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Everything posted by rippedoff15

  1. Spoke to the company dcbl and they have confirmed the fee of £71.00 covers the court fee, also they attend 3 times to try to collect the funds and if unsuccessful we have to pay charge of £75.00. Looks like dcbl is the best option to try to resolve this issue and collect the outstanding wages.
  2. Just hope High Court enforcement officer can get the funds, reading court judgments they range from £5k and some £65k so we need to act quickly.
  3. Well hearing completed the employer didn't attend court, the judge ruled all 25 former employees granted judgement for outstanding wages and compensation will be heard at later date to give the employer timecto give there evidence. However the employer did send statement stating they accept the courts ruling but have no funds to make payments. We are now looking to instruct bailiffs to visit both there London office with a view to getting the outstanding amount as per the judgement. We have spoken to DCBL collections to try to collect finds and they have quote £71.00 to arrange to high court papers. Has to be worth a try just don't want to give up
  4. We have checked and they are still trading and this company actually makes and installs Cancer equipment in hospitals and private hospitals. As soon as we have the court papers from today we will go to high court enforcement and try to get the funds ASAP, i have spoken to the High court enforcement in Liverpool and they said they can visit once we have correct papers and completed N471 form.
  5. We hope its good news, hoping the court will issue judgement but wondering how to actually get our funds, do we have to go to court again if they ignore the judgement.
  6. Well today todays hearing at 10am the court confirmed the claimants all 25 can be heard a group as it relates to the same issue we all submitted in total over 4000 pages of evidence and the company didn`t even attend court today and was no show.
  7. Email from the Employment Court today, so reading the email the court are saying outstanding wages must be paid but no mention of compensation, so employer can stop paying staff wages so staff have to find new employment and staff do not get compensation this be classed as constructive dismal ? Dear Sir/Madam, This email has been blind copied to the claimants. Regional Employment Judge ****** has directed that we write to the claimants about the letter from the respondent asking for an extension of time, and the proposed response form in each claimants’ case which will become effective if time is extended by the Tribunal. These were sent to the claimants by the respondent on 30 November 2023. The Regional Employment Judge directs that any further objections to the application to extend time for the responses must be provided by 5 January 2024. The claimants should note that the Tribunal has no jurisdiction to make an award in respect of payments that should have been made to the pension scheme, because that is a matter for the Pensions Regulator, and claimants who are still in employment cannot claim notice pay. As for outstanding wages and holiday pay, will the claimants please confirm whether you accept the amounts which the respondent proposes to admit, and if you do not accept them please explain why that is and the amount you are claiming. Tribunals awards for arrears of pay/holiday pay are made in gross terms so that the employer can deduct tax and national insurance when the payment is made. Please reply by 5 January 2023.
  8. Email from the Employer today and ET3 form sent to the Employment Tribunal they are admitting they have not paid staff and listed wages outstanding. I write in response to the letter from the Employment Tribunal dated 14 November 2023, a copy of which is attached for convenience. In that letter, the Tribunal explained that: 1. the Claims would be heard together; 2. the files would be referred for consideration by a Judge once the Respondent had had the opportunity to submit a response to each of the Claims (the Responses); 3. a copy of the claim forms and the service papers in respect of the Claims would be copied to the Respondent; and 4. if the Respondent sought to oppose the claims, it should submit draft Responses accompanied by an application for an extension of time explaining why the Responses were not served within the time period originally given. Following this letter, the claim forms and service papers in respect of the Claims were sent to the Respondent on 14 November 2023 save for those for *********** and Mr ********* which were sent on 28 November 2023. In accordance with the instructions of the Tribunal, I attach to this letter draft Responses to the Claims. For the avoidance of doubt, there are 24 draft Responses, relating to the following claims:- Full list of Claimants The reason that Responses to the Claims were not served within the time period originally given is that the Respondent did not receive them, and only saw the claims when we received the Tribunal’s email of 14 November 2023. In the email of 14 November 2023, it was explained that proceedings were served at the Respondent’s registered office (*******************). The registered office is visited once per week but no post from the Tribunal has been found. The Respondent has been served with related proceedings by the London Central Tribunal but these were sent to the address at ( *************), and these were received safely and responses served in time. Accordingly, I would be grateful if the Tribunal could treat this letter as the Respondent’s application for an extension of time for presentation of the Responses to the Claims of 28 days from the date on which the Respondent received the majority of claim forms in respect of the Claims (i.e. 14 November 2023), in accordance with Rule 20(1) of the Employment Tribunals Rules of Procedure 2013 (the Tribunal Rules). This application is in accordance with the Overriding Objective for the following reasons: 1. Allowing the Respondent to submit the Responses will allow the Tribunal to determine the cases fairly and justly, with accurate information about the sums alleged to be owed and allowing the parties to be on an equal footing. 2. The failure to file the Responses in time was due to the Claims not having been received, for reasons beyond the Respondent’s control (and it has responded to all other related claims that it has received by the required deadline). 3. The Respondent would be prejudiced if it were unable to contest these claims, particularly in circumstances where some of the Claimants are claiming sums to which they are not entitled via a claim in the Employment Tribunal. 4. The Respondent has prepared draft Responses to 24 claims, as soon as reasonably practicable, to minimise further delay. 5. I do not anticipate that there would be any prejudice to the Claimants in the Tribunal granting an extension of time to the Respondent to file the Responses. The Respondent, on the other hand, would suffer significant prejudice if it were not allowed to present the Responses and to have the opportunity to contest some of the amounts claimed. I confirm that I have complied with Rule 30(2) of the Tribunal Rules and have copied this letter to the Claimants in the Claims, who should notify the Employment Tribunal of any objections within seven days of receipt of this letter.
