumstances will it? Thanks Again Pam
  11. Bit complicated this one but here goes. My sister moved into a bungalow in August 2007. In November that year she noticed that there was a leak on a radiator and that there appeared to be water sloshing around under the floor. The leak in the radiator was repaired and sloshing sound of water disappeared. However at the beginning of May this year she noticed that once again there was water under the floor. She called a plumber who said he couldn't attempt to track down the leak as the floors are what is known as "floating floors" and that the pipes underneath had not been lagged when the bungalow was built 20 years ago and that there were probably multiple leaks under there. She contacted the insurance broker who sold her the house insurance. To cut a very long story short in the past 4-6 weeks she has had a loss adjuster down who said she needs to move out so that the work could be completed. We set about finding alternative property for her and started planning the move. However, yesterday we were told by the loss adjuster that the insurance company would not do anything until the leak was fixed so that they could then decide if they were liable for it. I phoned the insurers "Hathaway & Co" who are apparently responsible for the policy. I spoke to a Mr Micheal White who said that because my sister had first noticed a problem back in November (she put this down to the radiator leak) he did not think they could be held responsible. I have tried everything to get this man (Mr White) to change his mind. We have had another plumber out today and he has confirmed that there are numerous leaks under the floor that cannot be found until the property is empty. I have contacted the complaints department at "Lloyds" as they are the underwriters, but they can't do anything until we complete forms and send them back. We are at the end of our tether. My sister has breast cancer and is in the middle of chemotherapy. To say this is making her ill is an understatement. Please can someone advise me where I can turn to. The only thing I can think of doing is going to the media. Thanks pam
  12. I took out a mortgage with the Halifax in 2003. At the same time I was sold buildings and content's insurance. I was told it would be paid monthly along with my mortgage. I have contacted the Halifax to tell them I intend to move my insurance to another company. I asked them how much my mortgage payment would be reduced in view of the change. I was informed that my payment would remain the same as the insurance payments are actually added to a separate "B" loan account each year. I apparently owe them more than £700. Can they do this? This was definitely not discussed with me when I applied for the mortgage. Any advice greatly appreciated
  13. Hi Re [EDIT] Has anyone used the above website to buy us dollars? They are offering 2.0900 to the pound for delivery in March. They require payment by cheque or bank transfer. Are they reputable? Thanks Pam [Linking to commercial sites is not allowed.]
  14. Good news folks The council have cancelled the parking fine on "compasionate Grounds" Thank you all for your support and good luck with all your outstanding fines. Thanks again Pam, Alan & Robert
  15. Well Jed104 You really are steamed up about this. In Alans case it was all down to him allowing the disabled card holder to place the Blue Badge on the dashboard himself. The card holder is very severely disabled. He has "Downs Syndrome", Alzheimer’s disease, and epilepsy. He can only stand for a couple of minutes on his own so speed is of the essence when getting him out of the car into his wheelchair. Maybe if you had to care for him for 24 hours you show a bit more empathy Pam
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