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Everything posted by s4ddys

  1. Both these companies are quite reasonable........
  2. Tell them to go forth and multiply on the bank statement - way above and beyond what is expected, I can see how it does no harm to provide an I&E but bank statement is taking the mickey!!!!
  3. Hiya, I wouldnt worry too much about these, they are horrid to deal with, and will bombard you with allsorts of mail / email but it is all just scare mongering to try and force you to pay over the odds. Personally I would carry on doing what you are doing (writing/emailing), then if you get no response wait for it to go to DCA. If you can save a F&F settlement then happy days, but i would not be paying them anymore than the original £100 (hard cheese I think for the £20 fee - although you could contect this seperately) + 1 months interest minus what you have already paid (including the daylight robbery £5.50 charge). Work out what you owe then when it is transferred to the DCA pay them the amount via bank transfer (you could consider charging them £20 for same day payment lol). Job done - they should go whistle for the rest!!!!!
  4. You need to also report the case to the OFT, only 1 company should chase any one debt at one time so already contraveaning OFT guidelines there. My advice would be to deal with the original creditor if they are still chasing you, keep sending letters (recorded) and emails offering payment. If they do take you to court you then have proof you have been trying to settle the debt. And the line about a paper free office is beyond belief!!!!! What if you didnt have access to the internet? An absoluete joke!!!!!
  5. Please do not insult me asking to understand the difference between an overdraft and a payday loan. I know the difference. You can quote as many cases / sections of the CCA as you want but that doesnt make you anymore qualified to answer questions / queries than me. You can say what you want but if you want to find out exactly what charges / interest has been added this is by far the cheapest way to do it. I am not saying use the CCA as an excuse not to pay or as a delaying tactic, I have found out first hand that it is not bulletproof in court, but I have also won a case using CCA as a clear fact that the company were not playing ball or responding which showed the judge where I was coming from, so to discount my advice as the wrong information I find extremely insulting.
  6. My advice would be to pay them the 182 with the details they gave you and your reference and there is not a hope in hells chance they would take you to court for just the charges! When I went to court with them they claimed the charges but gave up on them in the court room when I explained they were unlawful and unfair.
  7. Really? So how do you know charges have been applied and why without doing a CCA or SAR???? And what would stop the company from taking you to court in the meantime, just because you have written to them? Umm think not.......
  8. Like the threads above this is more of a threat than a promise. I would start by sending a CCA and breakdown of charges request (good templates available on this site). You will need to send a postal order for £1 with it. Make sure you send it recorded delivery and keep the reference etc. This will enable you to figure out exactly how the charges have been applied, and why they think you owe them £760. Once you have received this come back and we will help to get an adequate resolution to the matter. In the short term do not worry about these bullies, the letter is very cleverly worded (although IMO they should have said 'possible consequesnces of inaction'), the threats they use can all be used to collect an unpaid debt, but only after a going to court (unlikely if you are making an offer of payment), a judgement is granted (could happen but chances would be slim due to clear sharking and adding of charges), and then you still do not pay. So the threats they are making are a very, very long way off yet and I doubt it would ever get that far. The CCA request means they cannot take any further action until they have provided the documents you request, so there is no way then can go near a court!!!!!
  9. There are strcit guidelines to debiting cards and using the Security code. It is clear you have not authorised these payments, so you need to be contacting your bank and getting them to do a chargeback on the companies. If you have proof the card was cancelled then you should be OK, but dont expect your bank to be a pushover, theey will argue you owe the money / signed up to the sharks t&c's therefore its nowt to do with them. Trust me it is!!!! Which bank is it?
  10. They could set up a direct debit but it is highly unlikely - you will not have signed a direct debit mandate so any funds they did take would be covered under the direct debit guarentee, but like I said this is highly unlikely. I would keep an eye out for any new DD's just in case though. sounds as if yor doing everything as you should. From personal experience of just about every one of the PD loan co's Minicredit aint that bad.
  11. lol 42man. I keep saying this but only ever use bank details given direct from the companies. For all you know you could be paying the George Agduguduggwego in Nigeria!!!!!!