  9. Well still no payment from the company, we have submitted claim to the Employment Tribunal along with 48 other claimants and the court have confirmed they are all the same so joined together and heard as group, the court have sent all the details to the company as well. We had text message from the company saying in simple terms, they will agree to making payments for outstanding wages only and will not agree to payments relating to pensions nor any compensation as they have been informed the Employment court is not enforceable. Hoping the employment court will acknowledge the claim / judgement.
  10. Well its October and 6 months and still have not paid the outstanding wages, we have completed the ACAS route and they have issued certificate, we have passed everything to the employment tribunal and they have sent letter of claim and given a date on 16th Jan 2024. The employer has sent letter only to staff still employed stating they are aware ex staff have sent claims to London & Manchester and requested all claim be heard at the same time ?????? They have said their is still no date when funds will be released, very frustrating they still are not send any information to staff if they have left the business. We have set information we have to send to the tribunal which we will complete as per the dates.
  11. Well never been stopped and had clean license for 35 years, lack of thinking going from 50mph to 40mph then 30 back to 40mph got flashed doing 40mph in the 30mph zone at 11.55pm. Just wondering about the process, i have read they issue large fines based on wages or speed awareness, my daughter got flashed and paid fine not understanding the process was paying fine meant they added 3 point. ( She thought she was paying for the speed awareness course ).
  12. I have submitted the Employment Tribunal which was very simple to complete, question regarding the court action do we send to the companies registered office as per companies house as they also have another office in London as well. we have sent email today and got delivery & read receipts coming they have been opened.
  13. We have given detailed list of outstanding money requesting payment and sent the email with delivery & read receipts. Personally don`t think they will pay and we will submit claim online Monday, spoken to ACAS this morning and they have said my daughter has good case of constructive dismissal and she should file this through to the Employment Tribunal using a solicitor so we now are looking into this as well, as we only have short window t file and been quoted 1 month less 1 day from ACAS . Currently due to this my daughter is now in debt for £6k and very stressed and upset.
  14. Question can we filing against the company & the CEO so if the company go bust the CCJ is still active against the CEO
  15. Well been stressful few weeks, we contacted ACAS and they accept the complaint and ACAS started action using the early consolation and ACAS confirmed they are speaking to the Employer but getting nowhere in fact every call was no staff to deal with this matter at this time. However last night ACAS ended the early consolation stating the employer has now refused to deal with this matter and they have issued a certificate and stated my daughter now has 1 month less 1 day to make a claim for constructive dismissal. With regard to outstanding wages which currently is £4,775.50 this has not been paid nor any information when it will be paid, the company have issued May & June pay slips again no payment. We have started to input using the MoneyClaim Online and looking at filing against the company & the CEO / director as well as person. Our Plan 1, Issued both the company & the CEO letter before action giving 14 days notice ( Just need to find draft copy ) 2, On day 15 if payment not made to my daughter submit the paperwork to the court via MoneyClaim Online - To both company & CEO / Director who are registered at the same address (Company House confirms the company is still active) 3, Once court papers submitted online issue both parties the particulars of claim ( Our Evidence May, June payslips & letter from company referring to non-payment of wages to all staff also letter stating all staff will receive one-week wage to cover any charge s incurred with no payments made to my daughter. Question - The company are based to London City, can we ask any hearing be held in our local County Court as cannot see on the paperwork where any hearing will be held. Any feedback will be much appreciated
  16. Never been an issue until December 2022 and since then late payment of wages and now no information nor any payment of outstanding wages. Totally agree the directors getting paid and not paying the staff.
