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Everything posted by bulletpoint

  1. Me money's me own or that's dat's wat I tort Till I had a letter to say "your ass is bought" Now I dance to your tune till de time comes whenl I say to de bank "now do ye sums" you take my cash in de old ppi,and den you assure me i'm ok to die But me wife become ill and you give your rendition, we can't pay you out "tis pre existing condition"
  2. Oh thats it SAR subject access report!! You should get that as any action on the account whether is was a memo or a charge etc is shown in this.
  3. Well if you have any old statements they should show the charges, however, I think the bank are obliged to tell you what the charges were at the time they were applied. You can also request old statments but these do carry a charge. The cheapest way is to ask for a complete log of any actions on your account (sorry to much wine) I cannot remember the phrase,however, they should show any charges added to your account which will also indicate whether late charges, interest or default notice.
  4. Hello, I used to work for GE Capital when hey ran the Debs accounts, I left some tome ago so dont know exactly when they sold the Debs portfolio, But if I remember correctly, I think I was there until 2002. The default notice charge was 25.00 which then went up to 30.00 and the late payment charges were 15.00 and went to 20.00. Hope mthis helps somewhat. xx
  5. I would imagine so...but i'm no expert, the ppi was always sold directly from GE when I was there...but if the company is defunct I would think you would have a case
  6. I used to work for GE. There was a problem years ago with the selling of PPI, we were forever getting complaints in that the customer had never agreed to the ppi being added to the account. It turned out that if the customer asked for information re ppi...it was actually a contract which was sent to them..as most of these ended up unread the bin, the ppi was added to the account...in the end it cost them a fortune!! I don't know if this will help at all, just thought you may be interested.
  7. taking my sister age 59 to the optians with my daughter age 25 and making her try on glasses!! so funny!!
  8. I thnk I am in the minority here, but I have had Homeserve poicies for 5 years and EVERY time I have made a claim I have received excellent service, right the from the person in the call centre taking the call to the plummer...electrician etc coming out. However, I am quite alarmed to read all of these stories...I hope I don't have to use them again soon!!
  9. Is it just me? Why are you trying to get the debt written off? You have said you have kept the payments up to date and never had any charges other than the normal interst. A balance of 10k would indicate you have spent on the card and used it since opening so why should it be written off, just because you no longer want to pay it?
  10. I'm not too sure Vinegarvera, perhaps it would be best to send to the solicitor but also send a copy to the courts to keep them in the loop. You could also ring the court for their advice I think.
  11. As far as I am concerned, it is always best to make some sort of payments to the debts as the judge will take this into consideration. If the order goes ahead then yes you will make an agreement with the judge as far as I know. With regard to payment in full, if you are able to raise any funds, ALWAYS negotiate for a settlement figure. Start really low and then settle when you can. I hope this helps.
  12. I am by no means an expert, but as like a lot of people on here, I've got my problems. Once the debt goes to court and the court decides the outcome, the interest will stop. My OH had 1 debt go to court as it slipped through our DMP. The debt was for 20k and he pays 5.00 pm based on the court order. However, if they had let him put it on his DMP, they would have got about 50.00 per month. Just goes to show. The charging order we had, we didnt make any payments to it as they knew we were selling our house which is why they did it. My OH went to court all the way across to Manchester, but he neednt have bothered, the judge wasnt interested in anything he had to say, just got the order applied. You will get so much good advice on this site. I hope all goes well.
  13. Hi. It may not be too late to set up an agreement, but it would have to be quite a substantial amount. A charging order doesnt mean you will loose you house, simply that if and when you come to sell it, they have first dibs on any equity you may have. We had a 26k charging order on our property, we sold last year at a much reduced price, but as we had cashed in an endownment policy we were able to get this reduced to 16k which we paid before exchanging contracts. I dont know whether this will help, but may put your mind at rest regarding losing your house. xx
  14. Sorry got caught on the phone!! No the bank cannot say they are obilged to pay. This is your money and no one has the right to use your card details without your express authorisation. The company I work for do take card payments automatically for customers, but we always HAVE to ensure we have the authorisation noted and how many months we can take the payments for, at then end of this time we have to contact the customer to request authorisation to be extended etc. .
  15. Hi folks, As far as I know, you can claim the monies back via your bank by advising them that these withdrawals were never authorised by you. The DCA will then have to proove you gave them authourisation to do this. If you only gave permission to use your account details once, they are in deep water.Ask for a SAR which should show you all of the information they have ever put on your notes internally which should give you the information you need. Good luck!!
  16. sounds illegal to me. You can demand payment back by going to your bank, they will put the transaction into query. The company are not supposed to keep hold of your details unless they have your express permission. I don't know if this helps but I would also be very angry.
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