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Everything posted by themagician

  1. just searched patas site but cannot find any relevant info on legal definition of parking bay lines,any kinks would be gratefull.tia.
  2. ticket on screen on31/12/2016. did not post up "not parked correctly within the markings of the bay or space" was the infringement. .everything else looked like all other tickets posted up on the forum. waited for ntk on 02/02/2017. as per normal action. posted copy of ntk. today 22/02/2017 received final notice which was dated 17/02/2017. away at the mo so cannot do much else aprt from submit my defence to ukpc and when they refuse it a popla code. just need help setting out the defence , would it include seeing copy of the contract to take action in their own name from the land owner etc.cheers.
  3. thanks ericsbrother,so in a nutshell how would I set out my defence first to ukpc then when refused to popla.at present im in and out the country and any help would be really appreciated.
  4. Most of the parking bays are designated with white painted lines and as in the picture they have certain red lines and yellow lines painted on entering the car park.
  5. I waited to get my notice to keeper after I had already got the windscreen ticket. as this is usually the route to go down. does this alter anything. pics of carpark signs will post tomorrow.
  6. Redacted PCN attached Attachment of photo - rear view pdf file attached this was scanned on a professional copier ,hope its better now. Parking Ticket.pdf
  7. sorry ericsbrother was using a pc with no word doc on it so not a good start.will put it up asap, cheers mate.
  8. For tickets received through the post (Notice to Keeper) please answer the following questions. 1 Date of the infringement 31st December 2016 2 Date on the NTK 2nd February 2017 3 Date received 4th February 2017 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? yes 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes 6 Have you appealed? no Have you had a response? 7 Who is the parking company? UKPC For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. There are two official bodies, the BPA and the IAS. If you are unsure, please check here BPA
  9. pic shows vehicle well within the white lines on one side,but on the other side the white line is about 3 foot wide and 2 tyres are sitting about 1 foot inside from the out edge of the white line.
  10. is this still relevant or has it been removed. Parking company stripped of power to enforce tickets after photo fraud DVLA stamps on parking company that cheated Published 28 September 2015 By Dominic Tobin Share Article HUNDREDS OF car parks across Britain could descend into a free-for-all after the effective shutdown of one of Britain’s biggest parking companies. UK Parking Control (UKPC) has been stripped of its power to enforce parking tickets after being caught doctoring evidence against drivers. Click to read car REVIEWS or search NEW or USED cars for sale on driving.co.uk The company has been suspended from the list of operators that have access to the government’s central list of vehicle owners. The Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) took the action when it became the latest organisation to launch an investigation of the firm over allegations of fraudulently issued tickets. UKPC claims to operate more than 2,000 car parks across Britain for hospital trusts, supermarkets and housing associations. Earlier this month The Sunday Times revealed that wardens working for the company had falsified time-stamps to make it appear that drivers had overstayed in car parks. They then issued their vehicles with tickets. The ruse was exposed when victims set up a campaign group to highlight cases of fraud and the company confessed that wardens had exploited a loophole in its software to alter time-stamps. The National Fraud Intelligence Bureau is also looking into one case of doctored tickets involving UKPC. Motorists who receive a parking ticket from UKPC while the firm is banned from obtaining driver details cannot be traced by the company, even if the suspension is subsequently lifted, the DVLA said.
  11. just got notice to keeper from UKPC, ticket issued on 31/12/2016 ntc dated 02/02/2017. Not parked correctly within the markings of the bay or space. I parked in a bay with 2 wheels on the white line not outside but on it, this white line is approx 3 feet wide as its an end bay and the tyres were at least 1 foot away from the white line outside edge. i had to park like this as I could not let my passengers out of the vehicle because the vehicle next to me was very close to the white line so I had restricted access. Whats should be the next move against these muppets.
  12. sorry, this is the statement of the amount of cases won off the back of beavis v parking eye,. as I got a guy on another forum stating this is true.
  13. I appreciate that you'd like your opinion to take precedence over the law but I think it only fair that people have the correct information so as to make an informed decision. The Supreme Court is the highest court in the land but I'm sure you know best. The answer to your question us 371 cases have been thrown out on the basis of Beavis v parking eye, these are only cases where the appeal has been disallowed purely on the precedent. There are of course many more unquantifiable cases because appeals are down by over 70% with some law firms now refusing to act. C.A.g is this correct team!
  14. quote"I am required to pay £100 with in 14 days or they will take further action to recover the debt." Will or May ?.
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