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Everything posted by Yasmin

  1. No , not CCA. It's a business venture. I have identified a product from USA which I am interested in promoting. The company does not have an agent in the UK and was just looking for a template request letter. Sorry if i've posted this in the wrong place.
  2. Hi , I'm not sure if i've posted this in the right place:rolleyes: I have been searching for a template letter on requesting exclusive agency on a product.. any help would be appreciated.
  3. Hi,,this is driving me crazy. I have a Dell Dimension.. there is the exclamation mark in yellow background. I have tried to update then roll back the drivers, no luck! I tried uninstalling and reinstalling , no good. Does anyone have a link as Dell have been really unhelpful and will charge me for any advice.
  4. Thank you all for your advice on this matter. I am still undecided about the legalities . I would like to think that as he was the sole provider for myself and family at that time and presented the cheque with intention to pay the debt which he later declined, I may have a case. I would not have gone ahead with any such treatment if I could have foreseen this as I had no means of payment. So I will probably go with JonCris on this one.
  5. Thanks for the reply JonCris. In my letter to the Dr. I just outlined my circumstances and explained why I could not make payment. It was in the reply that he mentioned, if my circumstances changed and I could make payment at a later date. My circumstances have not changed. I am still a single parent with sole responsibility for my two sons. My ex. is abroad and makes no financial contribution to the family whatsoever. The account from which the cheque was issued was in his sole name.
  6. My ex husband issued a cheque to pay a bill for me in 2005. The amount was 850.00. He later dishonoured it as we were going through marital problems. I had no means of payment as he had left me in extreme financial difficulty and I wrote a letter to the payee explaining this. I received a sympathetic reply which allowed me to pay some of the costs at a later date if my circumstances changed. I have not heard anything since and my situation is still the same. I have now received a letter from cci legal demanding the sum or they will issue legal proceedings. I cannot pay this and would not have had the medical treatment at the time if I had known my then husband would spitefully dishonour the cheque. I'm not sure how to respond to this demand, any help would be appreciated.
  7. Hi I have also just received post from M H. Basically saying they have written to me and not heard. Advising me to get in touch or one of their field advisor's will call. I am not even sure what it applies to. It could be a debt with HSBC, going back to around 2002 or 2003. Was experiencing dire problems at the time with ex husband. I am not really sure how to proceed. Any advice would be welcome, thanks. I used to read these threads regularly but since working, and using the pc regularly for my job, I just can't face spending too much extra time on it. Seems to take over my life completely, not to mention the back ache,lol, really need a supportive chair!
  8. At the moment I'm waiting for my credit card company to get back to me. On my statement, the total purchase was in fact 100.00 but I seem to remember the hairdressers making a cock up at the time and putting it through in 3 separate amounts! So now I'm just waiting to see if I can still pursue it through the credit card route.
  9. Thank you Andrew1, for those kind words and deeds. You're most certainly included:p:)
  10. Best Wishes for your prelim. hearing;)
  11. Sorry, I forgot to say thank you everyone for all of your support....especially the old faith fulls on this thread:grin: and Hondamad21 BEST OF LUCK next week X and AC,of course, Good Luck X
  12. The hearing was on Wednesday. No one even bothered to show this time......RESULT the Judge has ordered Egg to remove all adverse credit:grin: I think he's secretly hoping they will oppose it so he can get them into the courtroom !! the Costs were limited to this hearing, but now the default is being removed...............watch this space;-)
  13. Yes, did that with the first letter. The second one from them below;- As I stated before, you do not appear to be the registered owner of the fore mentioned GHDs, but I will presume you are acting on their behalf(?) As I said I do not agree that the GHDs were faulty at purchase and after 4 years use and abuse(!!!!) that they have simply reached the end of their life span. If standard plate GHDs were purchased, I am not totally sure that section 75 of the consumer credit act actually applies. Act states goods valued between 100 to 30000 are covered under section 75. GHDs were retailing at under 100 and thus fall under that limit. Summary, I do not agree that the GHDs were faulty and I will not be replacing them.
  14. Another reply to my response to the above letter, from the 12 year old......not worth putting up. Called Consumer Direct,as they wanted report. I'm awaiting information from Barclaycard , as to the exact purchase price. If they were under 100.00, will have to consider court action.
  15. Court date finally through, mid month. If this isn't the last hearing, may shoot myself LOL. Anyway, time estimated is 20 mins. so whatever the decision will probably be quick!
  16. Are you passed the cooling off period???
  17. Hi Pinkerton-Angel.Of course, see info. below. Hope this helps. Just about to read your thread... Next are members of our Association and we would therefore take this matter up on your behalf. You can either email the information or post to the address below. Please supply as much information as possible. The Mail Order Traders’ Association PO Box 51909 London SW99 0WZ T: 020 7735 3410 W: MOTA - the Mail Order Traders' Association of Great Britain
  18. Hi Rooster, they came back to me with an estimate today. Apparently the line output transistor has gone and some repairs to the tube 94.60.... They've had the tv since 24th and I had to get in touch with them! They said if I agree the repair they can work on it over the weekend and deliver on Tuesday. Just hope I'm not being taken for a ride............Do you think it sounds feasable??
  19. Thanks everyone for your replies. I'm going to have a search around tomorrow and try to find someone reputable. Unfortunately I don't know who supplied it, as it was purchased by my ex. and I can't find any of the paperwork. Will follow your sound advice Rooster, and see what I come up with......
  20. Oh, that's a good price! No, mine is digital...it's a wharfdale 32" ...sky . Only four years old, not a flat screen, so quite bulky. Just don't want to be ripped off and not sure who to trust!
  21. Don't worry, they'll get what's coming to them! They're going down the same road as Yes Car Finance, aren't they? I have a Court hearing in October V. Welcome Finance & Approved Car finance. It's for misrepresentation but really there has been a catalogue of errors. Be Warned......
  22. Hi Linz, I haven't started a claim against Next, as yet....I was waiting to hear from the ICO and the regulators. Thought I would go that route first as I have other Court action pending. I think I am following the correct procedures here, so if all else fails........... If you are issuing a claim, let me know how you get on. I would be interested to read their defence...ha
  23. Hi, It just stopped working, then makes that clicking noise. I read somewhere that it's because of the fault , protection..... Anyway have had various over the phone quotes. One guy asked me the make and model then quoted around 50.00, then when I said I couldn't possibly afford that, as I wasn't expecting it to be so much, he dropped 10.00. Another said, it's impossible to say without seeing it . He said free quote and no call out charge.(no free lunch) The last, older, been there done that, said if it's a wharfedale it could be really expensive to repair, as they have some kind of circuit problem. May be cheaper to buy a new one in the long run. HELP.....................
  24. Just been in touch with Consumer Direct, some VERY good advice, ha, ha. Will let you know how it goes later......
  25. Well as I said, wrote to the retailer on the advice of Consumer Direct, gave them 2 weeks to reply. Received a very curt note from them this morning saying:- 1) Further to talks with Jemella Ltd it would appear that you are not the registered person at that address for the fore mentioned GHD's ????? 2)I cannot expect that it has taken the owner of the GHDs 4 years to decide they are faulty. 3)I am only legally obligated to replace or refund monies within 14 days of purchase of product, as I'm sure you are fully aware. 4)I have worked with GHD's since they first arrived on the market and have yet to have a set spark dramatically, catch fire, explode or anything else in this time, so don't believe everything you read in the press. So I am Sorry I am Unable to help you. Ok, will see what Consumer Direct have to say about that later!!!
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