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Everything posted by s4ddys

  1. DD would not be an issue, so long as there are no more funds available than you actually want them to take, and no wages etc go into that account.The only issue would be if you previously had any other PD loans and they still had your card details.......
  2. If the account (s) have been passed to DCA's then deal with DCA's. Some people would suggest CCA'ing etc but in my experience this does not really get you anywhere, my advice would be if you know you owe the money then at some point you will need to repay it - be that sooner or later.Settlement figures can vary between DCA's, loan + 1 months interest is usually a good place to start, but you probably wont get that agreed, again my advice would be to get your payment plans in place (always get them to confirm in writing), pay by standing order or direct transfer and then keep on at them to agree to loan + 1 months interest. Once you have paid this amount then contact them and explain (in writing), no company on earth would take you to court for just charges - they should be grateful for what they get!!!!!Another thing to think about what you can use as leverage is if you have rolled the loan over....... If you have rolled over say once or twice, then they have already had a forture out of you so loan + 1 month should be very appealing to them.believe it or not I saw off a company in court for a loan which they tried to claim £600 for a £150 loan. I explained to the judge that I had rolled it over and reloaned to the sum of £350 in payments - he threw it out and awarded me my costs.....
  3. Just to be clear 1 month loan ususally use Clarity, Daniel Siliverman are usually used by Capital Finance One. Are you sure you have only had one loan? If so you need to be writing to the collection companies asking for notices of assignment. If they can provide this it will prove they have indeed purchased the debt, I would be writing the 'prove it' template letter to both companies to begin with to show you do actually owe the money!
  4. Have a look in the template letters section of this forum. There is a good stop phone calls letter in there. Draft is:I am writing in relation to the quantity and frequency of telephone calls that I have received from your company to both my company landline and mobile phone, which I deem to be personally harassing.It is my company’s policy to not receive personal phone calls during working hours, therefore I now require all further correspondence from your company to be made in writing only.I am of the view that your continued harassment of me by telephone puts you in breach of Section 40 of the Administration of Justice Act 1970, and the Protection from Harassment Act 1997.If you continue to harass me by telephone, you will also be in breach of the Communications Act (2003) s.127 and I will report you to OFCOM, Trading Standards and The Office of Fair Trading, meaning that you will be liable to a substantial fine.
  5. majickat can I suggest starting your own thread, but my advice would be to wait until it is passed to DCA then make an offer of payment.Devilmaycry I would not worry about DSilverman, send them a letter of complaint, stating you are only willing to pay the original debt plus one months interest, and ask for a copy of their complaints procedure.They will bite your hand off whatever you offer them, I know for a fact of people who pay £20 per month on a debt more than yours........ but pay what you can afford.If the worse comes to the worse pay off the original amount plus one months interest then stop paying - there is no way on this earth they would take you to court for the additional charges alone, and if they did I would guarentee you it would be you who ended up in [ocket through litigation in person charges!!!!!
  6. Payday loans DO use CRA's. Not all of them but some do. I know for definate that QQ and Minicredit defiantely do.
  7. Let them no your circumstances and pay what you can afford only, as above do it in writing and send via tracked method (royal mail recorded etc). If they refuse your offer then that is down to them, but keep all correspondence should they decide to take the matter further, you then have a defence.
  8. Yes, they do deal with QQ debts. Reasonable to deal with and set up a payment plan, but do it all in writing.
  9. BAE please be cautious when giving out advice, as Cash Genie can and will turn up in court. (Not personally but they will pay someone to go on their behalf). They have done and will continue to do so. There is no doubt in my mind that JoHealey is in the right and will more than likely win should the case go to court as she can prove she had an arrangement and has kept to it, but believe you me I know from personal experience that Cash Genie will turn up.CG also monitor these forums so be very careful what you say - they will use anything they can including transcripts from this site in there claim.Jo have you tried emailing their head of Litigation - Jane Blowers - to see if you can come to an amicable conclusion?Also, the password you refered to earlier was for the MCOL from northampton, you cannot access it online once it has been transferred to your local court.
  10. I would work out how much you can spare to pay your creditors each month, then split the amount between them pro rata. Sometimes it can work out better for it to be passed to the DCA as they will offer you a preferential rate to settle, so save your pennies ready!
  11. Have you considered coming to an agreement with them? They will arrange a payment plan with you. I had a debt for £324 outstanding. I phoned them and told them I would pay £25 per month which they accepted. Plan is to pay back £250 (loan + 1 months interest) (via standing order and I have made 8 payments already), then tell them to whistle for the rest. Job done!