  17. The company is Advanced Oncotherapy and employed there for 3 years and left on 9th June, and had no wages for 9 weeks. And no information when wages & outstanding holiday will be paid, staff still employed are in the same situation as well.
  18. We have been renting a property of over 10 years from private landlord who has over 40 properties in the local area, also we have had no issues and never missed any rent payments and looked after the property. In September 2022 the landlord informed us the rent was increasing and giving 4 weeks notice and all was fine. However the landlord again in January 2023 sent letter increasing our rent by 20% as of 1st February 2023 again we had no choice but to pay the increased amount. Yesterday we were told by another Tennent the landlord was making another rent increase and letters will be sent out to tenant's. Since September 2022 our rent has increased by 35% and at this rate will be unaffordable, my question is can landlord make multiple rent increase, we have been on the local social housing list for 12 years and they have been no help, as we rent we have no housing needs thus our banding is the lowest. Just seeing if the landlord is correct and can keep increasing or are there any rules regarding rent increases when renting from private landlord in England. Any feedback would be grateful
  19. Over the last few months my daughter's employer has been paying all staff late and her monthly wage late in fact 2 months behind and due to this happening and the stress, she has been forced to leave the company and started a new job which is way forward, her old employer has still not paid my wages and its been 9 weeks and the amount is over £4000.00 and they are now not giving any information when this will be paid. Over recent months due to have no wages she has had to live on my credit cards which are all at maximum and we have been supporting her paying her mortgage and bills which is now crippling every month. I need advice in how to resolve this major issue quickly and to bring closure
  20. I sill send an email to the HR department and copy in the director who is my line manager requesting the Occupational health referral.
  21. Unfortunately at this time I have good days and bad days, its been hard trying to adjust. I take around 120 tablets every week and feeling breathless at times, just standing after sitting down is hard as I feel dizziness so not driving at the moment,I was diagnosed following the heart attack with Left ventricular Failure so not an easy fix. Sorry to ask but how do you get occupational health referral
  22. Well my consultant and my GP confirmed its to soon to return to work due to my condition and on going treatment, my employer has sent a letter requesting a meeting on 6th January to discuss my personal performance ( Its heading Informal Performance Meeting ) but HR will be present to take notes. Within the letter she has listed some concerns such as Delivery loading errors, customer service errors, staff performance. I have been signed off until 7th Jan which is only a review date and after speaking to the hospital today they confirmed this will be extended, therefore is there any point attending the meeting when clearly i will not be returning any time soon. I was going to ask to change to part time hours but they have already stated this won`t suit the business. Any feedback will be greatful
  23. Upon my return they did no return to work and the phased return was based on home and office but the same hours, speak to my consultant yesterday and he has stated every person has many different recovery rates, medication changes also take many months to get the fine balance. I explained the job and hours including travelling and has said that must change going forward my GP is calling today and according to the consultant will issue sick note for month or on going this will help my life adjustments. Going forward i do think job change is on the cards but not at this time. I will send the sick note to the company and also request my holidays think its 21 days left but they have said all holidays must be taken by the end of December or they are lost but how can i take them if on the sick ?
  24. April 2021 i had heart attack complete shock never had any signs it just happened, i sent 9 days in hospital and since been diagnosed with heart failure. I have been in full time employment since March 2018 and always worked hard and never had any sickness. I had 3 months off work and my employer paid my wages and everything was fine, i started back doing the same hours split working from home and in the office and since September full time in the office, i do take lots of medication and have been struggling with the work load ( 60 hours week including travelling ) and made some mistakes as well. My director requested a meeting and pointed out that i was making errors and this was unaccepted, i explained due to the amount of medication 16 pills every day it makes me very tried thus struggling to cope at times, and her reply was well you had time off and should be able to complete my job. I did mentioned taking holidays as still have 21 days to take by the year end December and got the reply " Well you had time ofF paid " i explained this was not holiday it was sickness. F Last week i felt very unwell and reported in sick as my GP advised i can self cert for the first 7 days and really should be off work. However during the week the director has sent emails requesting another meeting to discuss sickness and performance as well. I feel that they come across as nice but now looking to end my employment on performance issues, not sure where i stand with regard to my job and don`t want to call as this will only increase my stress levels. Can they act in this way and do i have any rights to ask with change of role or reduced hours, but they will say no Any feedback will be helpful
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