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Everything posted by fairyprincess5

  1. In July 2010 a new system will be enforced called ISA which will take over CRB Check
  2. fairyprincess5

    Lcd Tv

    Actually they do have a right to take up to 6 weeks as this will cover time for getting in spare parts etc. If it takes longer than 6 weeks then you are entitled to a replacement!
  3. You do have a right to cancel your order as they have not performed to the contract (the date they said it would be in by)
  4. fairyprincess5

    Lcd Tv

    Generally it takes a company 6 weeks MOST to fix a problem if not they generally replace it!
  5. Retail is a hard industry to work in every company have their own methods on how to drive sales - I have only come across the odd one or two customers who shout or don't take my advice but most of them are happy with the way the situation has been dealt with. However I have used the DSGI group for buying products and I must say I hate the fact that as soon as you go in there its financial plans being offered straight away with warrenties I even had a sales assistant (not a manager) say they wouldn't serve me as I didn't want an extended warrenty. I had a problem with a laptop but the company wouldn't send it off for repair till I paid the tech guys £50 to have a look and see if it was faulty even though it was 3 months old! I can see what your saying from both parts however I do not go near DSGI group anymore as they are happy to sell you something as soon as you walk through the door and have a big f**k you when it goes wrong. And in this day and age it shouldn't be like that !
  6. You haven't got a Criminal Record as the police weren't involved. However stores who use RLP can check with them if you have been caught by other stores (theft, ticketing switching etc) as this will show if your dishonest! So if you apply for a job with a company who use them after being caught you might as well not even apply if you have been put on their data base. Also the will keep a copy of the Banning notice so they have proof that they have banned you from the store so if you go back into any of the companies stores then you are trespassing. You got £150 fees from RLP this is to cover staff costs and evidence collection as your taking them away from their job and causing them to do paperwork.
  7. Argos will generally replace the product for the exact or similar model - as the exact model is in store still you should still recieve this one at no extra cost as there is a fault with it. Under SOGA they have to repair or replace it they do not have to honour a refund - but your lucky to even get offered a replacement - most companies who sell LCD Tv's prefers us to pay for the repairs rather than them repairing or replacing at their cost !
  8. Even though its a shops ex demo you still havethe right to refund it as faulty
  9. On ebay go to "my account" under "sold" you can cancel the transaction by clicking on the right hand side of where the item is said to be sold. However you will need to relist it but eay do not charge if under the ancel transaction bit you click on buyer bought by mistake they will have to accept this reason.
  10. They don't have to sell to you as prices change all the time - though promotions etc. You could go back and ask for them to refund and sell you it again at promo price, but they do not have to! its like asking for petrol prices back as one day it was one prices and then it goes down and ask for your last transaction to be cancelled and sold at the price it is today !
  11. There is a law with flashing or spinning blue lights which I shall find for you, this says that it is illegal to have them unless you are an emergency vehicle. However there is a loop hole in this law hence why boy races have blue lights that do not flash or rotate. It doesn't mention in the law that standalone blue lights that has no mechanism in it is not legal.
  12. From your point of view its not nice being in this situation, however human error does occur these days.
  13. Generally Batteries aren't covered after 3 months, how about you call Sony technical department and see what they say as its there product and they can offically tell you how long the warrenty on the Sony battery lasts, if it is a year then ask them to confirm via email or letter and speak to John Lewis with the evidence.
  14. You don't need to receipt to get a refund, they can trace sales with the Staff Discount Card it is only them being Lazy that they won't go out the back and get it up in the back office. Funny they know your sales and can easily pull you up with queries on purchases made though your card. This is between Tesco and Goodmans as the sellers and manufacturers you will have to have some proof that you have bought the TV from Tesco hence why they won't accept it as you paid cash, and have no receipt. Keep getting at them for the staff discount logs. There is no point in taking them to court as it is a waste of time for the courts and you still have no proof of purchase!
