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Everything posted by Yasmin

  1. Congratulations A C ! Finally, after all your work n stress:D:D:D Hope they remove that default, without a battle.....more ammunition for me
  2. Hi, my guess is that the judge will probably give you a couple of weeks to receive settlement, if not you will have the option to apply to restore the case. This has happened to me on two occasions....
  3. Hi, Sorry to hear of your problems. They're supposed to perform a million point check, aren't they! Can't you go for misrepresentation? Sure they must be in breach of contract. Did they finance you, or Welcome??? Interested, because I have pending court action with Approved C F and Welcome Finance!
  4. Hi, Sorry to hear of your problems. They're supposed to perform a million point check, aren't they! Can't you go for misrepresentation. Sure they must be in breach of contract. Did they finance you, or Welcome??? Interested, because I have pending court action with Approved C F and Welcome Finance!
  5. Best Wishes with this A C, post when you have news X
  6. Received a copy of the Defendant's witness statement,from Eversheds, late, as usual, and reams of unnecessary information. Really don't think the Judge ordered this! Telephoned the Court and an earlier date for the hearing is still under consideration. Yes, monkey uk, moving into the second year.....
  7. yep, I know what you're saying. I was really annoyed. She just told me that was the position, and they have hundreds of alleged crimes to investigate everyday! There was no use arguing because it had been clarified that it was a civil matter. I insisted and she referred it again, but still came back with, there is nothing we can do. Think by the way the driver told me ,'go to the police', he has possibly been down this road before, and knows they will not follow it through.
  8. Oh no, can't believe I did that, lol! That just shows my state of mind, at the moment. The letter is perfect;)
  9. Thanks for that, LOL:-D So that letter ok to send , in your opinion?
  10. Just noticed, i've put this in the wrong forum! Thanks dannygr27 and all for your advice. I have today written to the Public Carriage Office, so hopefully they will investigate. Will keep you posted.
  11. Thank you all for your replies. I have been looking at my statements and have paid them a considerable amount under this non existent agreement. I do have the persons name, it is very clear.... The letter I was about to send is maybe not including all you have pointed out. Could you please feel free to make amendments or suggestions, as to how I should word it, would be appreciated. Dear Ms. Haddon, CA 1974 (Consumer Credit Act) As you are aware, I wrote to you on 12th July, 2006 requesting you supply me with the relevant information, which is my legal right under section 77-79 of the CCA 1974 and you had 12 days plus 30 days inclusive of holidays and weekends to respond to me with the information. I am now in receipt of your letter dated 7th September, 2006 acknowledging that you do not hold a copy of the agreement and that the debt is therefore unenforceable. However you continue to process my data. The time has passed and you have now committed a Criminal Offense under the said Act and it is my intention to report you for this criminal conduct to the appropriate authorities. I also understand that under the Act, due to your failure to comply with my statutory request you or any acting agent are unable to enforce an agreement therefore I am ceasing any further payments forthwith and will seek to recover any payments made to date. DPA (Data Protection Act 1998)(Idid not include this Cool image lol can't delete it) Furthermore under the Data Protection Act (D10), you are also denied the authority to pass on any of my personal data. To do so in the circumstances is I understand a breach of the Data Protection Act 21988, and also the OFT guidelines, and should you ignore my request it would again result in you being further reported to the relevant authorities. I also require that you remove my data from your files within the next 7 days and look forward to receiving a letter from you within 10 days confirming that you have complied with this request. Y F (found this letter on the thread)
  12. Well, guess what? It's apparently not a criminal matter. It was acknowledged that it is a gray area, however they are saying it's a civil matter. Wonder if he has done this before, as he didn't seem a bit bothered that I could report it! Anyway the police still say report it to Transport for London, and just because they're not following it up, give them the crime no. and they may be able to do something about it. I just find this is outrageous , how can he get away with this? Even the cab company said "report it, it's theft" Maybe they're too busy with OAP Asbo's
  13. Thanks StoneL. Will get writing. Started online dispute with credit ref. agency. waste of time that was! Just thought they might feel under pressure and remove it, in my dreams...
