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Everything posted by midnightminky

  1. i recieved the very same letter(3rd one) on the 12th march. still havent heard anything.calm before the storm maybe or just an end to this nightmare!!!
  2. just to keep you all posted.as of yet i have not heard anything else from rlp. i am not go ing to rest on my laurels just yet though! i am sure it is just a matter of time, but you never know
  3. what are the repercussions for your daughter? rlp told me that if i applied for a job with any of their clients e.g. boots,iceland etc i may find it hard as they may check with rlp about me.that says to me that i would be blacklisted.for this and other reasons i will not pay them .it is only for a court of law to levy a fine.they are chancers who prey on the weak and vunrable. i am pleased that you have resolved your situation but it worries me that rlp have not told you of any consequences,if any
  4. i lost my job in nov. my wages paid for our food. as i was part time i didnt pay any ni and was entitled to nothing. needless to say our diet has changed and not for the better!!!
  5. i recieved more or less the same letter. that was 28 days ago.they said if i didnt pay up in 21 days blah blah blah. i am just waiting for their next move. be strong spf. iam going to take this all the way, even if they take me to court. the way i see it now is that its not going to kill me!!! and i am not going to be bullied:)
  6. i am waiting for my third letter from rlp.they no longer wish to comunicate with me as nothing i have said to them or raised with them( like having no license) has any legal merit. as soon as i get the next letter i will post it. just playing the waiting game!
  7. martin, feel free to post those letters i sent you earlier.it will give the other caggers a laugh;)
  8. well done! i am so glad your nightmare is over. it gives the\rest of us hope that justice will prevail:D
  9. i have seen the other girl who was accused of doing the crime with me today. in her letter from rlp she to has got charged £336 for the investigation,the same amount that they have charged me. so are they trying to get double money for it? or are they just hedging their bets hoping that one of us will pay?
  10. the crux of the matter is that rlp are assuming you are guilty without hard solid proof. in my case the suspision was there but they,and the police had no hard evidence.rlp are not the ones to decide your guilt, this is why we have courts. fair enough if you have been caught bang to rights-you do the crime you do the time. my dispute is that i,and many others like me are being pursued for a crime we did not commit.and taht can not be allowed to happen!
  11. i worked in a well known womens clothing store and under our desk at the front we had a book with all the known shoplifters in. they were up to date pictures which were supplied to us by the police.
  12. rlp seem to churn out the same letter oblivious as to wether you are dismissed/left of own accord/found guilty/not guilty/did do it/didnt do it.in most of the letters i have seen on here (including mine) the words 'wrongful actions' are frequently used. i thought only a judge could deem you guilty
  13. i tried to get the offer of re-employment in writing but to no avail. the manager said that she had spoken to head office and if i wanted to come back they would re open the investigation(i left before i had a disaplinary,1. because of my health 2. because i figured it was better to leave on my terms i.e rather than getting the sack
  14. something i just remembered that i didnt go into detail with earlier......when i phoned rlp in the begining with a view to pay(duh!!!) they told me that not only would i be admitting my guilt , i would not be able to get employment for 6 years with any of their clients as they cross reference you. CAN they do this!!!!!!!!
  15. in the last one,theft by employee,it doesnt actually state how and whom found him guilty. i wonder if te police did or just the company.
  16. to right bw!!!!! cag made grow a backbone. after reading everyone elses stories and all the help from everyone on cag i decided to fight it to the bitter end."dont get mad,get even";)
  17. you are right bw. if you are found guilty of the crime of course they are entitled to seek compensation through thge civil courts. as you so rightly point out, it is the people who are NOT guilty and whom the police have not prosocuted whom fall victim to these sharks. rlp say that it has nothing to do with the police but who made them judge and jury?
  18. rlp have recently given me that threat and i am just waiting to see what thier next step is as "they do not wish to further corrospond with me". what do you think thier next step will be?
  19. if you go to the rlp threads there is some imformative info about dcas not having licences;)
  20. rlp ltd brought me to cag,although they deny they are a dca:confused:
  21. hi, i am willing to come forward and speak o the ico. would they re-open the investigation? i would not want that to happen as my nerves would not take that. i feel that if we dont make a stand this is going to keep on happening. if the media would keep me annonyamous i would gladley think about it.
  22. well said!!!!!!!!!! all of us have made poor judgements in our lives so who are we to sit and judge other people.the best we can do is help each other and if people want to slag of others maybe they shoulkd take a look at their own lives. this forum has saved my life:)
  23. hey guys.as you can see i am a victim of rlp and i am in the process of fighting them.anything i can do to help, i will.hope you come up with a great plan!
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