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Everything posted by leasky32

  1. what i dont get is how i haven't received anything about my tribunal after my tribunal on Friday 19th February
  2. my medicall was on the 22nd july last year, can apply again after the six months from that date, for the same thing again
  3. well i found out my tribunal wasn't successful so i have to go back on jsa, but what i dont get is how can they stop the benefit before the tribunal had even happened
  4. hi there last Friday i had my tribunal, where they had the info i sent, and all that stuff, went to the tribunal, which went ok, and they told me i have decision in 48 hours of the tribunal, and ive still not received anything yet, but today i had 2 letters from the dwp one wi saying there's a payment in my account, and my p45 in the other, according to the p45 my benefit stopped on the 18th of this month, ive got no clue whats going on wi this
  5. hi there i have downloaded the gl24 for and filled in most of it, and now im confused what to write in the part why a disagree to the desicion, i got zero pints from the medical, i have nothing physically wrong but i suffer from drepression any help would be great
  6. leasky32

    cap one

    well i just got another letter from cap one. not budging from the £48 but they still want me to sign the slip and send it back to them and that be the end of it. not sure what to do now, go through small claims here in scotland or the fos still waiting to here from them about ppi
  7. leasky32

    cap one

    hi there well i sent a email through my account on cap one, to try claim back my charges, a few days ago i recived a letter offering me £48 for the 6 charges of £20 but gave me the difference. looking on the form the sent with it, it says if i sign it and send it back that means im accepting this amout of £48 and that be end of it, i sent them a email through my account again saying i take this is a part payment, but i be going for the rest of the charges, is this the right way to go
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