  14. Next have not supplied the credit agreement. I sent them a statutory request months ago but have been so busy with other issues, so put it off till now. They sent me a letter dated September, last year stating that they do not hold an agreement, and stating they are frankly shocked that I do not acknowledge the debt! They also say that they will not remove the default and... "Next acknowledge that the absence of a signed credit agreement means that the debt cannot be enforced by law. It does not mean however, that it is not a debt. Next is entitled to enforce the debt as long as that does not include court proceedings and Next will continue to seek payment of the outstanding balance until such time as it is paid in full" I have not heard from them since, but they are refusing to remove adverse credit. Any advice on how I should proceed would be gratefully accepted.
  15. Received their defense, finally. Allocation questionnaire submitted. Received a letter from the court, apparently one of the defendants was given extra time ! They sent it right at the last minute. So now looks as though I'm awaiting yet another court date. Welcome repossessed the car months ago now. No contact from them whatsoever. The vehicle should have been sold at auction...just silence from Welcome, as usual. They have not dealt with any of this in a professional manner and I will certainly make this known in court. My claim is for Misrepresentation, but there has been a multitude of errors along the way, of course I don't want to cloud the main issue.
  16. Thanks Pkea, have just reported it to Public Carriage Dept. Transport for London. Will be putting it in writing.
  17. Thanks for that . Do you think I should just stick with reporting it to the police at the moment and see how that progresses or phone the council anyway?
  18. I thought you were referring to hackney carriage license and plates. Can I report a mini cab driver, are they licensed by the council?? Just reported it to the police anyway. They are calling me back today or tomorrow.
  19. Have sent a letter to the court requesting an earlier date, and stating my reasons. This is dragging on and on......Thanks un1boy for good wishes...
  20. changed my mind, reporting it now !!!
  21. Just been in touch with Trading Standards, who advised me to call Consumer Direct first. As you say it is potential theft, and I will be reporting it. May give him until this evening , as he said he'd get back to me (may miraculously find the jacket....) As it is a mini cab company, cannot go down that route Pkea, unfortunately. Anyway the Office Manager couldn't be apologetic enough and has given me hiss call sign and full names and says she will , of course, supply further details to the police on request. Will let you know.....
  22. Hi Guys, Thanks for the advice, so far. Just called to speak to the Office Manager, supposed to be in at 12.00. Seems like a good job, she's out to lunch already! told me to call back in an hour. Hope I'm not being given the run around......
  23. My teenage son took a cab home in the early hours of Sunday morning, and told the driver he would have to come in to get the fare, which was 7-00. Couldn't get an answer so went round the back. At this point the driver asked him for his jacket to hang onto for security. That's fair enough, but when he then went out to pay him, driver had gone. He called the cab office next morning and the controller said she'd give him our 'phone no. and ask him to call, could be later as he is a night driver. Well nothing happened so called the company again and spoke to the Office Manager. She said that they do not usually get involved as the drivers are self employed! However thought it had been handled totally incorrectly, so said she would be in touch with driver and ask him to call to arrange something. Finally he called, at 8 o'clock last night, was very argumentative and said that he was so angry he just put the jacket straight in the bin! He did tell the controller what had happened when he got back to the office, so I find it hard to believe that he would bin the jacket immediately. It was one month old and cost 45-00 new. His final words last night were, "it's up to you decide what you want to do, I'll call tomorrow morning" He called this morning, and was argumentative again told me to go to the police if I wanted. I told him I was willing to deduct cab fare and wear and tear from the cost of the jacket, but he just said he'd call later. I said I was going to speak to the Office Manager. However how do I stand on this if the driver's are self employed? Surely some of the responsibility falls on the company . Can anyone advise me on this please, I am due to call them at 12-00.
  24. Yasmin

    fe_dup_1 vs Egg

    Really good news! Did they remove your default??
  25. Hi AC, Fantastic you've got your date now, will be wishing you all the best. I was a bit surprised that my date came through,June, because the judge said, next available date..so I phoned the Court yesterday to try to bring it forward. They have advised me to put the request in writing stating my reasons, posted it today.....
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