  12. I wouldnt worry about it, wait until the payment fails and they will come chasing you. You can then explain the situation and offer to pay the £135 by bank transfer. Do not under any circumstances give them your new card number or they will wipe out your bank accout guarenteed. If they fail to give you there bank details then keep a record. Try and keep everything in writing, but do not ignore there phone calls if they ring. Just politely explain you want everything in writing. Might be an idea to email / write (recorded delivery) now explaining the situation then the ball is in there court. Keep records but TBH Minicredit more than liekly will not take you to court. You should have it sorted well before that anyway. Always remember, they would rather get there money back than you not pay!!!! let us know how you get on.....
  13. Never heard of them, but assuming will be debt management company touting for business. Personally I would jsut ignore.....
  14. No, I am assuming you mean Motrmile Finance? Send them the following:To whom it may concern:You have text my mobile phone recently regarding one of your agents visiting my home address, without prior agreement or an appointment.Please be advised that under OFT rules, you can only visit me at my home if you make an appointment and I have no wish to make such an appointment with you.There is only an implied license under English Common Law for people to be able to visit me on my property without express permission; the postman and people asking for directions etc (Armstrong v Sheppard & Short Ltd [1959] 2 QB 384. per Lord Evershed M.R.). Therefore take note that I revoke license under Common Law for you, or your representatives to visit me at my property and, if you do so, you will be liable to damages for a tort of trespass and action will be taken, including but not limited to, police attendance.Yours faithfully,
  15. It would cost you £40 to get the judgement set aside so depends on how much it means to you and whether its worth the hassle?
  16. I take it the account they paid into has been closed? Im thinking, not overdrawn etc???
  17. Thank you so much for your help, not sure what I would have done without you as CAB quoted 3 weeks for an appointment - not good!!!!!!I help out on here with the payday loans section giving advice which I hope people find useful as I have a lot of first hand experience of most of the companies, but it is nice to get help from other members of the forum on areas of which I have no knowledge.Once again many thanks for all your help.Will let you know the outcome in due course.regardss4
  18. Hi,Thank you.If I put £60 towards the arrears that leaves £34.90 total left over for emergencies etc.The total remaining after everything was £94.90.Many thanks
  19. Can anyone help? Panicking now as the hearing is next week.
  20. Hi,APologies for the delay in response, and thank you for responding. In answer to your questions:Is the mortgage in joint names? Yes - I bought the house in 2006 with my best friend, but he has very little to do with it.Do you have any children living at home? No - but I do have a 26 month old boy who lives with his mum but stays with me at weekends.How many payments do you think you have missed ? Arrears were capitaised in Aug 2010 (For around 10 payments), only made 1 payment since.Can start paying a portion this month (probably around £300) and full payments as of August as 2 of my CCJ's finish and my loan.Do you need me to send you the budget sheet once I have completed?Thanks in advance for your help.
  21. Hi, I have received paperwork last week from NRAM / Wallers solicitors with a court date of 25th July and a claim for possession. I bought my house in 2006 and have issues with either me or my partner not working since almost the beggining. It seems like every time one of us works the other is laid off, leading to a mass of mortgage arrears. We got back on top in Jun 2010 and was making our regular instalment plus £100 extra (totalled £600). At this point they said they would capitalise the arrears. This made our payment £662. My partner was then laid off (again) and we have ammassed arrears since then, totalling £8.5k as I have stupidly been paying off all our other debts rather than the mortgage. This may sound daft but it seemed that 1 letter per month from NRAM was better than 15 or 16 from our creditors...... To cut a long story short I wrote to NRAM last month to ask for details of charges etc that had been applied, they wrote back saying I need to do an SAR (fair enough), but in the meatime have started proceedings. We are now both working and in a position to pay regular, I was wondering if there was anyone who could help me write a defence. Thanks in advance for all your help, an urgent response would be appreciated due to the short timescales. Cheers Can anyone help?
  22. Hi, I have been to court with mixed results, but not with NDR / Marshall Hoare. Courts usually find if you have been fair and tried to negotiate repaying the debt you can get away with the loan and one months interest. My advice woul dbe stick to your guns, keep emailing and progress the complaint as far as you can, if they keep ignoring you, you can always forward to the FOS after 8 weeks......
  23. Cleverly worded, what they are saying is if you do not respond they will consider court action (and will probably take it truth be told).My advice would be to email them and try to get a repayment plan arranged.
  24. Reply to the email you received saying you are writing to all your creditors and are not willing to discuss anything over the phone. Be persistent and they will come round eventually. The key is to ensure you can show you have done everything in your power to repay the loan.
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