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  1. Hiya, hopefully there will be more responses coming, but from the experience I have had in this type of situation, and definately if you have bought a brand new property in 2007, if you do not have any assets or savings in accounts or property elsewhere, and you are currently renting, then because the amount of the shortfall will be so huge, the easiest and less stressful route is to go bankrupt and start again. Bankruptcy is not as bad as one thinks, as long as you have not been upto crazy things, you can still operate an account etc and everything is the same apart from the fact you owe nothing and you have bad credit, probably the same position as everyone is in anyway, apart from the owing nothing part. Remember this is just my opinion and I am sure there will be others, you need to find the least stressful and cost effective route out. By the way, when you bought the house in 2007, did you: a) Use a mortgage broker ? b) Get an interest only mortgage with no investment vehicle setup ? c) Any payment protection ? d) Self Cert the income ? Lastly did you get an initial disclosure document from the broker (if broker used) and did you get a key facts illustration ? Lastly before lastly, do not worry, be positive and be around positive people and you will easily come out of this and carry on with life
  2. Dear Repothreat, I am in the process of helping a friend write off their car finance to blackhorse, and have been able to find a serious flaw with blackhorse which enables rescinding as well as a return of all monies paid. PM me
  3. I have just read the page that is linked to the word fos, and I am now thinking should I just go straight to the courts and get an n1 filled out. Or should I take the fos route, any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
  4. Thanks for the message, should I wait for 8 weeks before complaining to the FOS?
  5. Hiya everyone, I took out a loan from alliance & leicester in 04 when I was made to believe that I had to have PPI and it was not optional and was a requirement of getting the loan. I am also a long suffering diabetic, and was never told about pre-existing medical conditions being excluded which meant I would never have been able to claim. SARS done in start of Oct 09, got the documents in Nov 09, have looked through and total PPI plus interest is £4252.50, I have added 8% interest from when the loan was taken out in 04 which comes to £1,870 for 5 years 6 months, and have added £1,000 compensation for them miss selling to me. I looked through the SARS that had come through and saw in the credit agreement that they had added the amount of the PPI + interest to the loan. I have written to them and told them I feel I have been cheated and miss-sold and that I want a refund. It has been a month now, and they have not responded. I am wondering if I should complain to the FOS or should I just put a claim in the county court for the full amount of the PPI + interest and compensation. My last letter to them is printed below: I was sold a repayment protection insurance policy from you in June 2004 in connection with the loan agreement referenced above. I believe that I was mis-sold this policy for the reason(s) given below, and wish you to investigate my complaint according to your normal complaint procedures. I was not told that the insurance was optional. I was led to believe that my application for credit would be rejected if I did not take out the insurance. The policy exclusions were not explained to me either before or at the time the insurance was added to my loan. I was therefore unable to make an informed decision as to whether this insurance was appropriate for me. I believe the insurance was unsuitable for me as I was suffering from Diabetes at the time I took out the policy and was not made aware of the specific exclusion which relates to pre-existing medical conditions. From the statements that you have forwarded to me in response to my request under the Data Protection Act 1998 and Credit Consumer Act 1974, I can now see that £3,602.31 was added to my loan for the insurance policy, as well as £649.89 charged in interest on this amount. I hasten to add that I have been made aware of the financial penalty which was imposed on your organization by the Financial Services Authority for mis-selling Payment Protection Insurance in cases like my own, and that you have apologized and promised to pay back any customers who have lost out through mis-selling. Therefore I would appreciate my case to be thoroughly examined and a prompt refund by way of a personal cheque sent to my residential address for £4,252.20. At this point I only require this amount to be paid to me and I will consider the matter closed, but should you not agree, then I will be forced to claim this money through a Claims Management Company, and will look at claiming statutory compensation in view of the fact that I have been deprived of the use of this money. Thank you for your co-operation in the above matter. Any help will be greatly appreciated
  6. Thank you very much for your assistance. I thought that he could reclaim the unfair charges and any mis sold insurance premuims paid to date, and that he could ask for these to be paid directly to him by way of cheque? Also, I thought a bank calling you 15 times every day for the last few months would constitute as harrassment, which is illegal? And bearing in mind the person is now a full time alcoholic and he is now getting divorced and his family have all gradually stopped seeing him due to his extreme mood swings, coupled with him being a diabetic and aged 63, I thought I might be able to try to get some sort of harrassment compensation? In regards to the credit file, I see you have mentioned he can try, and so I will be trying my best on this, just so you know, my father has had most of his cards for atleast 10 years, and the 40 days SAR has now passed by over 10 days, and most of the credit card issuers have not sent anything or just statements (barr two - AMEX and MONUMENT - they have sent applications which I have scanned in previous posts), it would seem they have no agreements, and so I thought this would mean they were not allowed to process his data? As there is no agreement in place between the two parties. I really want to sort this out for my father as it is having a very heavy impact on his life, he has always been a man of principles, whereby he pays back anything he borrows, but I dont see how this will allow him to survive, and so I have told him I will do all i can for him, as it is a question of survival. Your help and advice is hugely appreciated.
  7. I am sorry for posting on someone elses thread, but I need help, I am reading conflicting info and need some help, pls see my thread http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/debt-collection-industry/182987-i-need-help-3.html
  8. Hi, I am sorry for posting on someone elses thread, but I am reading conflicting info and getting worried, pls see my thread http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/debt-collection-industry/182987-i-need-help-3.html
  9. I am sorry for posting on someone elses thread, but I am reading conflicting info and so cant get to sleep, pls see my thread http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/debt-collection-industry/182987-i-need-help-3.html
  10. I am sorry for posting on someone alses thread, but I am reading conflicting info and getting worried, pls see my thread. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/debt-collection-industry/182987-i-need-help-3.html
  11. I am sorry for posting on someone elses thread, but I am reading conflicting info and need help, pls see my thread http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/debt-collection-industry/182987-i-need-help-3.html
  12. I am very sorry for asking help on someone elses thread, but I need help as I am reading conflicting information, pls see my thread and help me http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/debt-collection-industry/182987-i-need-help-3.html
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