  15. Chargers only have a 1 year warrenty and you have to use it as the manual says. i.e. not always have the charger plugged in all the time and only use charger when the battery is "dying" otherwise you will cook the battery (accidental damage) The battery pack usually breaks with not using it properly - tripping over it breaking the connection in the laptop, and powercuts etc. classed by these manufacturers as accidental damage as well.
  16. Hi Thank you, no she hasn't paid anything as we don't know what we can do in our rights.
  17. Hi, I have just found out that my daughter is in debt with llyods tsb. When she was 17 she applied for a card through her local college with the bank. She had no money in the account as she was going to use it as a savings account, she has managed to spend £10 with no money on it, now I do believe if you can correct me, that the banks are not allowed to let under 18's take money out of the account if there is not enough funds. She is now 18 and obviously hasn't paid the debt is she liable to pay for it all, or just the debt that she has made since she has become 18. Its all from this one £10 payment when she was 17. Thanks
  18. Hi Has every little detail gone into this post? the only reason why is that with product replacement plans they either repair or replace an item but they only replace the item if it is under £100 or is beyond repair. Once you have made a claim you will need to check your T's & C's as sometimes once the extended warrenty has done its job (in your case replacement) it becomes voided. From previous experience cracked screens are seen as "Accidental Damage" an if it happens again they see it as a malicious act. So you will not see any vouchers, money, or replacement ! Seems unfair but some people do fraud the companies this way and they put this in to help them not loose money, they look at the fact how many people will have a cracked screen / drop a tv under a certain amount of time. This is going to be hard for you to prove it wasn't malicious, as innocent as it seems you need to see it from their point of view and use that to fight your way though
  19. Ok with the sales of good act, you have to be very careful as Curry's don't have to give you a refund as there is no law saying it! however under the sales of goods act they must either repair or replace in an adequate time space. You need to go back to curry's and say you know it isnt the remote its the tv, Have you done internet search on this TV? as you never know if there are known faults with it, and others might be able to help you if they have gone through the same. Returns policy SHOULD only comply to: if the item isn't needed or if it is damaged, before a month it is generally replaced, however after a month for most companies it will get sent back to the manufacturer as its in the manufacturs warrenty period, if you take out an extra warrenty it is meant to be easier as they can bypass the manufacturer warrenty and give you replacement or repair but generally only if you took an extended warrenty as this is the purpose for it. Good luck
  20. whever you do, do not let them in your house as once they have been invited the can find means next time to come in through open window etc, make sure you lock your house up. Write a letter to HSBC and the bailiffs explaining that they broke the contract as you both agreed you would pay them back £1 every other week and for not accepting payment after a while of you paying it they broke the contract, and your not paying more than you agreed including bailiff fee's as its their fault for not accepting the agreed payments. The bailiff company will hand the case back to HSBC, dont worry i been through this before any problems give me a shout. all the best
  21. Firstly did he have an SIA badge cause the clamper cant clamp without having one and must display it. this will help http://www.adviceguide.org.uk/t_wheel-clamping_on_private_land.pdf and there must be big enough signs about being clamped for you to see / read, as you say he was on other side of the road so how can it be in affect if there are no signs, take photos of where you were parked and get a solicitor. Good luck
  22. Can I ask was the item faulty or did you not need it? refunds can take up to 2 weeks before it goes back on the card depending on who the retailer is and their refund policy.
  23. Yes because they are discriminating you from going in because you have tattoos. Discrimination means: To treat one particular group of people less favourably than others, but it is Indirect discrimination occurs when there are rules, regulations or procedures operating, which have the effect of discriminating against certain groups of people. Its like saying you can't come in if your hair is blonde etc. You should complain to the management and include in the letter photo's of your tattoo's to show that they are not offensive. hope this helps
  24. Hi just done a quick search on the net about Co Op and the security turns out they are in fact external using an agency called AEGIS to provide them with retail security. Take a look at the report: Co-op security arm to bid for external contracts - Crain's Manchester Business You will find that the security must display SIA badges at all times. Hope this helps you out a bit more.
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