  12. My advice would be to just pay the loan and one months interest. Doubt they would take you to court for the rest!
  13. My advice would be complain to FOS. They will probably reject your complaint but worth a try, and it also costs the OP when you do
  14. Again, in theory yes, but buried somehwere in their terms and conditions will say otherwise
  15. By the sounds of things you have done everything you can to try and come to an arrangement. Just make sure you keep copies of all correspondence. QQ will more than likely pass to MacHall, horrible on the phone but generally quite reasonable by letter. I failed to come to an arrangement so just paid £10 each month. Each month they sent me a letter saying thank you for payment but you do not have a payment arrangement in place, so I just continued paying. That was what I could afford so that was what they were getting. Another plan would be save (yes save!), they money you would have paid them each month while they are being unreasonable. At some point they will offer you a reduced settlement and by then you should have they money to take them up on their offer, or just email them offering the original amount plus one months interest. They will more than likely accept. FOS are always a good option, costs you nothing but costs them a fortune!
  16. In one word, yes. As for all debts they key is pay what you can afford. If you can afford xx per month then offer that and stick to it. Eventually they will accept, you can do nothing else but offer to pay them what you can afford. They will badger, pester and generally be a pain in the bum but stand firm. No court in the UK would side with a company who refused to accept what you can afford.
  17. My advice would be to stick to your guns and insist on paying by standing order. Type an email complaint and complain in writing asking for their details and the fact they are being unreasonable. I would not give them any card details whatsoever, who knows in 6 months when they decide that they are going to take the rest of the made up charges they decided you owe...... As for bank account details, I personally would only take them from the company directly. No offence to anyone who has commented but its the only way you know that payment has definately gone to them, and if you pay the wrong company its gonna be a whole lot harder getting it back than it was sending it!!!!!
  18. A short answer would be: they shouldn't, but they do.
  19. Your agreement came to an end as you failed to pay the amount outstanding on the date it was due, therefore there was no way (i.e. by bringin a monthly payment up to date) to rectify the situation. Personally I would not worry too much about the legalities of the process as if the matter did go to court, the judge would more than likely focus on the fact that you had borrowed the money but have not yet paid it back. I have been to court and tried to fight my case with legalities to no avail. The best thing to do would be to make your offer of payment (how you intend to pay the money back), arrange with them and pay by standing order. Make sure you have cancelled your card / swapped bank account as wonga are well known for helping themselves.
  20. Please tell me that you are paying them all via standing order?
  21. They would take you to court over £99. They have nothing to lose so all going to court would do would be make the amount for you to pay more. Thinking logically, £13 per month would not even cover the interest if you could roll over etc so IMO £13 would probably not be acceptable. At the end of the day it is what you can afford. If you are willing to go to court and show that £13 per month is all you really can afford then stick by your guns, hopefully the DJ will side with you, but personally I would try and avoid court as it will only end up costing you more. The judges have always been quite fair with me, but it still boils down to 'you borrowed the money, you have to pay it back'. How much do you have outstanding to the other two, and how much do you have spare in ototal per month?
  22. personally I would just be honest with payplan. Tell them about ALL your debts (I am not being condecending in anyway - just trying to help), and let them deal with your creditors.
  23. I have been reading your thread and am a little confused, how can you stay on DMP when you have no income?
  24. Your PD UK total is £312.50, sorry.... You have taken the first step by reading through the forum, there's plenty of good advice to be had so take some time to read through the relevant threads. Your total balance is £2675.25, but by acting now this will hopefully not change. You say you have about £800 bonus, so if you take £675.25 from this, that leaves you with 2k owing. If you have £500 spare per month then you can be clear in 4 months. I would literally split the £500 between the 6 companies pro rata Roughly this would be: PDUK £50 PDE £85 CFO £75 WDA £130 LS £110 SE £50 That was just off the top of my head, but roughly.... Write (recorded del) or email to them all stating your circumstances have changed and this is what you can afford to pay, and ASK for them to freeze interest / charges etc. Follow the golden rules repeated over and over in a number of threads: *Change your bank account and cancel any cards *Answer phone calls but be assertive (send the stop phone calls if necessary) *Try to keep everything in writing (offers etc) *Get as much background info from this site as you can *Most companies will be reasonable, so long as you can show you are willing to pay You will get phone calls nagging, threatening etc but in time THINGS WILL GET BETTER. Keep your chin up and keep faith in that you should be out of the payday roundabout in less than 6 months!
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