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Everything posted by leasky32

  1. few weeks ago at working links (triage) i herd this young lad saying he had a interview at McDonald's, the job centre told him they had no money for him to get clothing for his interview, he asked at the open access bit for job search about getting help and the triage employee said they have no funding for this also
  2. well went and signed on, not mention of the work programme place or no sanctions, not sure what's going on, i asked someone that i know who is at the same place but ive not had an answer back yet, but i wait and see if i get a phonecall or letter
  3. hey there, i was ment to have a appointment at my work programme provider (working links through there sub contractor, triage central) on the 2nd sept, but on the first I had a phone call from them on the 1st saying that they would re schedule my appointment, and I haven't had no phone call or letter confirming the new appointment, but I have been reading that triage central in Darlington has went bust, so im kind of getting worried that I am going to get sanctioned for not turning up
  4. i do what it says on my jsag every week, but applying to five jobs when you haven't got experience or qualifications for certain jobs its hard, I send my CV out and ive applied for jobs that ive no experience in, but it gets harder every week
  5. hey there i am on this work programme through working links, but i go to one of there sub contractors, (triage), well first time i went for the interview i was in the place for three hours, at least hour half interview, sat waiting for half an hour, then a hours job search after the interview, and by that time my medication was kicking in again starting to fall asleep a week later an hours job search, but that was fine, 2nd interview waited a good while again, an hours job search, then the interview was bit rushed, done this ready for work thing, which says i am, but ive still got depression and anxiety, which effects my sleep pastern, next hour job search i found out that i could claim back travel as they ever told me that last 2 times i was there well this week, had the interview, now they want to see you job seekers diary, and she says I should apply for five jobs a week, there is not alot of jobs in the area I stay, I can send letters and cv's out, but i still don't think I be able to apply for 5 jobs are the condems going to end up privatising the job centre's and let these places take over there jobs, as yesterday when i want to sing on the guy that does the signing on bit said he wasn't a fan off the place im at and he thinks this is going down the road for all jsa staff out on there ear
  6. hey there ive look through my Sony card statements that i got a while back, calculated the credit care thing and it s comes to £70.63 has any one got a good template so i can send out to ask for this money back
  7. time retail finance, i did pay with the slip, but then i got it paid off, then started using it again, then i had money problems so i had help from the cccs who sent them they payment on my behalf, i want to send them a request for my stsments so i can work out how much i can get back for charges and ppi if it was on it
  8. hey all i had one of these time retail cards, which i have paid off now with the help of the cccs, cant really remember when it was paid off, do you know where should i send my letter to to get copies of my staments
  9. well after going to the job center to tell me that my details have been passed onto working links, and i asked them for any info on this workfare programme, a couple of sheets telling you the ins and outs went for the interview at triage, and subsidiary of working links not far from me, stat down for ten mins, got told to go up the stair, spoke to the woman that was doing the interview, sat down and filled in some stuff, waited for at least 20 mins or more cant actually mind how long it was, went for the interview thing, man it was slow going, she was getting help for the system that they use for entering your information, it must have at least took 1hr and a half to fill in some stuff, thought to myself they don't have a clue whats going on either, go so far through it, got told some stuff, went and done a job search for an hour, at the time i could barley keep my eyes open thought i was gonna fall a sleep, i was glad to get out of this place, now i see why they hardly know anything about this, what a waste of time
  10. cheers yeah its been hard, i was coping fine until the last few weeks, but its getting harder to put out the cv's and stuff and with my depression getting more down i find it hard to concentrate on job seeking, ive got to get a away from the pc alot, to calm down, but now i found out i have been past onto that working links for 2 years with this new workfare crap, i just hope i don't have to go to rosyth for this, i hope they take my medical history into question and my qualifications
  11. because i wanted to see how i get on with being on jsa, but ive got gradually worse over time, im dreading going back on esa and getting a fail again, but this time im going to get help to fill it in and get more information on it this time, now i get a hangover from the medication, i want to sleep a few hours later after i woke up, im cranky alot, and lash out, dont hit anything like that just raise my voice as i start to get anxious and stuff, i even hate going to the job center and going on the bus, even going to the bowling club im anxious and stressed out, but after a while i calm doon, that is if i have a pint, so if after the workfare interview i will consider applying again
  12. im on jsa, i was on esa getting help with the condition management program, but soon as i had my tribunal, and failed that went out the window and i am back at square one, and now im feeling worse than i have been, the medication has knocked my hormones all over the place, im cranky all the time, and i feel like i have been drinking every day as i wake up with a hangover
  13. well today i received my letter confirming my interview for the work programme, im dreading getting shoved on this, sitting in a room with dodgy computers and out of date papers, and all that CV crap and then getting shoved into doing some crappy job for 4 weeks which is no irrelevant to my qualifications, and i hope they will take in consideration about my health, as i can see this making me worse than i already am
  14. i know this work programme thing will be coming in, and i know its a money making scheme for these companies but what i dont get is that your work for 30 hours a week and so many in the center, so just saying your were single, over 25 and you didnt claim housing or council tax benefit, but you just get plain old jsa money, so if you work it out you will be working 30hours for 2.17 a hour or less if your under 25, how can these crackpots get away with this, what sanctions will there be if your refuse not to do this
  15. hey all what is your opinion on the work programme that is being announced today, do you think this is just gonna be another money making scheme for these private companies and a drain on the governments money from the tax revenues for some reason ive got this feeling its gonna turn into a sham, working for your benefits under £2 isn't that against law for working under national minimum wage, also think its gonna lead into these companies putting folk into non existence jobs
  16. well i got a letter today saying that there paying me from the 4 march, but nothing about back to the 20th February as ive had none money since my esa stopped
  17. leasky32


    went to the jobcentre to sign the statement thing when u go on jsa got the book, but what strange to me that the dates on the book to sign on are not right its says wed 16th march, which the wed is the 17th then sign back on again on the 2nd April which should be the 31st of this month
  18. well finally got the letter from the tribunal folk, it was disallowed now im going to email them and ask for the reasons why it was disallowed
  19. well thats me back on jsa, but ive i got my appointment next wed, so will i recieve money in the bank three days after that when i sign my statement and stuff
  20. well ive called esa and ive lost ma appeal on the nineteenth of February, but now after since knowing that im starting to stress out and feel like crap again, i have another form for esa, but im not sure what to do, go with that or go back on jsa for a while to see how i go
  21. well just sent the tribunal service a email asking about my decision and why its taking so long to hear about it, gonna call esa again and find out what has been going on and why they stopped my esa the day before my tribunal
  22. nope all ive had was a letter about my money on the 19th going into my bank account, and my p45 and another saying about my loan payments thats about it, i think i will call again and find out whats going on, cause this is making me feel worse not knowing
  23. yeah i did ring but couldn't really understand what the guy said, but according to them i failed ma appeal but i cant mind if they said anything about my tribunal
  24. found out that they even stopped my esa the day before the tribunal as well according to my p45
  25. on the 19th feb after my tribunal had fininshed the chairman guy said i would find out in 48 hours about the desicion but now its the 2nd of march and ive not still recived anything, has anyone had the decision by post
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