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Everything posted by 1Loretta

  1. b) where no prior levy was in place 2009 - 2010 0 2010 - 2011 0 2011 - 2012 0 2012 - 2013 0 These figures are not correct, the 2 bailiffs who arrived at my house in July 2011 did not have a prior levy and they charged for a levy and a van fee of 130.00 on that day. I wonder if all the other figures provided by Mid Sussex Council are correct.
  2. The traffic division keep the register, you do have to spend all day phoning all over the place including the Minstry of Justice because they don't realise what they should be doing, you will also receive a different reply from everyone you phone. Once you manage to find someone who know what a bailiff register is, ask them to check it, phone again 5 minutes later and speak to someone else and you will be given a completely different answer. If you give them your email address and ask them to put the information in writing you will get contradicting information about whether or not a bailiff is on the register which is annoying as this information is so important. I am in the middle of writing a report on my experience trying to get at least 2 people to give me the same information at the moment I have 8 different versions none of them the same, you will be told private bailiffs are separate from the Court and there is no information held about them, Northampton County Court only know the names of the bailiffs who work for the Court, - good luck!
  3. Northampton County Court Traffic Department are now in charge of the Bailiff Register
  4. I hear that Rossendales have 2 vacancies for bailiffs in Sussex!
  5. Apparently bailiffs have to put the foot in the door to prevent it being closed and this one boasted about his certificate too and one was self employed collecting CT
  6. No I emailed in and phoned constantly, haven't worked out how to comment on Facebook
  7. I agree bailiffs should be suspended as soon as a complaint is received either by their company of the Council who use them. At the moment there is no incentive to look into these complains in a timely fashion and the companies and councils make it very hard to get a complaint dealt with by delaying, not answering and being obstructive hoping that you will get fed up with it and give up, If the bailiff was suspeneded maybe on full pay the complaint may be dealt with quickly. My case has now been going on for 18 months and despite winning my Appeal against my convictions MSDC, Rossendales and their solicitors are still writing to tell me they don't believe it!
  8. I think the ones on this programme are from a firm called The Sheriff's Office, a name thought up to mislead I presume
  9. The police just don't know how to join the dots do they? debt collecting - legal, threats of violence and damage - illegal, why did they give you a crime number if they thought it was civil? why don't they realise it has now changed to a crime?
  10. There is much more to come reporting all this from lots of different angles
  11. The Sun and the bailiff companies sound like a good pair then
  12. This article has been written to let us all know the wrong doings of bailiffs and it would be reasonable for The Sun to advise anyone with similar problems where to get good help and advice and to direct them to this forum. It is naive to think that it is anything to do with their advertisers, I am sure that there are people who do not like the behaviour of bailiffs to be disclosed JGJ for one!
  13. I have had my first post pulled which makes my second post not make sense, I then did a 3rd one mentioning CAG and that has gone as well, she really has some clout
  14. I have received so much help on here I hope one day I will be able to help someone with something I know about. I am sure some sort of service charity will know exactly how to deal with this and the other particular problems that ex service people have too. Good luck with this
  15. I worked for over 20 years as a social worker dealing mainly with homelessness and domestic violence, this always involved HB and I do know about it
  16. That is not correct, if the Landlord is being paid direct from the Council and the claimant is then no longer or found to be not entitled to that benefit the Landlord has to pay it back, this is why so many Landlords don't like tenants who are in receipt of Housing benefit. This man may not have been entitled to Housing Benefit in this particular flat because he was not living there and was claiming it somewhere else, even the Salvation Army have to be paid the the accomodation they provide and I expect when he went their hostel they helped him make a claim for that and he would have been paying them or the SA would have been being paid direct by that Council and someone should or would have dealt with cancelling one claim and starting a new one. The Council most definitely should be claiming any overpayment back from the Landlord not the claimant.
  17. They always send these 'snotty' arrogant sort of letters when they are in the wrong don't they?
  18. They just never know when to stop and put their hands up do they? Huntingdon Council keep digging! I watch with interest
  19. My WPC was very helpful on the day but about 48 hours afterwards had a severe memory loss and had to make another statement contradicting her first one. On the day of my hearing in the magistrates court she forgot to turn up, we waited 2 hours for her and when she arrived she couldn't remember anything again. At my appeal the Judge didn't bother to listen to what she had to say, Judges are so much wiser than magistrates. seanamarts knows about how all these things work and so do I now, hang on to your helpful PC before he gets forgetful, I hope it works for you and I am reading this with great interest.
  20. You think how much real misery they cause, and they are not even allowed to do it and it is getting worse
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