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  1. Please see attached document that was presented to me in TK Max. I have not yet received anything through the post from RLP, but expect that it may take up to 10 days. Out of interest, how have TK max got any way of monitoring whether banned people have entered any of their stores? Do they use face recognition technology? I have had quite a stressful week thinking about this whole thing. I am so humiliated that they have managed to make me feel like a common criminal. RLP Document.pdf
  2. I will certainly upload a copy of the form that they made me sign. The more I think about this whole thing the more it is p*ssing me off. I am really getting quite angry about this.
  3. Please let me know how to attach a scanned document to this forum and I will gladly do so.
  4. Thanks for your responses. After signing the paperwork, the security team took me back upstairs and refunded the amount that I had paid of the suntan lotion. They also let me keep the rest of the items that I had paid for. The whole incident was quite surreal, and to be honest, I was caught completely offguard. In hindsight I should have refused to sign anything, however as I admitted to transferring a price sticker from an adjacent bottle on the shelf they told me I had committed an offence. I was so embarassed by the whole event that I would probably signed anything. I have a copy of the paperwork that I signed, and it has the same message on it that many of the other postings on this site outline. The paperwork was also signed by the security man who was undercovered, and was countersigned by a staff member of the store. If they charge me a hundered pounds or so I guess Ill just have to take it as a hard lesson and will pay. Im more concerned about credit ratings and potential black marks being held against my name that may be used against me in future. Is this likely to be the case, and is there any action I can take to have my name removed from their database? This all seems like a total [problem] to me and I cannot believe that a store such as TK Maxx would be involved in this.
  5. On Saturday I was in TK Max store in Glasgow and picked up a bottle of suntan lotion. The bottle didnt have a pricetag on it, however a similar suntan lotion bottle sitting adjacent on the shelf did have a tag loosely attached. Foolishly I removed the tag and attached to my bottle of suntan lotion. I then spent the next 15 minute looking through the shop - picking up 2 pairs of shorts, a bicycle lock and a gardening. I proceeded to the till, paid for the goods and on reaching the bottom of the escalators inside the store was stopped by security. They took me to a room at the back of the store and told me they were proceeding with a civil action against me. They refused to let me leave until I signed a bit of paper from RLP. They told me that they wouldnt be involving the police in the matter, but told me I was now banned for life from their store. I was told that RLP would be in contact and an undisclosed sum would be requested to cover the loss that I had made the store incur. Firstly I am totally embarrassed as an honest person. Secondly I feel that this is an absolute con. I am waiting for a letter in the post and reckon this is going to cost me the best part of 200pounds. We're talking about a bottle of suntan lotion here, which I paid 5 pounds for. The whole incident was over in 20 minutes and I was just glad to get out of the shop due to threatening manner in which I was treated by the security guards. I was made to feel like a complete criminal and am now really quite angry about this whole incident. Can RLP make me pay? Are my details now held on a database, flagging me as a "criminal"? Will this affect my credit rating? Responses gratefully received.
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